The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Sea and Ships Ransome-Wallis, P Ian Allan measurement dimensions tonnage tide navigation weather safety docks harbours lifeboat charts propulsion
Sea and the Forest [The] Fall, V G University of Western Australia 85564-058-8 Rockingham pioneers Peel Jarrahdale timber wood colony Fremantle register list sandlewood careening
Sea and the Jungle [The] Tomlinson, H M Duckworth Amazon Barbados Jamaica Florida
Sea Angler [The] Brennan, Desmond Adam & Charles angling sport mackerel shark
Sea Angling Sea Angling Highlands & Islands Development Board
Sea Apprentice [The] Fenton, C Philip Allan biography travel square rig
Sea Around Us [The] Carson, Rachel L Staples Press textbook oceanography tides
Sea Battles Sanderson, Michael David & Charles 0-7153-6648-3 battle chronology tactics art
Sea Battles in Close-up: The Age of Nelson Lyon, David Ian Allan 0-7110-2283-6 Quiberon Bay Flamborough Head Frigate Bay St Kitts Svenskund Nile Boulogne Flotilla Trafalgar Lissa Barbary Corsairs
Sea Bird [The] Raynes, Rozelle Springwood 0-9059-4777-0 yacht cruising Russia Finland France
Sea Bright Skiff [The] Guthorn, Peter J Schiffer 0-916838-73-0 skiff design construction line plan oysterman fishing USA New Jersey
Sea Carriers 1825-1925 [The] The Aberdeen Line Cornford, L Cope The Aberdeen Line commerce RN navy US merchant directions shipowner Childe Harold Thompson company migration
Sea Change Nichols, Peter Viking Penguin 0-670-87179-6 yacht cruising solo Atlantic
Sea Change Speed, Keith Ashgrove Press 0-906798-20-5 navy Falklands Russia
Sea Change a tidal journey around Britain Marten, Michael Kehrer 978-3-86828-311-2 coastal tidal photographs
Sea Change the Rise of the BIM 50-Footer Nolan, Pat Nonsuch 978-1-84588-942-5 wood fishermen fishing boatowners Arklow Tyrrell Vega Gardner Kelvin Buda
Sea Chaplains [The] Taylor, Gordon Oxford Illustrated Press 0-902280-56-2 navy religion
Sea Chart [The] Howse, Derek David & Charles 0-7153-5857-X chart history
Sea Charts of the Early Explorers Sea Charts Thames & Hudson 0-500-01337-3 Portolan Ptolemaic cartography Mediterranean Vesconte Dulcert atlas Venice Columbus Greece
Sea Chest [A] Smith, C Fox Methuen poetry anthology
Sea Classics of New Zealand Titchener, Paul Paul Titchener yacht Viking Gloriana Volunteer Rangi Rawhiti Miss Devonport Maru Frangipani Mahoe Waione Rainbow Moana Victory Connie V Kahurangi Iron Duke Ladye Wilma Thetis Maybelle
Sea Day by Day [The] Furlaud, Sophie Editions de L Martiniere 0-8109-4802-8 Plisson lighthouse regatta fishing fishermen waves weather
Sea Devil [The] Thomas, Lowell William Heinemann German WW1 raider warloss buccaneer
Sea Dogs [The] Williams, Neville Macmillan Pub Co Inc privateer piracy Elizabethan Pendennis East India company Hawkins Drake Raleigh Falmouth Cornwall
Sea Escapes and Adventures Taffrail Philip Allen & Co Ltd Endurance Shackleton Diana Arctic whaler Trevessa Peggy Guardian Phillis Mignonette Terra Nova
Sea Fever Prog 3 Gone Fishing Sea Fever Available Light Productions TV fishing Scotland Cornwall
Sea Fights of the Great War Wyllie, W L Cassell navy WW1 Falklands Dardanelles GrafSpee Scharnhorst warloss WyllieArt
Sea Finland Sea Finland National Board of Antiquities of Finland 951-9074-96-1
Sea Fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland [The] Alward, George Lowe Albert Gait fishing trawling grounds harbour whaling fish docks steam trade Europe port law Iceland
Sea Fisheries of Scotland [The] Coull, James R John Donald 0-85976-410-9 fishing Scotland trawling pier shellfish herring harbour
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1968 Sea Fisheries HMSO species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1970 Sea Fisheries HMSO species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1971 Sea Fisheries HMSO species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1973 Sea Fisheries HMSO 0-11-241073-1 species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1974 Sea Fisheries HMSO 0-11-241074-X species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1975 Sea Fisheries HMSO 0-11-241075-8 species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1976 Sea Fisheries HMSO 0-11-241076-6 species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1977 Sea Fisheries HMSO 0-11-241077-4 species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1979 Sea Fisheries HMSO 0-11-241201-7 species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1980 Sea Fisheries HMSO 0-11-241202-5 species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables 1984 Sea Fisheries HMSO 0-11-241206-8 species fish freeze landings shellfish pelagic port demersal tables
Sea Fisherman [The] Wilcocks, J C
Sea Fishing Ball, Ian Paperfronts Elliot Right Way Books 0-7160-0742-8 fishing knot rigging pier harbour
Sea Fishing Round Cornwall Hussey, J M Tor Mark Press fishing sport angling bass pollack coalfish mullet mackerel wrasse conger
Sea Flight Popham, Hugh William Kimber 0-9516758-2-6 Fleet Air Arm WW2 aircraft carrier Indomitable Illustrious Campania Striker biopgraphy
Sea Fury Firefly and Sea Venom Wilson, Stewart Aerospace Publications 1-875571-05-6 Australia aircraft
Sea Gets Greyer [The] Heaton, Peter A & C Black naval battles Greenland climate fishing Joshua Slocum Spray yawl boatbuilder John MacGregor pilot cutter Frank Carr Gypsy Moth 3 Francis Chichester Baltic North Sea Atlantic viking yacht voyage
Sea Grammar Smith, John John Smith dictionary seamanship shipbuilding
Sea Hazard 1939-1945 Sea Hazard Houlder Bros company Houlder merchant fleet warloss WW2
Sea History’s Guide to American and Canadian Maritime Museums Sea History’s National Maritime Historical Society 0-930248-03-1 catalogue museum USA Canada

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