The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.
Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.
Title | Author | Publisher | ISBN | Themes |
English and Continental Paintings | Lawrence | Lawrence Fine Art | catalogue auction art | |
English Atlantic 1675-1740 [The] | Steele, Ian K | OUP | 0-19-503968-8 | Atlantic North America West Indies Great Britain colonies sugar tobacco packets Dummer |
English Canals Part 3 Boats and Boatmen | Gladwin, D D | Oakwood Press | history canal England tranportation goods passenger boat barge crew | |
English Cemetery of Vilagarcia [The] | Viana, Victor | Ediciones Cardenosa | 84-8190-149-0 | Spain navy warloss Napoleonic |
English Channel [The] | Williamson, J A | Collins | Channel geology cinque piracy armada Dutch France lugger | |
English Channel Handbook | Admiralty | Hydrographic Dept Admiralty | Navigation ports anchorages France Channel Islands tides charts directions tables | |
English Channel Handbook 1943 | Admiralty | Hydrographic Department | ||
English Channel Packet Boats | Grasemann, C | Syren and Shipping Ltd | Sail steam paddle screw turbine WW1 owners routes ferry ferries passengers | |
English Channel Pilot Part 1 Part 2 | English Channel | James Imray | coast navigation England France lights buoys lighthouse harbour port tide harbour bay regulations compass river island bank chart weather | |
English Coble [The] | English Coble | Trustees of the National Maritime Museum | 0-905555-08-2 | coble |
English Coble [The] | English Coble | Trustees of the National Maritime Museum | 0-905555-08-2 | coble |
English Coble [The] | English Coble | Trustees of the National Maritime Museum | 0-905555-08-2 | coble |
English Harbours and Coastal Villages | Somerville, Christopher | Weidenfeld & Nicolson | 0-297-79564-3 | harbour Liverpool Norfolk Tyne Thames London Whitby |
English Lakeland Steamers | Davies, Ken | Countryside Publications | 0-86157-128-2 | Cumbria ferry passengers |
English Lighthouse Tours | English Lighthouse | Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd | Eddystone Douglas Milford IoM Cromer Dungeness Hurst Casquets Walney Portland | |
English Merchant Shipping 1460-1540 | Burwash, Dorothy | University of Toronto Press | medieval navigation finance shipbuilding law trade custom | |
English Merchant Shipping and Anglo-Dutch Rivalry in the Seventeenth Century | Davis, Ralph | HMSO | 0-11-880761-7 | East India Company |
English Naval Forces 1199-1272 [The] | Brooks, F W | A Brown | naval history medieval cinque crews clothing uniform galley | |
English New England Voyages 1602-1608 [The] | English New England Voyages | Hakluyt Society | 0-904180-14-X | Gosnold Virginia Brereton Ralegh Waymouth Rosier expedition Challons documents maps |
English Prison Hulks [the] | Branch-Johnson, W | Christopher Johnson | hulk prison woodenwall | |
English Seamen and the Colonization of America | Chatterton, E Keble | Arrowsmith | colony US seaman Newfoundland Nova Scotia Baltimore Boston | |
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century | Froude, James Anthony | Longmans Green | exploration adventure armada Drake privateer Gilbert | |
English Shipowning During the Industrial Revolution | Ville, Simon P | Manchester University Press | 0-7190-1714-9 | shipowner finance sociology history |
English Warships in the Days of Sail | Vercoe, Guy A | Percival Marshall | sail | |
Enigma | Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh | Weidenfeld & Nicolson | WW2 cryptography cipher Secret Service Britain Bletchley | |
Enigma U-Boats | Showell, Jak P Mallmann | Ian Allan | 0-7110-2764-1 | U-boat WW2 German Atlantic Enigma code navy |
Enigmatic Sailor [The] | Peacock, Alan | Whittles Publishing | 1-904445-09-8 | navy WW2 convoy carrier intelligence |
Ensign 4 Queen Elizabeth Class Battleships | Raven, Alan | Bivouac Books Ltd | RN WW1 design construction WW2 Mudros Barham Valiant Sopwith Malaya Warspite | |
Enterprise to Endeavour | Dear, Ian | Dodd, Mead | 0-396-07478-2 | yacht racing J sailplan lines |
Enterprising woman and shipping in the nineteenth century | Doe, Helen | Boydell Press | 978-1-84383-472-4 | shipowners shipbuilders legal ports warship merchant shipbuilders |
Enterprising Women Maritime Businesswomen 1780-1880 | Doe, Helen | port Cornwall Devon navy shipbuilding Fowey Scotland | ||
Epaves de Camargue | Illouze, Albert | Editions Notre-Dame | 2-904725-24-5 | diving archaeology Provence France |
Epic Sea Battles | Koenig, William | Octopus Books | 0-907408-43-5 | Trafalgar Tsushima Jutland Midway Falklands navy US Japan |
Epic Voyage [The] | Fisk, Pat | Maureen Thomas | 978-0-473-11482-4 | quay punt Falmouth Debonair Burt west Indies Panama Marquesas Atlantic Panama Rarotonga Tauranga New Zealand Tahiti |
Epic Voyage of Sir Francis Chichester [The] | Carr, Frank G G | Pitkin Pictorials | yacht cruising Chichester solo deckplan | |
Epic Voyage of the Seven Little Sisters [The] | Willis, William | Hutchinson | adventure Pacific travel victualing raft | |
Epic Voyages of Maud Berridge [The] | Berridge, Sally | Adlard Coles Nautical | 978-1-4729-5423-7 | history sailing migration cargo sail Australia West Indies French Polynesia Cape Horn crew |
Epics of Salvage | Masters, David | Cassell | salvage WW2 diving | |
Epics of the Square-Rigged Ships | Epics of the Square-Rigged | Seeley Service | square rig adventure clipper | |
Epilogue | Wilson, Robert J | Robert Wilson | canal barge lock women sociology radio butty Baddesley colliery | |
Equianos Daughter | Osborne, Angelina | Krik Krak | 0-953428-1-3 | London slavery Devon minister |
Equipping the Offshore Sailor | Equipping the Offshore Sailor | Cruising Home Ltd | catalogue radar steel anchor offshore wind lights transmitter survival clothing | |
Era of Coastal Shipping in New Zealand [The] – The Small Motor Ships | Jennings, Murray | Transpress | 0-908876-22-X | Coaster Raglan Union Steamship Anchor Shipping Canterbury Steam Shipping Holm Shipping Richardson Watchlin Shipping Line Gisborne Sheepfarmers Frozen Meat & Mercantile |
Era of the Joy Line [The] | Dunbaugh, Edwin L | Greenwood Press | 0-313-22888-4 | company steam paddlesteamer Maine New York Boston railway |
Erebus | Palin, Michael | Hutchinson | 978-1-847-94812-0 | John Franklin James Clark Ross Antarctica launch expedition officers Inuit Southern ocean Robert McCormick Joseph Hooker Francis Crozier Terror Cape Horn Falklands Ascension |
Eric Sullivans Marine Encyclopaedic Dictionary 6th Edition | Sullivan, Eric | LLP | 1-85978-654-5 | shipping abberations terms insurance trade law |
Erik the Red | Ridler, Donald | William Kimber | 07183-0392-X | yacht cruising shipbuilding junk rigging Falmouth |
Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstad 1853-1953 | Eriksbergs | |||
Erzfrachter | Erzfrachter | bulk carrier design dimensions | ||
Escape From Catastrophe 1940 Dunkirk | Knowles, David J | Knowles Publishing Rochester | 09534358-2-2 | Dunkirk Calais evacuation steam tug WW2 Dover destroyer |