The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Vanishing Craft Carr, Frank G G Country Life Mason sail working boats Mounts Bay luggers bawleys smacks Thames barges yawls cobles mules scaffies zulus fifies drifters trawlers schooner brig ketch plans lines
Vanishing Ways Vol 1 Andrews, Alexis Carriacou sloop
Vapor Yavari Larken, Meriel Britanico 9972-2778-0-1 steamship Andes Victorian London Birmingham iron
Vapores Sella, Antoni Maritime Museum Barcelona 84-88811-99-3 steam museum Spain model
Vare Gamle Skip Bjorkelund, Leif M Lokalhistorisk Stiftelse 82-91559-02-3 Norway sail steam motor
Varen weer of geen weer Burg, Ger van der Pirola Schoorl 90-6455-098-0
Varend Vissen Meulen, Cees van der De Alk 90-6013-943-7 Dutch trawler fishing
Vasa Matz, Erling The Vasa Museum 91-85268-37-2 Sweden Vasa navy archaeology museum sailing crew salvage Stockholm disaster tools diving art medical
Vasa I Cederlund, Carl Olof National Maritime Museums of Sweden 978-91-974659-0-8 archaeology Vasa Sweden
Vastmaken Hoogslag, C De Boer Maritiem tugs towing Rotterdam Netherlands WW1 WW2
VC and DSO Book [The] Vol 2 1896-1915 VC and DSO Naval & Military Press decoration recipients Royal Warrant army RAF RN navy Bar
VC and DSO Book [The] Vol 3 1916-1923 VC and DSO Naval & Military Press decoration recipients Royal Warrant army RAF RN navy Bar
Veenkoloniale Zeevaart Koldam, Wilco van Schuur Veendam 90-70318-01-6
Veer -en Bootdiensten in Nederland Boot, W J J Europese Bibliotheek 90-288-2117-1 deckplan ferry passenger steamer canal Netherlands
Veerboten in Europa Mulder, G H De Alk ferry Ro-Ro Dutch
Veien mot nord Morcken, Roald Sjofartshistorisk Arbok navigation Viking Norway instrument
Veilig Varen Breijer, L A Burgersdijk & Niermans Dutch cruising liner interior
Vejen til Nordsoen Rasmussen, A Hjorth Nordsomuseet Hirtshals 87-7249-003-9 Denmark Skagerrack fishing sail motor Esbjerg Frederikshavn Kattegat
Vele d’Epoca Serafini, Flavio Gribaudo 88-8058-139-2 yacht cruising racing sailplan
Vele Italiane del XIX Secolo Negri, Carlo de Mursia Italy sailing
Vele Nella Leggenda Serafin, Flavio
Vele Olimpiche Bontempelli, Luca Gribaudo 88-7906-034-1 sailing Olympic dinghy yacht star finn laser tornado
Velieri Di Camogli Velieri Di Camogli Sagep 88-7058-073-3 art Italy
Vendee Globe 2008 Vendee Yachting World design construction yachting racing Dee Caffari
Venetians [The] Thubron, Colin Time-Life 7054-0633-4 Venice Lepanto rowing Mediterranean galley
Ventures and Voyages Chatterton, E Keble Rich & Cowan smuggling East India Company shipwreck Atlantic mutiny Falmouth
Ventures in Sail Eames, Aled Gwynedd Archives and Museums Service 0-901337-45-5
Venturesome Voyages of Captain Voss [The] Voss, J C Martin Hopkinson yacht cruising Pacific canoe New Zealand Azores Indonesia
Verbal Notes and Sketches for Marine Engineer Officers Vol 1 Sothern, J W M James Munro engineering engine steam boiler auxiliary propeller pump
Verbal Notes and Sketches for Marine Engineer Officers Vol 2 Sothern, J W M James Munro engineering steam textbook motor electric turbine
Verdaagd voor de Boulevard Heijkoop, Cor ADZ 90-72838-34-3 merchant navy Dutch shipwreck casualty
Vergeten Vloot [De] Termote, Tomas De Krijger 90-72547-63-2 German navy shipwreck warloss Belgium WW2
Verschollen Messimer, Dwight R Naval Institute Press 1-55750-475-X WW1 German submarine U-boat list casualty
Versoger auf See: Einsatz bei Wind und Wetter Mordhorst, Jan Koehlers 3-7822-0659-2 All weather sea supply ships for ships offshore rigs platforms
Vertue Woolass, Peter Peter Woolass for the Vertue Owners Association Vertue craft Giles design history owners cruising 5 tonner owners association 1973 skippers voyages Boden’s law rigging lost boats
Vertue XXXV Barton, Humphrey Rupert Hart-Davis 0-907069-09-6 Lymington New York Falmouth Cornwall Lizard aluminium Brittany Concarneau
Very Special Admiral Beesly, Patrick Hamish Hamilton 0-241-10383-5 biography Godfrey Royal Navy WW1 HMS Swiftsure Euryalus Repulse WW2 Mediterranean India
Vessel Traffic Management in the Port of Rotterdam Looman, H J Projectbureau Walradar Waterweg management Rotterdam port radar planning survey safety
Veteran Ships of Australia and New Zealand Andrews, Graeme Reed 0-589-07190-4 ferries river steamers Barmah punt steam sail
Veteran Steamers Spies, M H M H Spies history Denmark steam shipbuilder shipyard WW1 Finland Germany Sweden passenger cargo paddle ferry engine
Veteranen und Museumsschiffe Detlefsen, Gert U Verlag Gert Uwe Detlefsen 3-9288473-34-4
Veteranen und Museumsschiffe Detlefsen, Gert U
VHF Radio (inc GMDSS) RYA Royal Yachting Association 0-901501-84-0 radio VHF textbook safety GMDSS
VHF Radio (inc GMDSS) Examinations RYA Royal Yachting Association 0-901501-73-5 GMDSS exams
VHF Radio Operator Examinations RYA RYA RYA radio textbook syllabus certification VHF collision
VHF Radio Short Range Certificate (Syllabus and Sample questions) RYA
VHF Radiotelephony for Yachtsmen RYA RYA VHF radio yacht textbook
Via Torres Strait Nicolson, Ian Ian Nicholson 0-646-25083-3 directions travel shipwreck Australia navigation chart pilot
Vicar of Morwenstow [The] Baring-Gould, S Methuen Biography Morwenstow Church Hawker Wellcombe loss shipwreck wrecking Margaret Quail Ben Coolan Morwenna Caledonia Phoenix Alonzo letters correspondance
Vickers Barrow Built Warships Wise, Jon Maritime Books 978-1-904459-35-4 Lancashire Devonshire Dock BuccleuchTriumph Ursula Catterick Esparta Porpoise

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