Book catalogue

The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

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Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Archaeology and Coastal Change Archaeology and Coastal Change Society of Antiquaries 0-500-99031-X archaeology coast
Archaeology of Boats and Ships [The] Greenhill, Basil Conway Maritime Press 0-85177-652-3 shell skeleton skin bark log sewn plank Mediterranean Viking clinker-built round-hulled flat-bottomed cog
Archaeology of Ships [The] Johnstone, Paul Bodley Head 0-370-01579-7 archaeology Viking Humber Mary Rose Mediterranean diving
Archaeology of the Boat Greenhill, Basil Adam & Charles Black 0-7136-1645-8 shell skeleton archaeology raft skin bark dugout clinker round-hull flat-bottom Viking
Architects Apprentice [The] Schwarzman, Gary Sheridan House 1-57409-008-9 boatbuilder design sailing plans plywood
Architects Story [The] Long, M J Long & Kentish 0-9543895-0-6 NMMC museum architecture Falmouth construction harbour dock
Architects Story [The] Long, M J Long and Kentish Architects 0-9543895-0-6 architecture National Maritime Museum history Falmouth Cornwall construction design
Architectura Navalis Mercatoria Chapman, Frederik Henrik af Hinstorff Rostock 0-229-97491-0 yacht shipbuilding lines deckplan frigate rigging sloop snow
Architecture Navale en 1947 [L’] Architecture Navale Le Chasse-Maree/Armen 2-914208-15-4 France yacht dinghy catamaran boatbuilding construction lines drawings fishing sloop whaler dragon dinghy cruiser Le Cadet J Class Enterprise Endeavour Rainbow
Architektura Okretow Urbanowicz, Witold J Wydawnictwo Morskie design liners
Archive Meteorological Office Meteorological Office meteorology
Arctic and Antarctic Bertram, Colin W Heffer & Sons Arctic Antarctic travel survival victualling
Arctic Cod [The] Cushing, D H Pergamon Press fishing trawling beam trawl history Norway surveys Atlantic catches records research
Arctic Convoy PQ8 Wadsworth, Michael Pen & Sword Maritime 978-1-84884-051-5 WW2 Russia weather Zamalek US U-boat torpedo Gnat Tirpitz Stalin Somali Norway Murmansk
Arctic Convoys 1941-1945 Woodman, Richard John Murray 0-7195-5079-3 navy convoy arctic WW2 destroyer escort minesweeper corvette
Arctic War Arctic War HMSO WW2 weather meteorology Tirpitz Scharnhorst sociology
Arctic Whalers [The] Lubbock, Basil Brown Son & Ferguson whaling Arctic fishing Greenland Spitzbergen Hull seal
Arctic Whalers Icy Seas Ross, W Gillies Irwin 0-7725-1524-7 whale Greenland
Arctic Whaling and Adventures Hyde, Michael Oxford University Press Muscovy Merchants Scoresby Truelove Arctic Tyson
Ardnamurchan to Cape Wrath Sailing Directions Part 3 Ardnamurchan Clyde Cruising Publications Ltd Clyde Solway Kinnairds Head Hebrides Orkney Shetland
Ardrossan Shipyards Struggle for Survival 1825-1983 Levy, Catriona Workers Educational Association 0-9509054-06 history shipyard shipbuilder harbour shipowner clipper barque repair trade WW1 Hudson Bay company WW2 dockyard Ardrossan
Argonauts of the Western Pacific Malin, Bronislawowski Routledge & Keegan Paul Kula community New Guinea Trobriand Islands canoe waga boatbuilding sailing
Argo-Reederei und Atlas Levante-Linie Thiel, Reinhold H M Hauschild 3-929902-14-1 German shipping
Argosy of Sail Hawkins, Clifford W Collins 0-00-216964-9 felucca dhow thoni junk canoe Maori scow Thames barge Baltic
