This database contains a list of designs which have appeared in major yachting magazines. If you would like more information about any of these, then email us at

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Name Designer LOA/Class Boat type Magazine Date
Silver Tassie, Grey Pearl Watercraft Ltd 30 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1936/09
Silver Trident James A Silver 111 ft LOA Yacht, motor Ship and Boat International 1970/06
Silver Vanity James A Silver Ltd 54 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1957/02
Silver Victory James A Silver Ltd 58 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1961/12
Silverette Bain, John 30 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1945/05
Silverette Bain, John 36 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1937/10
Silverette cruiser Bain, John 30 ft Motor, sailer Yachting World 1930/12
Silverflash Thornycroft 25 ft Motor Yachting Monthly 1939/02
Silverstreak Shepherd, Fred 44 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Classic Boat 1999/07
Simbal, Channel Islands 22 Buchanan, Alan 23 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1985/07
Simplette Bombigher, Daniel 20 ft Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 1987/03
Simplex Ashcroft, H J 29 ft LWL Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1909/03
Simplicity 35 Mark Swmaalders 35 ft LOA Gaff cutter Watercraft 2016/03
Sina Mudie, Colin 53 ft LOA Yacht, yawl Classic Boat 1996/12
Sinah Harrison Butler, T 31 ft LOA Yacht, cutter Yachting World 1943/04
Sinbad White Bros 28 ft LWL Yacht, cutter Yachting Monthly 1910/05
Sinbad II Thorneycroft 73 ft Yacht, motor Yachting World 1933/06
Sincerity Thomas, David 22 ft LOA – Hunter Sonata class Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1997/10
Sinergia 40 Botin & Carkeek 12.1 m LOA 2000 design Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 2003/08
Single hander Tetley, R M 13 ft LOA Dinghy, sailing Yachts and Yachting 1956/02
Single hander Partington, W 12 ft LOA Dinghy, sailing Yachts and Yachting 1956/02
Single-handed auxiliary McCallum, J A 32 ft Yacht, ketch Motorboat and Yachting 1930/06
Single-handed auxiliary cruiser A M Dickie & Sons 30 ft Yacht, yawl Motorboat and Yachting 1930/03
Singoalla Estlander, Gustaf 78 ft Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 2002/08
Sinloo John Tyrrell & Sons 32 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1956/03
Siolta Mylne, Alfred & Co 49 ft LOA Yacht, cutter Yachting World 1949/02
Sir Gobbo Taylor, James & Son 25 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1950/07
Sir John Asser McLean, Hugh & Sons Ltd 34 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1926/03
Sir Nigel Hotchkiss, D V 12 ft – see also CB 1991/05 p 6 Dinghy, sailing Yachting Monthly 1908/11
Sir Thomas Lipton Clark, Robert 56 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Yachting World 1968/06
Sir Walter Scott Denny, William & Bros 110 ft LOA Yacht, steam Classic Boat 1997/11
Sir Winston Churchill Camper & Nicholson 135 ft LOA – rig design Yacht, schooner Yachting World 1966/03
Sira Anker, Johan 48 ft LOA 1938 Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 2009/07
Sirena Frers, German 80 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 2001/11
Sirena 38 Sodergren, Harken 39 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1984/03
Siri Hylan 18 ft Canoe, yawl Wooden Boat 2009/09
Siris Holm, Tore 47 ft LOA – 8 m class Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 2003/01
Sirius Thistlethwaite, J D 53 ft LOA Yacht, schooner Yachting Monthly 1936/08
Sirius 310DS von Ahien, Marc-Oliver 31 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 2012/02
Sirius 32 Streuer, Herbert 32 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 2009/04
Sirius 35DS von Ahlen 35 ft Bermudan sloop (deck saloon) Yachting Monthly 2018/11
Sirius 35DS von Ahlen, Marc-Oliver 35 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 2010/09
Sirius 42 Thomas, David 41 ft LOA Yacht, cutter Yachting Monthly 1991/03
Sirius 42 Thomas, David 42 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1990/11
Sirius Star Bates, W & Son 36 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1951/05
Siro Medway Yacht Basin 28 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1938/04
Sirocco Reimers, Knud 35 ft LWL Yacht, yawl Classic Boat 2002/10
Sirocco Blanks Boatyard 19 ft Motor Yachts and Yachting 1958/11
Sirocco Primrose, Angus 30 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 1974/01
Sirroco 26 Prout 26 ft LOA Catamaran Practical Boat Owner 1981/04

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