This database contains a list of designs which have appeared in major yachting magazines. If you would like more information about any of these, then email us at
Name | Designer | LOA/Class | Boat type | Magazine | Date |
Nomad II | McBryde, W G | 51 ft | Yacht, motor | Yachting World | 1934/05 |
Nomad II | McBryde, W G | 51 ft | Yacht, motor | Yachting World | 1934/05 |
Nomad II | Letcher | 52 ft | Yacht, ketch | Motorboat and Yachting | 1926/10 |
Nomad IV | Finot Conq Architectes | 100 ft | Yacht, sloop | Yachting World | 2014/08 |
Noneta | White, J Samuel & Co | 62 ft LOA – see also YM 1935/08 p 303 | Yacht, motor | Yachting World | 1935/08 |
Noneta | J Samuel White & Co | 62 ft LOA | Yacht, motor | Motorboat and Yachting | 1935/08 |
Nonie | Jas. A Silver | 51 ft | Yacht, motor | Yachting World | 1937/12 |
Nonsuch | Warrington Smyth, R | 36 ft LOK – replica – see also YW 1969/01 p 12 | Warship | Yachting World | 1968/08 |
Nonsuch 26 | Ellis, Mark | 26 ft LOA – cat rig | Yacht | Yachting Monthly | 1988/03 |
Nonsuch 26 | Ellis, Mark | 26 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting World | 1989/05 |
Nonsuch 30 | Ellis, Mark | 30 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting Monthly | 1986/12 |
Nonsuch 30 | Ellis, Mark | 30 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting World | 1987/05 |
Nonsuch 30 | Ellis, Mark | 30 ft LOA | Yacht | Practical Boat Owner | 1987/03 |
Noom | Crafer, J H | 18 ft LOA | Dinghy, sailing | Yachting Monthly | 1954/01 |
Noontide | Griffiths, Maurice | 32 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Practical Boat Owner | 1983/12 |
Noorsche Jol | van Hoevell, G W W C | 22 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachts and Yachting | 1950/03 |
Nora, Sarum 28 | Tucker, Robert | 28 ft LOA 1970 | Yacht, sloop | Sailing Today | 2006/04 |
Norah | 40 ft – River Severn trow | Barge | The Boatman | 1995/06 | |
Noray 38 | Visiers, Javier | 38 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting World | 1979/07 |
Nord West 420 | 44 ft LOA | Motor | Motorboat and Yachting | 2006/11 | |
Nordene | Kearney, John B | 51 ft LOA | Yacht, ketch | Yachts and Yachting | 1951/04 |
Norderey | Watson, G L & Co Ltd | 40 ft LOA | Yacht, ketch | Yachting World | 1952/10 |
Nordfarer | Dell Quay | 33 ft LOA | Yacht, ketch | Motorboat and Yachting | 1970/09 |
Nordhavn 43 | Leishman, Jeff | 43 ft LOA | Motor | Motorboat and Yachting | 2007/06 |
Nordic Familyboat | Kjaerulff & Elvstrom | Yacht, sloop | Yachts and Yachting | 1976/04 | |
Nordic Folkboat | Sunden, Tord | 25 ft LOA – see also CB 2003/12 p 77, CB 2006/06 | Yacht, sloop | Classic Boat | 2003/12 |
Nordic Folkboat | Tord Sunden | 25 ft | Bermudan sloop | Classic Sailor | 2017/04 |
Nordic Folkboat | Tord Sunden | 25 ft | Bermudan sloop | Classic Boat | 2018/08 |
Nordic Folkboat | Sunden, Tord | 25 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Practical Boat Owner | 1984/12 |
Nordiska Folkbaten | 25 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting World | 1958/03 | |
Nordoeste | Smith, James A | 42 ft LOA | Yacht, motor | Yachting Monthly | 1908/08 |
Nordsee-Sedan | 32 ft LOA | Motor | Yachts and Yachting | 1968/01 | |
Nordship 35 DS | Buchwald, Lars | 35 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting Monthly | 2001/09 |
Nordship 38DSC | Buchwald, Lars | 38 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Practical Boat Owner | 2002/11 |
Nordship 43DS | Buchwald & Borghen | 43 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting Monthly | 2003/09 |
Nordship 40DS | Buckwald/Borghegn | 40 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting Monthly | 2007/03 |
Nordship 430DS | Buchwald, Lars | 44 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting World | 2013/05 |
Nordship 430DS | Buchwald, Lars | 44 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Yachting Monthly | 2012/12 |
Noreen | Anker, Johan | 63 ft LOA – ex Tatjana – see also YM 1941/01 p 1 | Yacht, sloop | Yachting World | 1942/10 |
Norfolk 43 | Roberts, Bruce | 43 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Practical Boat Owner | 1993/04 |
Norfolk Coaster | Pratt, Vic | 15 ft | Motor | The Boatman | 1996/06 |
Norfolk Dinghy | Woods, Herbert | 14 ft LOA | Dinghy, sailing | Practical Boat Owner | 2012/05 |
Norfolk Explorer | Thompson, Neil | 17 ft | Dinghy, sailing | Classic Boat | 2015/02 |
Norfolk Gypsy | Wolstenholme, A | 20 ft – see also Bmn 1995/07 p 35, CB 1998/05 p 3 | Yacht, sloop | Yachting Monthly | 1992/07 |
Norfolk Gypsy | Wolstenholme, Andrew | 24 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Practical Boat Owner | 1990/08 |
Norfolk Gypsy | Wolstenholme, Andrew | 20 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Sailing Today | 1998/02 |
Norfolk Gypsy | Wolstenholme, Andrew | 20 ft LOA | Yacht, sloop | Classic Boat | 2011/05 |
Norfolk Punt | 16 to 22 ft – sailing version | Punt | Classic Boat | 2002/04 | |
Norfolk Punt | Morrison/Jones | 6.756 m LOA 1926-1996 | Dinghy, sailing | Yachts and Yachting | 1997/11 |
Norfolk Smuggler | Wolstenholme, Andrew | 7.69 m LOA | Yacht, sloop | Practical Boat Owner | 1999/08 |