The National Maritime Museum Cornwall holds an archive of plans by the well-known designer, Alan Buchanan which may be accessed on request. A summary of these is below. The list is work-in-progress as many of the plans are fragile or damaged and cataloguing is still under way.

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ID Name Vessel Description Design Design Year
0340.1374 VIKING Special Freydis Special VIKING for P.E.M.Holmes Spec 625 believed to be FREYDIS 304869 Sail 2115 built by W Wyatt 3/64 (LYR 70 D1576b 1964
0340.1162 VIKING basic Vandevoe Mooswana, 30ft 9 ton wooden VIKING Special Shallow draft Spec 505 for AVM Marston built as VANDEVOE. Spec 517 for J E Kayll built as MOOSWANA ON 187271 by Swinburn in 1961 LYR 63. , Brief Spec 562 29/06/61, Spec 569 05/09/61 for D P Brown ( Drwg inc lines const and acc all t same No Cat ) D1405a 1960
0340.0684 VIKING Class Briar Rose, Clymene, Vandevoe, Eileen Elizabeth , Kudoso, 30ft 8 1/2 ton wooden Shallow Draft Fast Cruiser. Mr Armstrong ( NB: Drawing List refers to 9 ton Shallow Draft Cruiser (VKG.Class) H.G.Davis AT) Brief Spec 466, Spec 472 , Spec 475 30.5 ft 9 ton Spec 361 for R S Hood. Built as CLYMENE Spec 475 for H G Davis, built as BRIAR ROSE. Spec 503 for A V M J Marson buil;t as VANDEVOE. Spec 506 + D1406 for B Pattenden built as EILEEN ELIZABETH III Conyer 1961: KUDOSO 300395 Built by Sutton E W 1958 to Spec 225 for Armstrong G 2 early photos of KUDOSO Race No 1070 received with archive. D0809
0340.1424 VIKING Class dinghy 16ft 4in. VIKING CLASS 3/4 deck sailing dinghy – 4 sheets prints D0128a
0340.1241 VIKING MK III Summer Prelude 30ft VIKING Spec 699 03/02/65 for B Morris believed to be SUMMER PRELUDE built by Johnson & Jago 9 65 CF SN 2225 LYR 70 D1699a 1965
0340.1531 VIKING mods VIKING 9 tonner Deck plan and Profile 15/07/64 D1664 1964
0340.1173 VIKING Sp White Leveret + Rakel Shuttlewood 1964 tbc 30ft VIKING 9 ton Fast Cruiser Spec 546 19/04/61 for L Gibb , built as WHITE LEVERET 303254 Spec 638 for C W R Corfield, built as RAKEL 305211 by Perry 1964 Spec 655 for J W Shuttlewood & Son Ltd. Spec 664 Built by J W Shuttlewood & Son Ltd possibly MERLE ROSE D1461b
0340.1378 VIKING sp Shantan, Shuna 25ft Lwl VIKING for A D Delderfield Spec 648 believed to be SHANTAN ON 306778 Built by Wyatt 9/64. Also spec 694 for Mac Andrew as SHUNA ON 306321 by Johnson & Jago D1596b
0340.1157 VIKING Special Eileen Elizabeth III 30ft VIKING 9 ton Shallow draft Cruiser Spec 507 17/10/60 for B Pattenden Spec 518 19/11/60 for B Pattenden Spec 526 09/12/60 (Mod VIKING Class) for B Pattenden EILEEN ELIZABETH III 303160 Built by Conyer 1961 for B Pattenden LYR 1963 6 sheets not cat ? D1406 1960
0340.1087 VIKING Special Scorpion of Wyke 9 ton Aux Mast head Sloop 31ft SCORPION OF WYKE from Reprint list . Spec 661 25/11/63 for M Zerney ON 305781 built by Sutton & Wiggins 1965 (LYR) D1613a 1963
0340.1222 VIKING Special Lady Camelot 30ft VIKING Spec 664 20/01/64 for L J Multon built as LADY CAMELOT ON 304950 by Shuttlewood Paglesham 1964 Sail No 632 , Spec 694 29/10/64 for A Mc Andrew Believed built as SHUNA by Johson & Jago 1965 1 sheet Cat pl28 02/12 add to racked roll GH D1635a 1964
0340.1372 VIKING Special Bronwen 30ft 6in VIKING Special Spec 622 for G.M.Forty built as BRONWEN 305803 by W Wyatt 7/63 (LYR 70) D1569b 1963
0340.1360 Viking Special Special VIKING for Mr. Clements D1535b
0340.0930 Wantage II Wantage II D1057
0340.1384 WAVERIDER Mk lll for Easticks Yacht Station, Acle Broads boats for hire. D1647
0340.0819 West Kirby O/D 2 sheets Cat rkd 18 ft West Kirby OD Brief Construction and Sail plan D0945
