This database contains a list of designs which have appeared in major yachting magazines. If you would like more information about any of these, then email us at

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Name Designer LOA/Class Boat type Magazine Date
Melamine Dallimore, Norman 50 ft LOA Motor Yachting World 1948/08
Melamine Dallimore, Norman E 50 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1947/10
Melges 20 Pugh, Reichel 6.096 m LOA Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 2009/04
Melges 24 Pugh, Reichel 24 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1995/02
Melges 32 Pugh, Reichel 9.7 m LOA Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 2008/12
Melisande Barrow Shipbuilding Co. 180 ft 1883, conversion Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1955/09
Melisita Thornycroft 45 ft LOA – see also YW 1948/01 p 20 Motor Yachting Monthly 1947/11
Melisita Thornycroft 45 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1948/01
Melmore Mylne, Alfred 46 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Yachting Monthly 1929/03
Melo 7000 Melo, Sergio 23 ft LOA Yacht, cutter Classic Boat 1997/12
Melody Mauric, Andre 33 ft LOA – Jeanneau Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1995/02
Melody Newman, Maxwell 24 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1928/07
Melora III Mylne, Alfred 50 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Yachting Monthly 1960/01
Melora III Mylne, Alfred 50 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Yachts and Yachting 1959/06
Meltemi Rhodes, P L 45 ft LOA Yacht, yawl Yachting Monthly 1967/02
Melusine Laurent Giles 25 ft LOA – Vertue class Yacht, sloop The Boatman 1995/04
Meme Morgan Giles, F 40 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1950/10
Memerang Holth, Arthur 43 ft LOA Yacht, cutter Yachting World 1942/04
Memette Saunders 45 ft LOA Motor Yachting World 1938/07
Memette Saunders 45 ft LOA Motor Yachting World 1938/07
Memory Clarkson, F 47 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1943/04
Memory Watson, G L & Co 56 ft LWL Yacht, yawl Yachting Monthly 1911/11
Memory Robinson, Tony 19 ft LOA Dinghy, sailing Practical Boat Owner 1978/01
Memory 19 Tony Robinson 19 ft Gaff sloop Classic Boat 2018/04
Memory 19 Robinson, Tony 25 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 1997/12
Memphis McBryde Motor, sailer Yachting World 1930/08
Memsahib Mylne, Alfred 24 ft LOA – 19/24 class Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 1996/10
Menefreda Warrington Smyth, N 35 ft LOA – see also CB 1997/09 p 50 Yacht, ketch Yachting World 1950/02
Menoquin MY145 EPS Marine 46 ft LOA Motor Motorboat and Yachting 2007/07
Menorca 34 and 42 Inigo Toledo 33 and 43 ft Motor cruisers Practical Boat Owner 2017/09
Menorquin MY160 52 ft LOA Motor Motorboat and Yachting 2006/11
Mera Camper & Nicholson 225 T, ex Pampa (1906), ex Joyance, ex Cassiopeia Schooner Motorboat and Yachting 1920/08
Mercia II Brooke Marine Ltd 45 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1949/05
Mercraft Aquaspeed Johnson, Roy 16 ft LOA Motor Light Craft 1962/02
Mercuri 45 Jones, Stephen 45 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 2003/07
Mercury Kennedy, G O’B 14 ft – Merlin new design Dinghy, sailing Yachting World 1948/02
Mercury Crocker, Sam 52 ft Yacht, cutter Classic Boat 1990/04
Mercury Cooper, Fred 18 ft Motor Yachting World 1932/07
Mercury Kennedy, Brien Dinghy, sailing Yachts and Yachting 1948/01
Mercury Croker, Sam 51 ft LOA, 1938 Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 2013/11
Mercury Miles/Durbin 4.26 m LOA 1958 Dinghy, sailing Yachts and Yachting 1997/11
Mercy Clark, Robert 40 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1939/07
Mercy Jane Clark, Robert 27 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1940/05
Merganser Watts, O M 39 ft LOA Yacht, cutter Yachting Monthly 1935/07
Mergus Eivola, Pekka 44 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1996/01
Merida Graham Bunn 46 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1938/08
Merides John Bain / JA Silver 45 ft (1937) Yacht, motor Classic Boat 2015/04
Meridian Perry, Robert H 70 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1984/09
Meridies Bain, John 45 ft Motor sailer Yachting World 1937/03
Merla Alden, J G 23 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1919/08

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