Book catalogue

The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

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Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Artesania Latina Catalogue 2003 Artesania Latina Catalogue Artesania Latina catalogue model
Artful Roux [The]: Marine Painters of Marseille Smith, Philip Chadwick Foster Peabody Museum of Salem 0-87577-055-X art France Roux
Arthur Briscoe Marine Artist Hurst, Alex A Teredo Books 0-903662-01-9 marine water colours oils etchings drypoint biography model bowsprit rigging fishing oyster dredging
Arthur Ransome Wardale, Roger Great Northern Books 0-9535035-4-2 Swallows and Amazons
Articles of War Rodger, N A M Kenneth Mason 0-85937-275-8 Charles George Victoria Navy penalty punishment prison
Artist Who Loved Boats [The] Cross, Tom Halsgrove 978-1-84114-543-3 art Cornwall Helford Brixham Speedwell Loch Torridon Clyde Chance lugsail tunnyman Thurburn
Artists of the China Coast Gregory, Martyn Martyn Gregory catalogue guide China art East India Company junk
Arts Decoratifs a Bord des Paquebots Francais 1880-1960 Vian, Louis-Rene Editions Fonmare 2-950-7-263-0-5 liner section plan art sculpture mosaic tapestry furnishing Normandie France Lafayette Colombie Ile de France L’Atlantique
Arun Lifeboats an Illustrated History 1971-2009 Leach, Nicholas Kelsey Publishing 978-1-907426-21-6 Falmouth P58-9 Humber Cornwall Elizabeth Ann
Arung Samudera 95: Sail Indonesia & International Fleet Review Arung Samudera PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama 979-605-355-0 yacht racing square rig fore and aft
A-Sailing West West, Arthur Arthur West/Wordfactory autobiography Falmouth oyster Cornwall RNLI Toby West
Ashburner Schooners [The] Latham, Tim Ready Rhino 0-9516792-0-1 shipbuilding schooner Barrow Dee shipowner
Ashley Book of Knots Ashley, Clifford W Faber 0-571-09659-X rope splicing blackjacks buttons monkey’s fist lanyards turkshead deadeyes thimbles
Ashore and Afloat Ashore and Afloat S W Partridge Royal Navy Portsmouth Times weekly paper articles advertisements
Asiatic Steam Navigation Co Ltd 1878-1963 Laxon, W A World Ship Society company Asiatic steam
Aspects of British Marine Painting March-April 1963 Aspects of British Marine Painting Rutand Gallery Lion Princess Royal Three Sisters Men of War Mail Packet Algiers
Assault and Logistics Vol 2 Gibson, Charles Dana Ensign Press 0-9608996-3-4 Atlantic Gulf Texas Hatteras Carolina Pasquotank Chesapeake canal
Assault from the Sea 1939-45 Ladd, James D David & Charles 0-7153-6937-7 Germany Japan carrier survey amphibians salvage repair France USN Commandos rocketNormandy Iwo Jima
Assault Landing Craft Lavery, Brian Seaforth Publishing 978-1-84832-050-5 army WW2 LCA layout building creew tactics lines Harris Lebus dazzle
Astern Business Parker, George H World Ship Society 0-905617-80-0 shipbuilding WW2 World War Two nationalisation
Astillero de San Martin [El] Echegaray, Rafael Gonzalez Santander 84-300-1302-4 Spain list construction Sotileza Gijon Camprodon Santa Marina navy Svagen WW1 submarine
Astilleros de Sevilla INI Astilleros shipyard shipbuilder Empresa Nacional Elcano port equipment
Astragalus of Tin [The] James, Henry Edward Stanford Cornwall Falmouth tin dredging
Astro Navigation Handbook Bartlett, Tim RYA 978-1-906435-09-7 sextant celestial sphere noon sight morning afternoon sun sights planets stars Polaris Moon tables time
Astro Navigation Made Easy Meyrier, Francois Adlard Coles Nautical 0-7163-62220 astro navigation sextant spherical coordinates trigonometry meridian calculation formats sta positions
Astro-navigation by Calculator Levison, Henry David & Charles 0-7153-8553-4 navigation astro
Astronomical Diagrams Astronomical Diagrams James Reynolds and Sons Solar system sun eclipse planet earth rotation atmosphere moon comet seasons meteorology latitude longitude
At Close Quarters: PT Boats in the United States Navy Bulkley, Robert J Naval History Division, Washington PT boats Pearl Harbour Philippines Solomons Campaign New Guinea Aleutians South West Pacific D-Dayt
At Home in Deep Waters Fraser, Bruce Newnes radio rigging admiralty anchor astro buoyancy compass engine
At One with the Sea James, Naomi Hutchinson/Stanley Paul 0-09-136860-X yacht cruising solo Cape Horn Atlantic seamanship
At Scotlands Edge Allardyce, Keith William Collins 0-00-435660-8 lights buoys beacons Southerness May Cumbrae Clyde Dempster Fraserburgh Sanday Orkney Kintyre
At Sea and Onshore Cove, Mary Ballinger Press 978-1-5272-9099-0 British Isles shipbuilding history Royal Navy fishing ports
At Sea on Land James, Naomi Hutchinson/Stanley Paul 0-09-144630-9 yacht racing solo
At Sea With Joseph Conrad Sutherland, J G Grant Richards Ltd North Sea voyage Ready WW1 U-boat RNR Scotland Granton Bridlinton trawler airship brigantine
At the Mercy of the Sea Clayton, Lisa Orion 0-75280-208-9 yacht solo cruising circumnavigation log women
At the Port of Bristol Vol 1: Members and Problems 1848-1899 Neale, W G Port of Bristol Authority port Bristol
At the Port of Bristol Vol 2: The Turn of the Tide: 1900-1914 Neale, W G Port of Bristol Authority port Bristol
At the Sign of the Flying Angel Gollock, G A Longmans Green Mission to Seamen London Rotterdam India Australia South America
At the Tiller Rutherford, Iain W Blackie sailing Cowes Ireland Scotland Oslo navy weather IoW
At the Wheel Ashore and Afloat Grahame-White, Montague G T Foulis yacht biography motor cruiser
At War with the Smugglers Arnold-Forster, D Ward, Lock smuggling custom cutter law Isle of Wight French Revolution
Athel Line Solly, Ray History Press 978-0-7524-4827-5 company Athel list lines deckplan WW2 Anco shipowner Sugar
Athenian Trireme [The] Morrison, J S Cambridge University Press 0-521-31100-4 trireme Greece navigation navy construction archaeology
Atherstone: Instructions for the Running and Maintenance of Hitachi B and W Marine Diesel Engines Atherstone Instructions Hitachi engineering diesel maintenance manual Atherstone Burmeister and Wain Hitachi
Atlantic [The] Butel, Paul Routledge 0-415-10690-7 slaves Cuba exploration seafaring railway passengers Irish Viking Iberia Dutch Liverpool
Atlantic [The] Rogers, Stanley George G Harrap Atlantic Colombus history packet weather pirate mutiny
Atlantic Adventurer Grant, Alison Grant 0-9527885-0-0 Atlantic biography exploration Barnstaple
Atlantic Adventurers Barton, Humphrey Adlard Coles Atlantic crossing small craft
Atlantic Battle Knox, Collie Methuen & Co convoy submarine U-boat
Atlantic Battle Won 1943-1945 [The] Vol 10 Morison, Samuel Eliot Little, Brown and Co Tenth Fleet antisubmarine aircraft destroyer escort submarine U-boats transatlantic convoy Ushant Finisterre Azores Caribbean Arctic snorkels Churchill Doenitz Ingersoll Isbell King Luftwaffe RAF

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