The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Ships of the Seven Seas No 1 Graham, Charles Ian Allan
Ships of the Seven Seas No 2 Graham, Charles Ian Allan
Ships of the Solent Hall, Colin Colin Hall Publishing QE2 submarine ferry Shieldhall
Ships of the Solent Wason, Rigby Ian Allan Ferry excursion Portsmouth Southampton Lymington Isle of Wight
Ships of the Twentieth Century Ships of the Twentieth New English Library 45003462-3 liner submarine TitanicRMS hydrofoil hovercraft warship
Ships of the Union Company Ships of the Union GP Books 0-477-00016-9 history steamship New Zealand company fleet vessel ferry route shipbuilder Tasmania WW1 WW2 trade
Ships of the Union-Castle Line Dunn, Laurence Adlard Coles Union-Castle company WW1 WW2 mail cargo Natal Line King Line
Ships of the US Merchant Fleet Culver, John A
Ships of the US Merchant Marine Farrington, S Kip E P Dutton and Co
Ships of the Veneti [The] Weatherhill, Craig Cornish Archaeology Cornwall archaeology
Ships of the Victorian Navy Dixon, Conrad Ashford Press 1-85253-033-2
Ships of the World Paine, Lincoln Conway Maritime Press 0-85177-739-2 navy dictionary warship merchant museum
Ships of the World 1969 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1970 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1972 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1973 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1974 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1975 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1976 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1977 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1978 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1979 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1979 [7 No 271] Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1980 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1981 Ships of the World
Ships of the World 1982 Ships of the World
Ships of the Worlds Battlefleets Talbot-Booth, E C Sampson Low, Marston navy warship catalogue list France German USN Italy Japan
Ships of Upper Lakes Shipping [The] Wilcox, Garnet Riverbank Traders 0-9697606-1-2 Canada fleet list Toronto Leitch grain Hamilton Welland canal St Lawrence Seaway Sarnian Halifax Glenbogie
Ships of Wellington: The past 50 years Young, Victor
Ships of West Cumberland Sythes, Desmond G Whitehaven News
Ships of Yesteryear Wade, N V
Ships of Youth [The] Edge, Geraldine Hodder & Stoughton army WW2 Sicily hospital
Ships on the Australia Station Bastock, John Child and Associates Publishing 0-86777-348-0 officers battleship frigate corvette sloop gunvessel gunboat torpedo armament sail steam builder career history dimensions royal visits
Ships on the Australian New Zealand and Islands Registers 1950 Ships on the Australian Marine Australia Press register motor vessel schooner steamer tug turbine tonnage
Ships on the Australian New Zealand and Islands Registers 1954 Ships on the Australian Marine Australia Press directory Australia New Zealand register
Ships Plans Ships Plans National Maritime Museum plan lines sailplan deckplan warship steamship Cunard section
Ships Ports and Pilots Clancy, Roger McFarland & Co 0-89950-125-7 Rhodes Oleron Britannia Hanseatic League Chesapeake licensing tugs Sparkman USA Great Lakes apprenticeship
Ships Register [The] A History of British Ship Status and Registration Procedures including their adoption in New Zealand Register Ministry of Transport – Marine Division 0-477-06624-0 Register Navigation Acts Shipping Acts merchant shipping New Zealand
Ships Registered at Fremantle before 1900 Ships Registered at Fremantle Ronald Parsons 0-9599387-1-0 register Australia
Ships Sailors and the Sea Cornewall-Jones, R J Cassell
Ships Sea Songs and Shanties Ships Sea Songs and Shanties James Brown & Son history music sociology
Ships Seventy Ships 70
Ships Seventy One Ships 71
Ships Shawls and Loyal Service Blakely, David Matador 978-1785893-308 Grey Rix Blakely family Hartismere Goswold Hall stage coach East India Company Norwich textiles silk Baptist
Ships Sixty Eight Ships 68
Ships Sixty Nine Ships 69
Ships Stewards Handbook Bond, Richard James Munro victualling food
Ships That Have Made History Robinson, G Peter Davis & Lovat Dickson Columbus Spain Drake EndeavourHMS Mayflower New Zealand
Ships that Pass Young, George J F Midgley 0-620-02151-9 history P&O passenger liner South Africa WW2 shipowner warship cruiser shipwreck coaster WW1 tug freighter Union Castle
Ships that Saved an Army [The] Plummer, Russell Patrick Stephens 1-85260-210-4 Dunkirk cargo paddlesteamer ferry RNLI navy tug Dynamo

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