The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Shipmasters of Cape Cod Kittredge, Henry C Rich & Cowan Cape Cod fur Liverpool packet clipper fruit Europe China
Shipminder Scarlett, Bernard Pelham Books 7207-0480-4 Smuggling revenue blockade gobby gubby WW1 WW2 Islander
Shipowners of Cardiff Jenkins, David University of Wales Press 0-7083-1433-3 shipowners Wales Victorian Bute Canal dock Llandaff coal Taff Vale Anne Thomas Barry railway
Shipping Hall, Arnold Sir Isaac Pitman company trade insurance pilot law dock register
Shipping Hall, Arnold Pitman company trade insurance pilot law dock register
Shipping Meteorological Office Meteorological Office Shipping areas weather forecast
Shipping a Survey of Historical Records Shipping David & Charles 0-7153-5384-5 document company Orient Ben BI GSNC Holt Houlder Shaw Shell
Shipping and Craft Finch, Roger art drawing
Shipping and Craft 1828-1829 Shipping and Craft Oyster Barges Galliots Scotch Smacks Collier Victory Hatch Boat Canal Boat Prison Ships Convict Ships Hogboats Thames Werries
Shipping and Insurance Sketches 1867 Shipping and Insurance Insurance Institute of London
Shipping and Nautical Year Book 2000 Lloyds LLP 1-85978-540-9 Lloyds directory law insurance cruising finance casualty
Shipping and Shell Shipping Shell Advertisements Shell ships and company profiles
Shipping Arrivals and Departures South Australia 1627-1850 Sexton, R T Gould Books 0-947284-19-2 history exploration schooner sloop brig Flinders whaling seal barque brigantine cutter cargo port mail shipbuilder
Shipping Arrivals and Departures Sydney Vol 2 1826-1840 Nicholson, I H Roebuck Society 0-909-434-14-X movement Sydney Australia
Shipping Arrivals and Departures Tasmania 1834-1842 Vol 2 Nicholson, I H Roebuck Society 0-909-434-247 Van Diemens Land cargo passengers maritime events
Shipping Arrivals and Departures Tasmania 1834-1842 Vol 2 Nicholson, I H Roebuck 0-909-434-247
Shipping Arrivals and Departures Tasmania Vol 1 1803-1833 Nicholson, I H Roebuck Society 0-909-434-22-0 government convict exploration Flinders survey cargo
Shipping Arrivals and Departures Tasmania Vol 3 1843-1850 Broxam, Graeme Navarine Publishing 0-9586561-3-4 Australia Tasmania schooner Hobart Pacific scrimshaw whaling
Shipping Arrivals and Departures Victorian Ports Vol 1 1798-1845 Syme, Marten A Roebuck Society 0-909-43425-5 Australia Melbourne Geelong Port Phillip steamer sheep wool trade cargo
Shipping Arrivals and Departures Victorian Ports Vol 2 1846-1855 Syme, Marten A Roebuck Society 0-909434-32-8 Australia Melbourne Geelong Portland wool shippers
Shipping Arrivals and Departures Victorian Ports Vol 3 1856-1860 Syme, Marten A Roebuck Society 0-9579295-1-X Australia migration Melbourne steam list
Shipping Arrivals and Departures: Sydney 1788-1825 Cumpston, J S Australia history vessel shipowner cargo America
Shipping Arrivals and Departures: Sydney 1841-1844 Vol 3 Broxam, Graeme Roebuck Book 0-909-434-35-2 Australia history wreck port whaling migration vessel skipper cargo coaster tonnage
Shipping at Cardiff 1920-1975 Jenkins, David University of Wales Press 0-7083-1231-4 Cardiff Wales coaster collier tanker liner tug trawler navy
Shipping Casualties 1894-95 British Parliamentary Papers HMSO BPP British Parliamentary Papers safety report casualty UK
Shipping Companies Histories and Fleet Lists 1919-1787 Shipping Companies Sea Breezes Index
Shipping Company Colours Paget-Tomlinson, Edward Landmark Publishing 1-84306-185-6 Anchor Blue Star Canadian Pacific Donaldson Fisher Harrison IoM Maersk
Shipping Company Losses of the Second World War Malcolm, Ian M The History Press 978-0-7524-9342-8 Merchant Navy Convoy WW2
Shipping Enterprise and Management 1830-1939 Hyde, Francis E Liverpool University Press company Harrison
Shipping in Dublin Port 1939-1945 Kennedy, Walter Pentland Press 1-85821-539-0 Dublin trade Ireland WW2 movement
Shipping in Dumfries and Galloway in 1820 Shipping in Dumfries Dept of Extra Mural & Adult Ed Uni of Glasgow shipbuilding register Solway Kirkcudbright Portpatrick Stranraer Wigtown Scotland Kippford Gallaway
Shipping in the Port of Annapolis 1748-1775 Brown, Vaughan W United States Naval Institute Chesapeake US port trade mutiny slavery Annapolis
Shipping Law Chorley Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd ship crew contracts insurance salvage shipowner York Antwerp rules towage RN pilotage passenger
Shipping Law Grime, Robert Sweet & Maxwell 0-421-359-307 maritime admiralty shipping navigation regulations master crew safety goods passengers liabilities limitation salvage towage wreck collision pollution ship construction equipment facilities marine insurance
Shipping Literature of the Great Lakes Shipping Literature Michigan State University Press 0-87013-317-9 railroad steamer Canada Detroit Michigan Toronto Niagara Wisconsin
Shipping Marks on Timber Shipping Marks William Rider & Son trade company wood
Shipping Movements in the Ports of the United Kingdom 1871-1913 Shipping Movements University of Exeter Press 0-85989-616-1 port trade
Shipping Murphys [The] Smith, Cornelius F Albany Press 0-954034-01-5 Palgrave Ireland coal steam tug crew
Shipping of the Bosphorus Brooks, Chris Bernard McCall 978-1-902953-53-3 Istanbul Black Sea Marmara Destiny container LPG tanker Havdrott reefer
Shipping of the River Forth Hendrie, William F 0-7524-21117-4
Shipping on the Humber the North Bank Taylor, Mike Tempus 0-7524-3116-1 Humber keel
Shipping on the Humber the South Bank Taylor, Mike Tempus 0-7524-2780-6 Humber Grimsby keel sloop barge
Shipping on the River Dart Moseley, Brian
Shipping Pools Packard, William V Lloyds of London Press 1-85044-512-5 economics textbook environment survey bunker finance
Shipping Posters and Graphic Works Shipping Posters Hull City Museums 1-902709-01-2 Rodmell artist oil paintings drawings maritime WW1
Shipping Practice Stevens, Edward F Pitman shipowner liability lading law charter freight Lloyds port agent rules certificate
Shipping Practice Stevens, Edward F Pitman 0-273-31526-9 shipowner liability lading law charter freight Lloyds port agent rules certificate
Shipping Revolution [The] Shipping Revolution
Shipping Safety 7 Unseaworthy Ships British Parliamentary Papers Irish University Press 7165-1149-5 BPP British Parliamentary Papers safety report
Shipping Venture [A] Long, Anne Hutchinson Benham Turnbull Cardiff Whitby London Baxtergate Burrell coal grain Eastgate Flowergate Gibson Highgate Hunton March Mills Parkgate Redgate Steamship Birntisland Shipbuilding Butterwick Larpool Wood Shipyard Pennock Southgate Thachray Whitehall

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