The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Queequegs Odyssey Cultra, Quen Chicago Review Press 0-283-98453-8 yacht cruising multihull solo Pacific Caribbean
Quest by Canoe: Glasgow to Skye Dunnett, Alastair M Travel Book Club
Quest for Frank Wild including his original memoirs [the] Butler, Angie Jackleberry Press 978-0-9569272-0-0- polar explorer memoirs Shackleton Scott Endurance
Quest for India [The] Landstrom, Bjorn Allen & Unwin exploration Africa Egypt India Mediterranean Viking junk
Quest for Speed at Sea [A] Dawson, Christopher Hutchinson 0-09-109720-7 shipbuilding MTB propellor turbine frigate barge torpedo
Quest of Simon Richardson [The] Richardson, Dorothy Victor Gollancz 0-575-03853-5 biography adventure mystery tug journal
Quest of the Schooner Argus [The] Villiers, Alan Hodder and Stoughton Newfoundland Atlantic Canada dory Portugal radio shipwreck Silvio Ramalheira Gremio cod
Questions and Answers on Electric Motors Coker, A J George Newnes current motor torque voltage magnet polarity textbook
Questions and Answers on the Marine Diesel Engine Lamb, John Charles Griffin engineering diesel textbook
Quetta [The] Foley, John C H Nairana Publications 0-7316-8141-X shipwreck Australia Torres Strait Queensland
Quiberon Bay Marcus, Geoffrey Hollis & Carter Quiberon Anson blockade France
Quiet Adventure [The] Quiet Adventure Charles Smith Publications boatbuilding sail cruise fishing dinghy traditional racing inland canal river club British Small Boatbuilders Association
Quiet Warrior [The] Buell, Thomas B Little Brown and Company 0-87021-562-0 RN WW2 World War Two admiral US Navy Pacific
R Lapthorn and Company Limited Garrett, K S Ships in Focus 1-901-703-41-X company Lapthorn
R N V R [The] Kerr, J Lennox George G Harrap navy RNVR minesweeper submarine MTB FAA Fleet Air Arm Albacore pilot landing Lizard
Ra Expeditions [The] Heyerdahl, Thor George Allen & Unwin 0-04-572020-7 exploration raft reed currents Caribbean sociology adventure
Race [The] Hubbard, J T W W W Norton 0-393-03313-9 yacht racing Atlantic solo humour
Race [The] Orsenna, Erik Solar 2-263-03146-4 yacht racing
Race Against the Odds Desmond, Kevin Sigma Leisure 1-85058-806-6 speedboat Cumbria Argentina US powerboat racing
Race Against Time Bolton, David Methuen 0-7493-0994-6 history waterway canal river restoration National Trust aqueduct Robert Aickman David Hutchings
Race Against time Macarthur, Ellen Michael Joseph/Penguin 978-0-718-14740-2 racing trimaran solo ocean Atlantic Falmouth Spain sailing
Race to the Cape Hodson, Norman a story of the Union Castle Line 1857-1977 Navigator Books 0-902830-42-2 passengers WW1 WW2 design cruising
Race to Win Marshall, Roger Adlard Coles/Granada 0-229-11625-6 racing design dinghy rig hydraulic sail deckplan electric
Race Under Sail Hambly, Peter Stanford Maritime 0-540-07173-0 square rig tall racing Chichester
Race Your Boat Right Knapp, Arthur Macmillan yacht textbook seamanship
Races for the Americas Cup Burnell, R D Macdonald Americas Cup yacht racing US
Racing Racing Time-Life Books racing tactics engine rules laser aerodynamic dinghy
Racing Cruising and Design Fox, Uffa Peter Davies masting rigging construction lines plans sections yacht sail power boats J class one design
Racing Dinghy Handling Proctor, Ian Adlard Coles dinghy racing crew safety club steering maintenance inter14
Racing Dinghy Maintenance Proctor, Ian dinghy maintenance racing
Racing Dinghy Sails Howard-Williams, Jeremy Adlard Coles 0-229-97495-3 dinghy racing sails rigging
Racing Edge [The] Turner, Ted Rutledge Books Inc 0-906781-03-5 Tenacious Courageous tactics techniques match racing protests appeals clothing nutrition mental preparation
Racing Rules of Sailing 1997-2000 [The] RYA Royal Yachting Association flags signals match racing team racing protests ISAF eligibility international juries
Racing Rules of Sailing 2001 – 2004 [The] RYA RYA Yacht Racing
Racing Rules of the International Yacht Racing Union 1st Jan 1959 [The] Racing Rules RYA management sailing infringments protests appeals
Racing Sailormen Cooper, F S Percival Marshall barge Thames
Racing Schooner Westward [The] Hamilton-Adams , C P Stanford Maririme 0-540-07155-2 yacht racing lines Britannia schooner US deckplan
Racing Schooner Westward [The] Hamilton-Adams, C P Stanford Maritime 0-540-07155-2 yacht racing lines J Britannia schooner US deckplan
Racing Skipper Aisher, Robin Fernhurst Books 0-906754-69-0 preparation tactics night sailing
Racing Tactics Curry, Manfred G Bell & Sons Ltd/Scribner wind weather rules racing
Racing Through the Night Sisson, Wade Amberley Publishing 978-1-4456-0026-0 Titanic shipwreck steam passenger disaster
Racing With Cornelius Shields and the Masters Shields, Cornelius Prentice-Hall Inc 0-13-750224-9 yacht racing America
Racing Yachts [The] Whipple, A B C
Racing Yachts and Dinghies Bartlett, James Macdonald yacht dinghy racing catalogue flyingD star merlinR flyingF
Racundras First Cruise Ransome, Arthur Jonathan Cape yacht cruising ketch
Racundras Third Cruise Ransome, Arthur Fernburst Books 1-898660-89-1 Dvina Riga cruising Baltic
Radar Afloat Bartlett, Tim Fernhurst Books 1-898660-71-9 radar navigation collision pilot weather collision maintenance compass
Radar and Electronic Navigation Sonnenberg, G J Butterworths 0-408-01191-2 navigation radar radio electronic textbook
Radar Observers Handbook Burger, W Brown Son & Ferguson transmission reception range measurement controls echo detection coast pilot chart navigation iceberg equipment
Radar Watchkeeping Moss, W D Maritime Press navigation textbook radar

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