The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1943/10/06 [The] Syren Syren Hawthorn Leslie pilotage badges Canada lifeboat Union-Castle honours Mauretania Swansea
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1944/01/05 [The] Syren Syren Kincaid Greenock France aircraft honours De Havilland Lloyds American steam warship Demologos
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1944/04/05 [The] Syren Syren Stott Mann Fleming diesel crane Currie Leith Swedish Cunard honours propeller Parramatta Canada welding
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1944/07/05 [The] Syren Syren telecommunications dugout ironclad survey air railway Manchester Ship canal Levant honours IoM reefer deckplan Papanui
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1944/10/04 [The] Syren Syren honours Burntisland Doxford superheater boiler Furness salvage Australasia Hain Clan towage model
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1945/01/03 [The] Syren Syren Dunkerque Dunkirk aircraft cargo oil steam Blyth Greenock India crew Gracie Beazley Shaw Saville honours
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1945/04/04 [The] Syren Syren Furness flyingboat Gareloch Durham shipyards Hawthorn Leslie Tyne Readhead Doxford Laing Sunderland
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1945/07/04 [The] Syren Syren Furness Shaw saville Royal Mail Andes boiler Doxford Moraybank Leathers Cory honours Canada deckplans Bootle Harland Wolff
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1945/10/03 [The] Syren Syren Shaw saville aircraft Tyneside Wangaratta deckplan Moraybank Bristol honours rubber Laing mine aircraft Norway
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1946/01/02 [The] Syren Syren ports propulsion oscillating fins flyingboat Donaldson Hain honours electronics German weld Phoenix
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1946/04/03 [The] Syren Syren timber ballast boiler Cunard Harland New Zealand ice minesweeper Swansea boiler Ellermann Cunard Marconi pump Lunan
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1946/07/03 [The] Syren Syren Cory navigation Cargo liner monotower crane Denny Arakaka Smiths Middlesborough deckplan
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1946/10/02 [The] Syren Syren America Merganser Bosworth Neothauma Sydney Isle of Man Ganesella Galeomma Baskerville
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1947/01/01 [The] Syren Syren Union-Castle Caledon Dundee models packet Majestic Leinster aluminium ferry towage tug
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1947/07/02 [The] Syren Syren Clan Silver Waverley Albertville Brocklebank Aida Kambodia taxation Cunard White Star Hurunui
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1947/10/01 [The] Syren Syren GEC Southampton Kampala Thornycroft Marseilles liner Union-Castle Clan Accra Ellerman
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1948/01/07 [The] Syren Syren Thornycroft gas turbine Sulzer London Parramatta Hera Tyne Wear Leviathan Hercules Caronia Aquitaine
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1948/04/07 [The] Syren Syren Angola Matadian Laing Prinsengracht Brocklebank Britannic Cunard Parthia Doxford Saint Venezuela Francisville
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1948/07/07 [The] Syren Syren Bristol flag London Avon docks Avonmouth Portishead towage Merrimac ferry Mersey Stanmore Hurunui Labiosa Waganella
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1948/10/06 [The] Syren Syren Surat Shaw Saville Ceramic Athelknight Goodwin Fernfield Mongolia Warwickshire Bibby Alcantara
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1949/01/05 [The] Syren Syren Edinburgh Castle Cunard Caronia Ulster Gyassas Egypt Madras Ayr Stancliffe Himalaya Parthia Auris
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1949/04/06 [The] Syren Syren Portugal ferry Hibernia Duquesa collier Branita Mersey Stancliffe Falmouth Silley Cox Brandanger
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1949/07/06 [The] Syren Syren Doxford ancient paddlesteamer design Wales Swansea Cardiff Newport Barry Escaut Melrose Himalaya
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1949/10/05 [The] Syren Syren San Francisco Doxford Liverpool Pericles Balmoral Dublin Mancester Minnesotta Tasco Macgregor
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1950/01/04 [The] Syren Syren Everard Grangemouth aluminium Howden-Ljungstrom London drydock tug Thames Relentless
