Book catalogue

The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

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Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Admiral Benbow [The] Willis, Sam Quercus 978-1-84916-036-0 Barges Barbary Coast court martial Corsairs revolution battles fleets dockyard invasion bombs bombardments convoys benevolence hospital caribbean warships songs
Admiral Collingwood Adams, Max Weidenfeld & Nicolson 0-297-84640-X Nelson Napoleon Italian campaign Egyptian campaign Cadiz Trafalgar Corsica Temeraire
Admiral George Johnson: Autobiography and Memoir 1809-1903 Johnson George Thomas Burleigh biography Admiral George Johnson Royal Navy
Admiral Lord Nelson Admiral Lord Nelson Palgrave Macmillan 1-4039-3906-3 Nelson navy Freemasonry London seamanship Mediterranean
Admiral of the Blue Gordon, Iain Pen & Sword Maritime 1-84415-294-4 biography admiral Royal Navy Purvis captain warship Toulon Napoleon Mediterranean blockade Cadiz
Admiral of the Fleet Hough, Richard Macmillan navy Jutland biography Fisher Dreadnought WW1
Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty: the last naval hero Roskill, Stephen Collins 0-00-216278-4 biography Beatty Jutland Jellicoe tactics
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Provo W P Wallis Brighton, J G Hutchinson navy poetry frigate USN Chesapeake Shannon Wallis
Admiral Paris Native Boats of Asia and the Pacific-1841 Admiral Paris Antiques of the Orient Pte Ltd 981-00-1059-1 Pacific catalogue Africa Arabia India art China Philippines Paris native
Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell Harris, Simon Simon Harris biography Schovell
Admiral Sir Francis Bridgeman Ross, Stewart Pearson Publishing 0-9523628-8-0 admiral biography Bridgeman navy
Admiral Sir William Fisher James, William Macmillan biography navy WW1 Fisher Britannia Jutland uniform
Admirals Lambert, Andrew Faber & Faber 978-0-571-23157-7 Howard Blake Anson Hood Jervis Hornby Parker Fisher Beatty Cunningham
Admirals Fremantle [The] Parry, Ann Chatto & Windus 0-7011-1603-X admiral biography Fremantle
Admirals in Collision Hough, Richard Hamish Hamilton Tyron Victoria RN Camperdown Markham Bourke Gillford Hawkins-Smith Culme-Seymour Hibernia
Admirals in the Age of Nelson Bienkowski, Lee Naval Institute Press 1-55750-002-9 Howe Hood Jervis Duncan Elphinstone Gambier Duckworth Warren Saumarez Pellew
Admirals Widow Aspinall-Oglander, Cecil Hogarth Press navy sociology Boscawen letters
Admirals Wife Aspinall-Oglander, Cecil Longmans Green navy sociology Boscawen letters
Admiralty [The] Rodger, N A M Terence Dalton 0-900963-94-8 admiralty Pepys London Mountbatten navy finance law
Admiralty Brief Terrell, Edward George G Harrap plastic armour WW2 Penlee granite Oerlikon RNVR convoy merchant rocket bomb
Admiralty Chart [The] Ritchie, G S Pentland Press 1-85821-234-0 admiralty chart hydrography survey Arctic Antarctic Beagle
Admiralty Coastal Salvage Vessels Sowdon, David World Ship Society 0-9543310-4-4 admiralty salvage coastal CSV design plan WW2 Suez
Admiralty Collection [The] Admiralty Collection Admiralty catalogue chart
Admiralty Exhibition of German Naval Gunnery Equipment Admiralty Vicker-Armstrongs admiralty German navy gunnery catalogue exhibition electric
Admiralty Job Numbers 1939-1945 Admiralty Job Numbers World Ship Society 0966-6958 navy WW2 NMM Scotland Liverpool Tyneside shipyard Wales
Admiralty Mediterranean Steam Packets 1830-1857 Tabeart, Colin James Bendon 9963-579-86-8 packet Mediterranean Greece Malta steam
Admiralty Mediterranean Steam Packets 1830-1857 Tabeart, Colin James Brendon 9963-579-86-8 packet Mediterranean Greece Malta steam
Admiralty Officials 4 1660-1870 Admiralty Officials Athlone Press 0-485-17144-9 Admiralty official navy RN Britain
Admiralty Regrets British Warship Losses of the 20th Century [The] Kemp, Paul Sutton 0-7509-1567-6 capital ships aircraft carriers monitors depot ships cruisers destroyers sloops submarines minesweepers frigates corvettes WW1 WW2
Admiralty Regrets…[The] Warren, C E T George G Harrap submarine Thetis Thunderbolt HMS salvage personnel
Admiralty Salvage in Peace and War 1906-2006 Booth, Tony Pen & Sword Maritime 978-1-84415-565-1 casualty Suez navy Atlantic D-Day Mountbatten tug Belguim WW2 UK UN U-boat salvage
Admiralty Ships Badges Vol 1 A-L Stopford, T P HMSO 0-9529346-1-2 heraldry ships shore establishments naval air stations fleet support units
Admiralty Ships Badges Vol 2 M-Z Stopford, T P HMSO 0-9529346-2-0 heraldry ships shore establishments naval air stations fleet support units
Admiralty Statutes, Supplement to, issued in 1886 Admiralty HMSO admiralty document HMSO law
Admiralty Weather Manual 1938 Admiralty Admiralty Hydrographic Department meteorology synoptic forecasting equipment instruments tables
Adriatic [The] Denham, H M John Murray directions pilot yacht cruising guide Mediterranean Adriatic
Adrift Jones, Tristan Adlard Coles Nautical 0-7136-5803-7 cutter Chile Lake Titicaca adventure South America travel
Adrift in Caledonia Thorpe, Nick Little Brown 978-0-316-72688-7 Scotland canal Edinburgh Orkney NorthSea Falkirk Caledonia
Advanced Electrotechnology for Engineers Vol 7 Kraal, Edmund G R Thomas Reed 0-900335-41-6 mathematics engineering electrotechnology
Advanced First Aid Afloat Eastman, Peter F Cornell Maritime Press 0-87033-169-8 First Aid yacht
Advanced Ropeworking Popple, Leonard Brown Son & Ferguson 0-85174-137-1 yarn fibre cordage splice knotting fender hawser shackle
Advanced Sailboat Cruising Mudie, Colin Nautical 0-333-318072 yacht cruising sails rigging propeller sail plan
Advanced Sailing Advanced Handbook Advanced Sailing RYA 0-901501-95-6 seamanship skills capsizes day sailing spinnakers safety trapezing racing
Advanced Windsurfing Prade, Ernstfried A & C Black 0-7136-5661-1 windsurf
Advances in Berthing and Mooring of Ships and Offshore Structures Advances in Berthing Kluwer Academic Publishers 90-247-3731-1 anchoring mooring offshore berthing structures
Advances in Maritime Economics Advances in Maritime University of Wales Inst of Sci & Tech 0-906449-47-2 flag discrimination finance size economy dry bulk carriers congestion cost ships lifeboats liferafts
Advent of Steam [The] Advent of Steam Conway Maritime 0-085177-563-2 steam propeller engine screw
Adventure in Oil The Story of British Petroleum Longhurst, Henry Sidgwick & Jackson oil tanker BP history
Adventure of Sail 1520-1914 [The] Macintyre, Donald Paul Elek deckplan exploration square rig adventure clipper battle Christopher Wren shipwreck
Adventure of the Faeroe Islands [The] Graham, M Helen Arthur H Stockwell Ltd yacht Emanuel cutter cruising Burnham Somerset Ramsey Thorshaven Klaksvig Atlantic fish

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