Book catalogue

The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

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Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Ancient and Modern Ships Part 1 Holmes, George C V HMSO sail construction Mediterranean Greece sections
Ancient Boats McGrail, Sean Shire Publications 0-85263-626-1 museum Kent Norway Wasa Suffolk Graveney excavation navigation pilotage
Ancient Boats and Ships McGrail, Sean Shire Books 0-7478-0645-4 ancient archaeology Europe raft Sweden
Ancient Boats in North-West Europe McGrail, Sean Longman 0-582-49267-X archaeology construction design log plank sail bask raft Viking navigation
Ancient Boats in North-West Europe McGrail, Sean Longman 0-582-31975-7 archaeology Viking
Ancient Greek Navy [The] Coates, John F Trireme Trust Greece Athens reconstruction steering oar museum trireme
Ancient Mariner [The] Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Jarold & Sons poetry mariner
Ancient Mariners Smith, C Fox Methuen Shelvocke Thames Mainwaring Lancaster East India Company tea clipper Nelson
Ancient Mariners [The] Casson, Lionel Princton University Press 0-691-01477-9 Mediterranean exploration pirates Roman Egypt Greece trireme
Ancient Mariners [The] Thubron, Colin Time-Life 7054-0640-7 Egypt archaeology art ceramics galley trireme battle coin
Ancient Order of Foresters Lifeboats [The] Fawcett, Ralph S lifeboats Foresters
Ancient Port of Whitby and its Shipping [The] Weatherill, Richard Horne and Son shipbuilders shipyards barque brigantine schooner sloop lugger smack lighthouses
Ancient Tahitian Canoes Jourdain, P Societe Des Oceanistes Paris Dossier Tahiti canoe Kamiloa Kon-Tiki Tahiti-Nui
Ancient Voyagers in Polynesia Sharp, Andrew Angus and Robertson archaeology navigation Cook Beechey canoe Fiji Hawaii Heyerdahl Tonga Tupaea Tahiti Suggs New Zealand Marquesas Islands Manihiki Mangareva
And So To Battle Jones, Basil B Jones WW2 navy destroyer Russia ordnance
Andrea Doria and Other Recent Liner Disasters Miller, William H Amberley 978-1-4456-6129-2 shipwrecks liners shipowners salvage rescue
Andrea Merzario: 150years Biagi, Enzo Andrea Merzario Spa Art shipping company Italy Egypt
Andrew and the Onions [The] Stranack, Ian The Island Press navy Bermuda dockyard floatdock
Andrew Weir Shipping Dovey, Mike TPO & Seapost Society 978-0-9569662-0-9 Bank Line United Baltic MacAndrews & Co British Mexican Petroleum Foreland Shipping Cunard Ellerman Curnow Shipping Compagnie Venture-Weir Inver Tankers Lago Shipping
Anfange der Motorschiffahrt im Rheingebiet [Die] Weber, Heinz Binnenschiffahrts verlag motor ship Rhine
Angbatarna pa Jamtlands Sjoar Modig, Evert Frank Stenvalls 91-7266-096-1 Sweden Hotagen Juvuln Nakten Naldsjon Revsundssjon Stroms Vattudal owners crew builders shipyards passengers design construction towing ferry lograft cargo register
Angbatarna pa Smalands Sjoar Gustafsson, Lars-Erik Frank Stenvalls 91-7266-028-7 Sweden Helgasjon Rappe-Asa Canal Bolmen Sommens Tjustbygdens lograft passenger ferry builders register
Angbatarna pa Storsjon Modigh, Gustaf Frank Stenvalls 91-7266-034-1 Sweden crew lograft register
Angbatarnas Adalen Hall, Bo G CEWE 91-7542-086-4 Sweden Stromkarlen people passengers crew paddle steamer ferry cargo register
Angels in Blue Jackets Wilkins J W Picton Publishing 0-948251-01-8 Messina Sicily disaster evacuation rescue Royal Navy Merchant Navy
Anglesey and its Coastal Tradition Smylie, Mike Cwasg Carreg Gwalch 0-86381-615-0 fishing history port lighthouse herring lifeboat whaling clinker built lobster copper mining fishweir RAF base trawling smuggling pirates footpaths rail line
