This database contains a list of designs which have appeared in major yachting magazines. If you would like more information about any of these, then email us at

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Name Designer LOA/Class Boat type Magazine Date
Norge Camper & Nicholson 263 ft LOA – ex Philante Yacht, motor Yachting World 1948/06
Norican Linge, J H 26 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1947/10
Norland Needell, Antony 18 ft Motor Light Craft 1963/10
Norlanda Camper & Nicholson 174 tons – ex- Candida Yacht, yawl Yachting World 1938/06
Norlethe Parker, F R & Partners 42 ft LOA – see also YM 1954/02 p 93 Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1953/12
Norlin 34 Norlin, Peter 33 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1973/05
Norlin 37 Norlin, Peter 36 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1973/09
Norman Sibblick, Charles 36 ft – 5 Rater Yacht Classic Boat 1990/12
Norman 23 Norman Cruisers Ltd 23 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1972/09
Norman 24 Norman 24 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1982/06
Norman Conquest Ladyline 20 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1973/10
Normand 26 Anderson, Ian 25 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1967/11
Nors Clyde 20 – 26 ft LOA Motor Practical Boat Owner 1969/01
Norsaga Rossiter, H T 22 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1952/10
Norseman Watson, G L & Co 30 ft Yacht, yawl Yachting Monthly 1923/04
Norseman Townsend, W 126 ft Yacht, sloop Motorboat and Yachting 1922/07
Norseman 38 G L Watson & Co. 38 ft LOA Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1970/03
Norske 35 Perryman, John 35 ft LOA Yacht, cutter Classic Boat 2004/10
Norske 35 Perryman, John 35 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 1978/05
Norsue Parker, F R 27 ft LOA – Hamble O D class Yacht, sloop The Yachtsman 1965/05
Norsue V Parker, Frederick R 30 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 1967/01
North Beach 24 Cobelens, Frans 28 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 2007/10
North Beach 24 Cobelens, Frans 24 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 2001/08
North Beach 24 Cobelens, Frans 29 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Sailing Today 2004/11
North Beach 24 Cobelens, Frans 29 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 2007/11
North Channel 29 Brown, W P 28 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1973/06
North Island 53 Elliot, Greg 53 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1999/01
North Quay 19 North Quay Marine 19 ft LOD Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 2005/01
North Quay 30 Spears, Ted 30 ft LOA C B – see also WC 2002/07 p 16, CB 20 Yacht, cutter Watercraft 2002/03
North Sea Skiff Court, Bill 16 ft LOA Dinghy, sailing Practical Boat Owner 1981/05
North Star Fife, William 23 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1916/06
North Star Mudie, Colin 24 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1963/02
North Wind 43 Sparkman & Stephens 43 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1999/01
Northeast 400 Paine, Chuck 42 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1998/12
Northeast 37+ Ellis, Mark 38 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1992/06
Northele Berthon Boat Co Ltd 50 ft LOA – see also YW 1950/03 p 129 Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1950/03
Northern Crown Nielson, K Aage 35 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Wooden Boat 1992/01
Northern Crown Nielson, K Aage 35 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Wooden Boat 1992/01
Northfleet Kingsley, Charles 50 ft – converted MFV Yacht Motorboat and Yachting 1950/05
Northfleet Kingsley, Charles 50 ft LOA Conversion MFV Yacht, ketch Yachts and Yachting 1950/07
Northney 34 Holman, C R 33 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1969/08
Northney 34 Holman 34 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 1967/01
Northwind 36 Dixon, Bill 35 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1985/06
Northwind 405 Primrose, Angus 40 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1996/10
North-Wind 47 Penna, Marcelo 47 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1987/07
Northwind 50 Penna, Marcelo 50 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1997/01
Norvall Nofolk Norvall 12 ft LOA Dinghy, sailing Light Craft 1966/06
Norvall Novice class Norvall’s ( Small Craft) Ltd 8 ft Dinghy, sailing Yachts and Yachting 1963/03
Norwalk Islands Sharpie Kirby, Bruce 31 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Wooden Boat 1993/09
Norwalk Islands Sharpie Kirby, Bruce 31 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Wooden Boat 1993/09

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