0340.1421 WEST WIGHT SCOW 11ft.3in. WEST WIGHT SCOW clinker sailing dinghy – 1 sheet, damaged edges but quite legible. Plus folded print in good condition f D1319
0340.0701 WIND ELF Special 25ft WIND ELF Special for W Hasler Sail plan D0826
0340.0687 WIND ELF Special 25ft WIND ELF Special D0812
0340.0227 Wind Elf Special Special WINDELF Mr Grant Clayton D0349
0340.0666 WOODWIND Canoe Sterned Bermudian Sloop Woodwind D0791
0340.0688 Y M 3 tonner 3 tonner Dr Wand Sail Plan 3 ton fast Cruiser D0813b
0340.0015 Y M 3 tonner Special Y M 3 tonner 23/01/41 tbc Dwg date 23/01/49 (Possibly BURONG Spec 4) D0125 1949
0340.0028 Y M 3 tonner Special 19/16ft Sloop Special. YM 3 ton Aux Cruiser WILD DUCK .Hard chine construction prints only Plans for YM are all shown as D145 in Eventide O A pdfs. The sheet details taken from the pdfs are recorded as D0145 in this Sub Fond AB notes reflect confusion with D145 28ft MC . D0144b 1948
0340.0626 Yawl Yawl Cdr Williams D0751
0340.0449 YEOMAN YEOMAN Mk I 8 ton sail plan D0570
0340.0899 YEOMAN II Special YEOMAN II Special 1 sheet G A Accommodation Cat D1025 1958
0340.0528 YEOMAN JUNIOR Powder Monkey, Teloa (USA,) Vanity Fair , 30ft 6 tonner Spec 165 for SD Garrett 23/03/56, Spec 182 for Cdr Morrison 14/07/56 buillt as POWDER MONKEY ,Spec 257 for B Turner built as TELOA & D0690 No date Spec 269 18/12/57 Spec 257 D 690 & 653. Spec 414 for J C Prieto Vanity Fair D0653 1956
0340.0838 YEOMAN JUNIOR Special 6 1/2 tonner accommodation J R Harris Built as WAH KONG II ON 187836 by W King 1958/6 Lloyds Survey 100A1 to D0690 D0964
0340.0665 YEOMAN JUNIOR Special Cdr Morison Accommodation 6 1/2 ton Fast Cruiser 1957. D0790
0340.0565 YEOMAN JUNIOR Special Teloa 30ft Aux Cruiser 6 ton Mr Garnett. Spec 257 refers to D 653 & 690 Also built as Teloa for Benton Turner of California by W King 100A in 1958 D0690
0340.0714 YEOMAN JUNIOR Special 6 1/2 ton Fast Cruiser Alternative Accommodation layout for Mr Isaac D0840
0340.1524 YEOMAN JUNIOR Special Sketch proposed mast head rig for TELOA p on tp undated D1527
0340.1419 YEOMAN Martooni Sandmartin Martooni MARTOONI Ex SANDMARTIN built Priors 1959 D1725
0340.1653 Yeoman Mk II YEOMAN Mk II New Sail plan D1946
0340.1418 YEOMAN Mk II Wantage 35ft Yeoman Class Fast Cruiser Mark II Spec 255 for A Keith 19/09/57 Spec 255 9 Ton Fast Cruiser. WANTAGE 300805 Built by Prior June 1958 LYR 1960 D0641 1957
0340.0493 YEOMAN Mk II Wantage 34/22ft WL 6 ton TM Fast Racer/Cruiser Spec 231 02/05/57 for A R Waller Built Priors 1958/6 as ON 300805 WANTAGE Lloyds 100A1 D0614a 1957
0340.0667 YEOMAN Mk II Special Telemark of Burnham YEOMAN Special for D P Grant TELEMARK OF BURNHAM ON 300116 built Priors 1957/6 Lloyds Survey 100A1 Plan 1 Sheet special Acc only built to D0614 D0792 1956
0340.0767 YEOMAN Special YEOMAN for Mr Gouch D0893
0340.0670 YEOMAN Special YEOMAN Special D0795
0340.0823 YEOMAN Special Caneta Design Southern YEOMAN D0949
0340.0748 YEOMAN Special Southern Yeoman 35ft SOUTHERN YEOMAN ON 306243 Built Elkins Christchurch 9/58 Sail No 1058 LYR 66 D0874
0340.0807 YEOMAN Special YEOMAN OF MERSEA D0933
0340.0877 YEOMAN Special 6 1/2 ton YEOMAN Special Layout D1003
0340.0715 Yeoman Special YEOMAN Special accommodation D0841
0340.0673 YEOMAN Special rkd Southern Yeoman YEOMAN accommodation M Moore D0798 1958
0340.1625 YM 3 Tonner 4 20ft Y M 3 tonner Plans published in YM 1946 /10 See Eventide Owners Association plans CD for details. (held in the NMMC Eventide Association plans Archive GH 04/10/2020 D0109 1946
0340.1584 YM 3 Tonner revised rig 3 tonner YM updated to Masthead rig sail Plan 17/3/73 for A O Humble Smith D2060b 1973

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