The National Maritime Museum Cornwall holds an archive of plans by the well-known designer, Alan Buchanan which may be accessed on request. A summary of these is below. The list is work-in-progress as many of the plans are fragile or damaged and cataloguing is still under way.

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Buchanan plans search

ID Name Vessel Description Design Design Year
0340.1106 39ft Goulette 39ft wooden Goulette Du Cotentin Spec 854 03/02/92 Roll found very badly damaged unrolled and 26 sheets recovered name NIERE MAQUE appears. D2295
0340.1307 39ft Ocean Racer 39ft wooden strip planked Ocean Racer Prov Outline Spec 800 13/12/72 for J J L Holland Martin D2046 1972
0340.1310 39ft Steel Ocean Cruising Ketch 39ft Steel Ocean Cruising Ketch Spec 806 21/11/73 for D H Dobbs Steelwork, D2081
0340.0058 39ft Tug Commercial 39ft Diesel Tug Spec 23 28/12/50 for Brown & Son Ltd Timber Merchants Chelmsford. 20/11/50 tbc D0175 1950
0340.0100 4 ton C/B Sloop 4 ton C/B Sloop 09/09/52 tbc D0220 1952
0340.0229 4 ton Gaff 4 ton Gaff D0351
0340.0082 4 ton Sloop SPINAWAY Special 4 ton CB Sloop Spec No 37 09/04/52 for A L Price SPINAWAY? Note lines used for D0221 as well D0202a 1951
0340.0005 4 ton WIND ELF Class Wind Elf, Elfeen, Hightime, 4 ton Aux Cruiser WIND ELF original 1947 design D0111a 1947
0340.0049 4 Tonner 4 tonner 18/22 14/06/50 Provisional Spec 27 21/06/50 for Dr J C V Hindhaugh D0166
0340.1618 40 ft Steel General Cargo Launch. 40ft Steel General Purpose Cargo Launch dated 23/9/60 D1399
0340.0922 40ft 12 ton Admiralty Training yacht Spec D1048
0340.0251 40ft FV Commercial 40ft Fishing Boat D0373
0340.0275 40ft Motor Cruiser 40ft Motor Cruiser D0397
0340.0936 40ft Motor Sailer D1063
0340.0962 40ft Passenger Motor Tender D1089
0340.0276 40ft Trawler Commercial 40ft Trawler D0398
0340.0202 41ft 3in Deep water cruiser Colin Archer Type Growler tbc 41ft 3in 24 ton TM deep water cruiser Colin Archer type Spec 107 No date, Spec 771 See YM 1960/09 note lead keel in this version 1954 3 sheets racked + 1 PL28. 23/6/22 remaing drawings marked up and entered into database. Minor repairs carried out on shts 11 & 13. D0324a
0340.0231 41ft 9in Deep water Cruiser 41ft 9in 18 ton deep water cruiser Spec 110 for Mr S Thomas see also D1070 for engine installation. D0353
0340.0068 41ft Aux Cutter Conversion Karin III 41ft KARIN III 30 ton Scandinavian Aux Cutter Spec 27 15/09/51 Conversion . Note KARIN III ON 149336 owner Mrs P M Buchanan 41ft Aux Cutter LYR 1953. D0187
0340.1116 41ft Ocean racer 41ft Aluminium Ocean Racer Spec 536 14/02/61 and ,Prelim Spec 539 for J M Laing Not built D1441
0340.0044 42ft Ocean racer 42ft Ocean Racer tbc D0161
0340.0963 42ft Pasenger Motor Tender D1090
0340.1111 42ft Steel Cockle dredger 42ft Steel Chine Fishing Vessel for cockle suction dredging. Spec 828 01/05/78 for Johnson Sons & Jago D2167 1978
0340.1104 42ft Steel Launch Commercial 42ft Steel Passenger Launch Spec 857 06/04/94 for Dunlewey, Eire penultimate entry. D2312
0340.1320 43ft GRP Cruising Ketch Sechoma 43ft GRP with stringers Cruising Ketch Spec 830 No date for Allen , Australia. Possibly SECHOMA ? D2168b
0340.1115 43ft Steel Launch Commercial 43ft Steel passenger/cargo Launch Preliminary Spec 840 21/07/83 for Johnson Sons & Jago D2236
0340.1552 44ft 7in 2 ton cup GRP and alloy for J Grubic 31/1/74 D2086b 1974
0340.1313 44ft Cruising Ketch Ferro Cement Walkabout 44 ft Ferro cement Transom Sterned Cruising Ketch Spec 817 14/04/75 for M Saunders Referred to as WALKABOUT 11 on plans D2104
0340.0254 45ft 9in Aux Ketch Adamina 45ft 9in 19 ton Aux Ketch Adamina Prov Spec 83 D0376
0340.0253 45ft MFV Commercial 45 ft MFV D0375
0340.0077 45ft Motor Cruiser Conversion 45ft Motor Cruiser 12/12/51 Pinnace MINOTAUR. Ex RN Built 1914 Not found D0197
0340.0110 45ft Motor Yacht Monaleen 45ft LOA 20 tonTM Motor Yacht Spec 54 13/12/52 for Sabberton Bros of Wroxham found NYC D0230a
0340.1656 45ft Steel Motor Yacht G A Acc 25/11/61 D1443 1961
0340.1113 46ft Fast Cruising Cutter 46ft Steel Fast Cruising Cutter Spec 778 for R E Jennings, D1866a 1970
0340.0160 47ft Pinnace conversion Rosamund 47ft Pinnace Conversion Spec No 84 Conversion of 47ft pinnace ROSAMUND 11 sheets. D0283
0340.0264 48ft MFV Commercial 48ft MFV Spec 82 North Sea Carriers D0386
0340.0270 48ft MFV Commercial 48ft wooden MFV D0392
0340.1305 48ft Motor Yacht 48ft wooden Twin Screw Motor Yacht Spec 801 09/03/73 for J L Tremolieres D2026a
0340.0207 5 1/2 ton Cruising Yawl 5 1/2 ton hard chine cruising yawl Spec 76 for Mr Gurney Builder Staheli 8 Sheets including alternative Bermudan sail Plan and Lead keel. D0329a 1954
0340.0298 5 1/2 ton Sloop 5 1/2 ton Sloop D0420
0340.0331 5 1/2 ton Sloop 5 1/2 ton Sloop QUANTUM Sail plan D0453
0340.0308 5 1/2 tonner accommodation Special Accommodation 5 1/2 tonner D0430
0340.0097 5 Metre NORMA Norma 5 metre yacht NORMA 20/08/52 Spec No 50 No date for J Starke Conversion and construction of new Cabin Top and Dog House. On AB In cupboard list D0217
0340.0459 5 ton Fast Cruiser 1 Sheet G A p on tp for Carl Latham dated June 1953 D0580 1953
0340.0127 5 ton Fast Cruiser 5 ton Fast Cruiser Sheet 2 sail plan dated 13.04.53 D0247 1953
0340.0262 5 ton Gaff 5 ton Gaff D0384
0340.1253 50ft Aux ketch spec 720 25/03/66 for Dott A Combe prpoosal tbc D1756
0340.0964 50ft Passenger & Cargo Launch D1091
0340.0311 50ft Passenger launch 50ft wood passenger launch D0433
0340.0752 51ft Ketch Cara Mia 51ft Ketch for Mr Mossler built as CARA MIA by Cantieri Sangamani 1/1959 1 sheet to add to racked roll D0878

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