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1950/04/05 [The] Syren Syren Mancester canal Gardinia Jagersfontein Ayr Hong Kong junk Union Castle repairing whale factory
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1950/07/05 [The] Syren Syren Newfoundland model Tyne Southampton packet Sirius Harelda Imber Serula Aquitania dock Suevic
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1950/10/04 [The] Syren Syren Canada Vancouver Waterford Ayr Australia Iluka Javallabh Port tug Sydney Cirrus Robb Leith
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1951/01/03 [The] Syren Syren Himalaya Australia tramping coastal Harland Wolfflaunch tanker Teiresias Ringerd training
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1951/04/04 [The] Syren Syren London Manchester canal Astronomer cadet tug Ootmarsum Durasteel Clyde Clan Sutherland Minjak Smiths Indus New York
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1951/07/04 [The] Syren Syren Bombay Pakistan coal Samaria Union Castle Wellington royalty turret Oceanic Liverpool Holyhead
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1951/10/03 [The] Syren Syren Lisbon Kimanis barge Thames Vibyholm Rhodesia Castle Ellerman Marconi coastguard salvage Australia Babcock Wilcox
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1952/01/02 [The] Syren Syren Fawley refinery navigation Sudan radar Hastie Cory steering Great Eastern Inman Decca cotton Ruahine
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1952/04/02 [The] Syren Syren Brocklebank London Eagle Lyautey Fairfield Marconi television camera Janita Cape Town MacBrayne BOAC lubricator
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1952/07/02 [The] Syren Syren valves salvage Brown Decca radar El Nabeel training Conway Unicorn launch Benledi revetment Conakrian
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1952/10/01 [The] Syren Syren Powell Duffryn Mersey Glenmoor Skjelbred Tara GEC Corinth pump Warerite Fensal Thames Southampton collier Essequibo Gotaverken Doxford
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1953/01/07 [The] Syren Syren directory Union-Castle London Brussels Belfast lading Hawthorne Leslie finance Cork Southampton Bibby Germanic Oceanic
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1953/04/02 [The] Syren Syren Froude King Aden refinery Lisieux Union-Castle Common Mersey Bergen Robb Karamu Brajara
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1953/07/01 [The] Syren Syren New Zealand Cutty Sark Southampton Inland Waterways Wahine Wellington barge Avon Sharpness
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1953/10/07 [The] Syren Syren oil refinery Port Andes Los Angeles Simona turbo-electric Kockums Clan Southampton Britannia
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1954/04/07 [The] Syren Syren Orsova compressor bauxite ore Octavian Scotland survey welding Cunard Manchester Yenangyaung drydock Olympia
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1954/07/07 [The] Syren Syren Mombasa Polar RSA navigation Britannia bauxite instruments deckplans trawler television tug Tanganyika
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1955/04/06 [The] Syren Syren New Zealand rope reciprocator tugs Dunston Hubert Black Prince bipod Goole Port Sydney Greek Lufira Shorts Benvrackie Cunard Clyde Glasgow
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1955/07/06 [The] Syren Syren Hunting Arctic Canada St Lawrence grain Rhine Switzerland Hull Grimsby Humber aircraft Dublin
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1955/10/05 [The] Syren Syren Gray Yugoslavia Burntisland Bolnes refugee Netherlands Kaldfonn Dublin sugar Nile train barge
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1958/01/01 [The] Syren Syren Swansea troopship oxygen Hancoplane corrosion magnesium Grimsby Immingham Hull Liverpool crane Southampton Lloyds
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1958/04/02 [The] Syren Syren Grace Elliot life-raft Queensland sugar Greenock oil Kuwait aluminium Nigeria towage Niarchos World Jasmine
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1958/07/02 [The] Syren Syren Venezuela Mersey chronometer Thorne Otaio training London Great Eastern centenary Maracaibo
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1958/10/01 [The] Syren Syren welding Greenock flax canvas Ellerman Papayanni Yarrow Acina Antwerp elevator Beira Tarawera
Syren and Shipping Illustrated 1959/01/07 [The] Syren Syren Lloyds Cunard hydrofoil St Lawrence seaway lock Lakes Detroit Deluth stabilisers mechanisation ferry ore tanker Dalveen Quasi-Arc welding

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