Argyll shipwrecks Moir, Peter Moir Crawford 0-9513366-1-4 shipwreck diving
Aria la Storia il Recupero il Restauro di un 8m S I Aria Arie Aria 8 metre
Ark Before Noah [The] Finkel, Irving Hodder and Stoughton 978-1-444-75705-7 cuneiform tablet coracle Gilgamesh Atrahasis Babylonia map bible floods George Smith Utnapishti Sennacherib Assyria Nebuchadnezzar Judea
Ark Royal Beaver, Paul Patrick Stephens 0-85059-381-6 RN aircraft carrier
Ark Royal Ministry of Information HMSO WW2 carrier
Ark Royal Ministry of Information HMSO WW2 carrier shipbuilding
Ark Royal Poolman, Kenneth William Kimber navy WW2 carrier airarm Norway convoy Malta Mediterranean
Ark Royal Rossiter, Mike Bantam 978-0-552-15367-0 wreck Bismarck Valiant U-boats Trondheim Tovey Swordfish aircraft Somerville Skinner Scapa
Ark Royal Russell, Herbert John Lane the Bodley Head carrier navy airarm
Arklow Last Stronghold of Sail Rees, Jim Jim Rees & Liam Charlton ship-builders owners barque schooner brigantine barquentine
Arklow Maritime Museum Arklow paintings navigation equipment safety Lusitania shipwright tools sketches models photographs figurehead
Arklow Shipping Harvey, W J Bernard McCall 1-902953-15-0 company Arklow Bristol china Manchester canal grain
Arlington Court Arlington Court National Trust 1-84359-048-4 catalogue model bottle art
Armada Hart-Davis, Duff Bantam Press 0-593-01231-3 Armada Spain Netherlands navigation shipbuilding gunnery
Armada Rodriguez-Salgado, M J Penguin/NMM 0-14-010301-5 Catalogue Armada Spain Netherlands navigation shipbuilding gunnery
Armada [De] Mattingly, Garrett Riverside Press London Greenwich Paris Brussells Rome Plymouth Cadiz Portugal Azores Lisbon La Coruna
Armada [The] Walker, Bryce Time-Life 7054-0634-2 artifacts Ark Royal Calderon Chatham Cornwall Drake Elizabeth Fireships Frobisher galleas galleon galley Golden Lion Hawkins Howard Levia Medina Nuestra Senora del Rosario Parma Philip Plymouth Portugal Recalde Santa Cruz Victory
Armada 1588 Plowden, Alison English Heritage 1-85074-197-2 Elizabethan armada Spain castle Drake navy galleon fireship
Armchair Sailor [The] Fisher, Bob Waterline 1-85310-426-4 Newport Brightlingsea singlehander yachting sailing
Armed Merchant Cruisers 1878-1945 Osborne, Richard World Ship Society 0-9543310-8-7 WW1 WW2 Malta US merchant deckplan warloss shipwreck White Star
Armed Merchant Cruisers: Their Epic Story Poolman, Kenneth Leo Coper 0-436-37706-3 Admiralty aircraft Alcantara armament Asturias Barr Carnarvon Castle Cunard Harwood merchantmen RN Reserve STUFT U-boats
Armed Rovers [The] Nesbit, Roy Conyers Airlife 978-1-84884-895-5 Aircrews training squadrons Panzerarmee Egypt Tunisia Malta surrender Italy
Armed Yachts of Canada [The] McKee, Fraser Boston Mills Press 0-919822-55-X WW1 WW2 Royal Canadian Navy Eaton Ross Jarvis conversion U-boats training sale disposal
Armements Marseillais Bois, Paul Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Marseille 2-900732-01-8 France company flags funnels
Arming and Fitting of English Ships of War 1600-1815 Lavery, Brian Conway Maritime 0-85177-451-2 navy ordnance capstan pump gunnery steering pinnace barge
Armored Ships Marshall, Ian Conway Maritime 0-85177-558-6 art WW1 battleship Malta Borneo Crimea Hong Kong Devon

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