The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Schiffsliste 1986 Schiffsliste Eckardt & Messtorff Germany register
Schiffsliste 1988 Schiffsliste Eckardt & Messtorff Germany register
Schiffsliste 1990 Schiffsliste Eckardt & Messtorff Germany register
Schiffsliste 1991 Schiffsliste Eckardt & Messtorff Germany register
Schiffsliste 1993 Schiffsliste Eckardt & Messtorff Germany register
Schiffsliste 1994 Schiffsliste Eckardt & Messtorff 3-7702-0521-9 fleet shipowner flag directory company car ferry passenger cargo tanker conrainership fishing refrigeration barge Ro-Ro
Schiffsportrats Altonaer Museum in Hamburg Schiffsportrats Altonaer Museum art catalogue ship sailing Hamburg Germany
Schiffs-Speisekaten: Essen und Trinken auf See Rost, Alexander Koehlers 3-7822-0678-9 passenger liner food
Schip van de Eeuw Zuidhoek, Arne Fontein 90-261-1743-4
Schippers op de Alblas en de Graafstroom Smit, Leen Offsetdrukkerij Dutch barge
Schippers Slepers Reders Muller, Frederik 978-90-9021270-8 tug shipowner Dutch barge salvage company
Schippers van de zee Speerstra, Hylke
Schipvaart en Schepen in Overijssel Schipvaart en Schepen Waanders- Zwolle
Schlepper Mordhorst, Jan 3-9801260-1-3
Schnelboote im Einsatz 1939-1945 Kuhn, Volkmar
Schnellboot in Action Connelly, T Garth Squadron/Signal Publications 0-89747-457-0 speedboat WW2 motor torpedo Germany
Schnellboote Paterson, Lawrence Seaforth Publishing 978-1-84832-083-3 WW2 s boat u boat Barbarossa Norway arctic Mediterranean Adriatic Ionian Aegean Black Baltic Soviet Russia sea channel invasion torpedo minesweeper warfare weapon Rommel amphibious rescues
Schnelldampfer Bremen und Europa [Die] Kludas, Arnold Koehlers Verlag 3-7822-0566-9 history shipbuilder shipowner design construction Germany launch steamship crew Atlantic race
Schoolhouse in the Wind Treneer, Anne Jonathan Cape Cornwall Gorran Haven Restormel Caerhays school education
Schooner [The] MacGregor, David R Chatham Publishing 1-86176-020-5 schooner design colony privateer navy clipper brigantine
Schooner Bertha L Downs [The] Greenhill, Basil Conway Maritime Press 0-85177-615-9 rig schooner paddlesteamer US deckplan sailplan lines mast
Schooner Captain Schooner Captain D Bradford Barton schooner biography fore and aft trade Shaw Pentewan
Schooner Era [The] Haley, Neale
Schooner from Windward Thomas, Mifflin University of Hawaii 0-8248-0799-5 schoooner Hawaii
Schooner Integrity Mulville, Frank Seafarer Books Atlantic Bahamas voyage Iskra Waldo West Indies
Schooner Port: Two Centuries of Upper Mersey Sail Starkey, H F G W & A Hesketh 0-905777-34-4 schooner Mersey Runcorn Bridgwater canal salt collier
Schooner Sunset Bennet, Douglas Chatham Publishing 1-86176-1767 schooner shipbuilding rigging rig model engine lines ketch Irish Minstrel Falmouth Cornwall
Schoonerman: Captain Richard England England, Richard Hollis & Carter 0-370-30377-6 biography England captain schooner Mersey navigation Par Cornwall WW2 deck plan sail plan
Schooners Greenhill, Basil Batsford 0-7134-3380-9 schooner fore and aft
Schooners and Schooner Barges Morris, Paul C Lower Cape 0-936972-06-8 schooner
Schooners in Four Centuries MacGregor, David R Argus Books 0-85242-774-3 schooner colony USAshallop privateer clipper Baltimore Victorian brigantine school pilot
Schooners in Peril Donahue, James L Thunder Bay Press 1-882376-23-4
Schoonheid onzer Binnenschepen Dijk, W J A J Hilgersom/Navigare 90-70135-02-7 Dutch barge
Schulte and Bruns: 75 years in Emden Schulte and Bruns Schulte & Bruns Company history shipyard shipbuilding construction freight bulk barge tug trawler pontoon coaster inland canal river sea-going fishing
Schuyler Family [The] Redwood, Ursula Trefusis Falmouth US Sutton Mohawk Indian navy
Schweizer Flagge Zur See Zurcher, Walter Benteli 3-7165-0486-6
Schweizer Reeder in Aller Welt Zurcher, Walter Hauschild 978-3-89757-443-4 Johannesen Heftye Samuel Otto Frid Otto Jaob Trumpy Blumer & Tschudy Melchoir Blumer Abegg White Cross Line Greuterer Bidermann Biedermann Volkart
Schweizerische Rheinschiffahrt [Die] Raber, Anton
Richter, Jurgen Schwerin ferry passenger Weissen Flotte Germany
Schwimmende Flottenmaterial der Seemachte [Das] Kronenfels, J F A Hartleben warship shipbuilding battleship ordnance
Schwimmende Museen Strothmann, Axel 3-924381-01-1
Schwimmende Museen Strothmann, Axel 3-924381-13-5
Schwimmende Museen Strothmann, Axel 3-924381-00-3
Science and Marine 2004/02/25 Bonhams Bonhams catalogue auction art instrument sextant scrimshaw model
Science and Marine 2005/11/02 Bonhams Bonhams catalogue auction art model instrument marine
Science Museum [The] Wilson, Anthony Science Museum 0-901805-34-3 museum navigation instrument
Science of the Sea Science of the Sea John Murray hydrography coral reef flora fauna dredging trawling whale seal yacht equipment
Science of Yachts Wind and Water [The] Kay, H F G T Foulis & Co 0-85429-114-8 yacht wind water science aerofoil wave hull sail yawl rudder
Scientific and Technical Education in 19th Century England Roderick, Gordon W David & Charles 0-7153-5777-8 Falmouth Polytechnic
Scientific Instruments Ships Models and Nautical Works of Art 2005/03/23 Bonhams Bonhams catalogue auction art model instrument marine

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