This database contains a list of designs which have appeared in major yachting magazines. If you would like more information about any of these, then email us at

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Name Designer LOA/Class Boat type Magazine Date
Delfin 34 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1926/07
Delfin Francis Jones, J 57 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1962/04
Delfina Chiggiato, A 38 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1957/03
Delfina MacLear & Harris 52 ft Motor, sailer Motorboat and Yachting 1971/05
Delft 25 Sponberg, Eric 26 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Wooden Boat 1998/05
Delher 25 van de Stadt 25 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 1985/06
Delher 44 Simonis & Voogd 45 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 2006/12
Delia Dickie, A M & Sons 70 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Yachting Monthly 1952/06
Delice Bain, John 33 ft Motor Yachting World 1936/04
Deliverance Six, Dehler 34RS Simonis Voogd Design 34 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 2008/04
DeliverRance Six, Dehler 34RS Simonis-Voogd 35 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 2008/08
Delphia 24 Skrzat, Andrzej 7.3 m LOA Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 2007/09
Delphia 29 Skrzat, Andrzej 28 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Sailing Today 2005/11
Delphia 31 Skrzat, Andrzej 31 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 2012/12
Delphia 33 Skrzat, Andrerzej 33 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Sailing Today 2007/12
Delphia 33.2 Skrzat, Andrez 33 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 2010/02
Delphia 37 Skrzat, Andrez 35 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 2006/09
Delphia 40 Skrzat, Andrzej 39 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Sailing Today 2006/08
Delphin Robb, Arthur 40 ft LOA – 8 m class – see also CB 2004/04 p34 Yacht, sloop The Yachtsman 1953/03
Delphine Gielow, Henry John 1918 restoration Yacht, steam Classic Boat 2012/01
Delphis Jones, J Francis 49 ft – Inchcape class Yacht Classic Boat 1990/05
Delphis Ten Bennet, Nigel 33 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 2001/02
Delta Norlin, Peter 30 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1984/01
Delta 25 Thomas, David 25 ft LOA -see also YW 1981/01 p 181 Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1983/01
Delta 28 Shead, Don 28 ft LOA Motor Yachts and Yachting 1966/03
Delta 36 Holland, Ron 36 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1974/06
Delta 94 Sparkman & Stephens 31 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1980/01
Delta Synthesis 35 ft LOA – power boat Motor Yachting World 1968/06
Delta, Freedom 33 Hoyt, Gary 33 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Sailing Today 2003/04
Demelza Kenneth Skentelbery 14 ft / Mayflower Sailing dinghy Watercraft 2017/05
Derson Henry B Hornby & Co 38 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1937/02
Dervaig 38 Murray, M M 37 ft LOA Yacht, motor Yachting World 1971/09
Dervaig 38 Murray, Maitland 38 ft Motor, sailer Motorboat and Yachting 1971/07
Derwent 25 L G Allbut ( Mfg) Ltd 25 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1961/10
Deryn Gwyrrd Fife, W 24 ft LOA O D class Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1940/03
Deryn Gwyrrd Fife, W 24 ft LOA O D class Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1940/03
Design 251 Wolstenholme, A 21 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Watercraft 2002/05
Design 430 Bolger, Philip C 28 ft LOA Fishing Classic Boat 1997/03
Design 496 Bolger, Philip C Birdwatcher class Yacht Classic Boat 1997/03
Design 614 Alden, John G 72 ft LOA Yacht, schooner Classic Boat 2000/02
Design 617 Bolger, Philip C 30 ft C B Yacht, ketch Classic Boat 1997/03
Design 89 Holman & Pye 28 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1968/11
Design No 069 Nelson & Marek 56 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1989/06
Design No 125 Burnett, Ed 58 ft LOA Yacht, schooner Classic Boat 2006/03
Design No 39 Herreshoff, L Francis 17 ft C B Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 1990/01
Design No183 Chance, Britton 65 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting World 1988/11
Desire Strange, Albert 6 m class Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1909/03
Desiree Lloyds of Woolston 50 ft Motor, sailer Motorboat and Yachting 1922/09
Desparado Sparkman & Stephens 65 ft LOA – Swan 65 class Yacht, ketch Yachting World 2004/07
Despatch Teale, John 25 ft Motor, sailer Motorboat and Yachting 1981/07

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