This database contains a list of designs which have appeared in major yachting magazines. If you would like more information about any of these, then email us at

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Name Designer LOA/Class Boat type Magazine Date
Coronado Butler, F & Edgar, E 25 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1969/02
Coronado Club 25 Butler, Frank 25 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 1968/12
Coronet Westell, John 18 ft LOA Dinghy, sailing Yachts and Yachting 1953/05
Coronet Elvstrom & Kjaerulf 37 ft / Coronet 38 Motor sailer sloop Yachting World 1979/11
Coronet Dennis, Harry 18 ft Dinghy, sailing Yachts and Yachting 1955/03
Coronet Elvstrom & Kjaerulf 37 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1976/05
Coronet Poillon, C & R 133 ft – built 1885 Schooner Classic Boat 2004/01
Coronet Wynne, Jim 32 ft Houseboat Motorboat and Yachting 1970/12
Coronet 24 Wynne & Walters 24 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1968/09
Coronet Houseboat Botved Boats A/S 32 ft LOA Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1970/12
Coronet Seafarer 27 Wynne & Gill 27 ft LOA Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1970/01
Coronet Seafarer 31 Botved 31 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1975/08
Corribee 21 Tucker, Robert 21 ft LOA – see also CB 2003/11 p 79 Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1968/11
Corribee 21 Tucker, Robert 21 ft LOA Yacht, junk Practical Boat Owner 1978/12
Corrieghoil McCallum, J A 70 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1925/12
Corsair Levi, Renato 27 ft LOA Motor Yachts and Yachting 1964/04
Corsair Pearce, A M G & Hives, P A 9 ft Hydroplane Yachting World 1949/10
Corsair Dubois, Ed 36 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 1983/12
Corsair 42 ft Motor Yachting Monthly 1929/03
Corsair Findlay Smith, R 42 ft Motor, sailer Motorboat and Yachting 1926/01
Corsair 36 Dubois, Ed 35 ft LOA – see also YM 2003/07 p 103 Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1984/01
Corsair 36 Dubois, Ed 36 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachts and Yachting 1984/01
Corsair cruiser Cooper, Fred 23 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1952/05
Corsair cruiser Grimston, Brian 18 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1955/12
Corsair Dash 750 Corsair Marine 24 ft Trimaran Practical Boat Owner 2014/06
Corsair F-24 Farrier, Ian 7.3 m LOA Trimaran Yachts and Yachting 1993/13
Corsair F-28 Farrier Marine Inc 28 ft LOA Trimaran Sailing Today 2000/08
Corsair F-28R Farrier, Ian 8.66 m LOA Trimaran Yachts and Yachting 1997/10
Corsair MC26 Pearson Brothers (England) Ltd. 26 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1975/07
Corsair Pirate Grimston, Brian 19 ft Motor Yachts and Yachting 1956/04
Corsaire Grimston, Brian 18 ft Motor Yachting World 1956/05
Corsaire Herbulot, Jean-Jacques 5.50 m LOA Yacht, sloop Practical Boat Owner 1995/02
Corsaire class Herbulot, Jean-Jacques 16 ft Dinghy, sailing Yachts and Yachting 1961/02
Corserine Baxendale, J F N 32 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1942/04
Corsiare Bain, John 22 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1921/04
Corvette 32 McGill & Compton 32 ft Yacht, motor Motorboat and Yachting 1975/12
Coryphee Laws, G 16 ft LOA – Whitebaiter class Dinghy, sailing Classic Boat 1992/07
Cosair II Dubois, Ed 35 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1997/04
Cossar Rayner, Rowland & Co 22 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Yachting Monthly 1948/06
Cotton Blossom II Anker, Johan 31 ft LWL – Q class Yacht, sloop Classic Boat 2005/03
Cotton Blossom II Anker, Johan 49 ft LOA Yacht, sloop Wooden Boat 2005/08
Couach 1200 Guy Couach 39 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1975/05
Cougar Foulkes, Alan 14 ft Motor Motorboat and Yachting 1979/12
Countess Johnson, P 33 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Motorboat and Yachting 1971/11
Countess Loynes, J Bristol Passenger Classic Boat 1994/02
Countess Johnson, P 34 ft Motor, sailer Motorboat and Yachting 1971/11
Countess 32 Anderson, Ian 33 ft LOA Colvic – see also YM 1983/04 p 761 Yacht, ketch Yachting Monthly 1981/04
Countess 33 Ian Anderson 33 ft Bermudan ketch Yachting Monthly 2017/02
Countess 33 Anderson, Ian 33 ft LOA Yacht, ketch Practical Boat Owner 1983/09
Courier Tolfrey, Stewart 18 ft Motor Classic Boat 1995/05

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