Anglesey and Lleyn Shipwrecks Skidmore, Ian Christopher Davies 0-7154-0489-X shipwreck Wales Anglesey
Anglo American Steamship Rivalry in China 1862-1874 Liu, Kwang Ching History China cargo tables steam
Anglo Saxon/Shell Tankers Middlemiss, Norman L Shield Publications 1-871128-04-8 tanker oil company Shell
Anglo-American Naval Relations 1917-1919 Anglo-American Scolar Press 0-85967-863-6 RN navy US submarine Mediterranean barrage North Sea WW1
Anglo-American Naval Relations 1919-1933 Anglo-American Ashgate 978-1-4094-0093-6 Washington conference Geneva London alliance GB USA Admiralty
Anglo-American Travellers Diaries 1817 [An] Adamson, John Autobus Review Publications 0-907834-28-0 Atlantic passenger journal Liverpool packet Boston New York Adamson quaker
Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars 1652-1674 [The] Hainsworth, Roger Sutton 0-7509-1787-3 Netherlands Blake Rupert Monck navy Ruyter Tromp Witt
Anglo-Saxon Sailing Ships Gifford, Edwin Creekside Publishing Ottor longships squaresail Sae Wylfing Deben Woodbridge Southampton
ANL: Fleet Hstory ANL: Fleet History Nautical Association of Australia 978-0-9756896-4-6 ANL Australian National Line fleet history bulk carrier freighter passenger RoRo
Annals of an Ancient Cornish town – Redruth Michell, Frank Kerno Kenso O-907566-85-5 Street parish names public houses schools maps mines railway Basset Dunstanville
Annals of Lloyds Register Lloyds Lloyds history underwriters shipowners steamers Inquiry re-constitution committees iron ships rules anchors cables load line Steel ships tankers fuel refrigeration motorships staff WW1 post-war electricity yachts testing aircraft surveying chairmen
Annals of our Royal Yachts 1604-1953 Grigsby, J E Adlard Coles yacht Royal Stuarts Georges Victoria Edward VII George V Britannia
Annals of the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club Hacking, Norman Royal Vancouver Yacht Club yacht club Canada cruising racing
Annapolis Book of Seamanship [The] Rousmaniere, John Simon and Schuster 0-671-67447-1 seamanship textbook navigation instrument rigging weather
Anne Bonny the Infamous Female Pirate Tucker, Phillip Thomas Feral House 978-1-62731-045-1 piracy buccaneer
Anni della Fenice[Gli] il Gruppo Finmare e le compagnie Sovvenzionate dal 1945 al 1985 Ogliari, Francesco Cavallotti Editori Italy transport cargo tanker passenger Finmare
Annuaire de la Marine Marchande 1958 Annuaire de la Marine Comite Central des Armateurs de France France French list register shipowners
Annuaire de la Marine Marchande 1970 Annuaire de la Marine Comite Central des Armateurs de France France French list register shipowners
Annual Review June 1993 Trinity House Lighthouse Servi Trinity Trinity
Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners 2000 Admiralty Hydrographic Office UK chart tide safety rescue aircraft mine minelaying navigation shipwreck satellite cable
Another kind of courage Franks, Norman Patrick Stephens Limited 1-85260-441-7 Air Sea Rescue ASR walrus RAF WW2 World War Two
Ansons Voyage Ansons Voyage War Spain expedition Spanish settlements squadrons equipment South Seas Mexico Panama Chile Manilla Cape Horn China
Ansons Voyage Wilcox, L A G Bell 7135-1563-5 Anson circumnavigation Cape Horn treasure
Ansons Voyage Round The World Walter, Richard Martin Hopkinson Ltd Atlantic Africa Pacific Mexico slavery privateer China

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