The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Norddeutscher Lloyd Hamburg Bremer Afrika Linie Thiel, Reinhold Hauschild Bremen 3-89757-067-X history German shipping WW1 fleet flag route
Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab 1857-1957 [Det] Danielsen, Rolf Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab history board member Nidelven nordic routes Haakon V11 company offices investments pension funds WW1/2 jubilee
Nordiske Skorsteinsmerker og Rederiflagg Dagsland, Stein Erik Vormedal Forlag 978-82-92879-78-8 Norway norwegian shipowner shipbuilder funnel flag marking history Sweden Denmark Finland Iceland Faroes
Nordlandske Dampskibsselskap A/S 1927-1977 [Det] Dyvik, Sigurd Det Nordlandske Dampskibsselskap 82-90030-81-9 WW2 company founding fathers history board members Per Gulbransen officers Norfjell Bodo bombing freight war Barset boat
Nordsovaerftet Mikkelsen, Bent Forlaget Betty Nordgas 87-986590-2-2 Denmark shipbuilder list tug ferry tanker
Norfolk Broads and Rivers Davies, G Christopher William Blackwood wildfowling
Norfolk Broads Holiday Book and Pocket Pilot [The] May, John Hulton Press travel pilotage guide geography UK anecdotes
Norfolk Rivers and Harbours Simper, Robert Creekside Publishing 0-9519927-5-9
Norfolk Shipping Stammers, Michael Tempus 0-7524-2757-1
Norfolks Lifeboats Wiltshire, Roger S.B. Publications 1-85770-054-6 King’s Lynn Hunstanton Brancaster Wells next the Sea Blakeney Sheringham Cromer Happisburgh Palling Winterton Caister on Sea Great Yarmouth Gorleston Southwold
Norges Skipsliste 1975 Norges Skipsliste Norway Norwegian ship register
Nories Nautical Tables Nories Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson 0-85288-072-3 tables navigation
Nories Nautical Tables Nories Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson navigation tables
Nories Yacht List 1934 Nories Yacht List Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson yacht list register
Nories Yacht List 1935 Nories Yacht List Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson yacht list register
Norman Lindsays Ship Models Lindsay, Norman Angus & Robertson model warship poetry East India Company figurehead yacht clipper
Normandy 1944 Badsey, Stephen Osprey 84-9798-03-6 D-Day Normandy WW2
Normandy and Channel Islands Pilot Brackenbury, Mark Granada Publishing 0-229-11697-3 Calais Boulogne River Canche Baie de Somme Le Treport Dieppe St Valery Fecamp Le Havre Seine Rouen Honfleur Deauville St Peter Port Alderney Sark Jersey Guernsey St Malo Carteret St Helier Cherbourg Iles St Marcouf berths facilities ports tides
Normandy Campaign [The] Hunt, Robert Leo Cooper D-Day Normandy
Normandy Harbours and Pilotage Delmar-Morgan, E Adlard Coles/Granada 0-229-11649-3 France pilotage directions lighthouse Channel
Normandy Invasion June 1944 [the] looking down on war Stanley, Roy M Pen and Sword Military 978-1-78159-056-0 WW2 Second World War Sword June Gold Omaha Ponte du Hoc Utah Operation Overlord Atlantic Wall D-Day landings amphibious USAF RAF photoreconnaissance
Norse Boatbuilding in North America Norse Boatbuilding Apprenticeshop of Maine Maritime Museum 0-937410-01-2 Norway lines apprentice Maine technology faering wood
Norse Myths [The] Crossley-Holland, Kevin Andre Deutsch 0-14-00-6056-1 Norway Scandinavia Thor Odin Valhalla stars Viking Irish
Norsk BjergningsKompagni A S Norwegian Salvage Company Ltd [The] Norsk Bjergnings Kompagni Norway salvage supply tug icebreaker tonnage gear radar port
Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 1973 Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 82-90089-01-5 Norway signal code sailplan anchor rigging
Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 1976 Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 82-90089-05-8 Norway archaeology barrel
Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 1978 Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 82-90089-07-4 Norway ropework touring archaeology
Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 1980 Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 82-90089-09-0 Norway RoyalMail Archer yacht archaeology lines cutter
Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 1982 Norsk Sjofartsmuseum 82-90089-11-2 ferry Norway
Norsk Tralfiske Gjennom 80 ar Jensen, Anders J Maritim Historie 2-002010-1027-10 trawler fishing history Kristiansund export skipper fish quotas Britain WW2
Norske Libertyflaten [Den] Dagsland, Stein Erik Vormedal 978-82-92879-59-7 Liberty Norway WW2 shipyard shipbuilder dockyard bunker
Norske Seilskuter I-VI Norske Seilskuter
Norske Seilskuter: Mennene fra de Hvite dage tilegnet (Bind 7) Norske Seilskuter
Norske Uddevallaskipene [De] Bakke, Dag Jr
Norskekystens Fraktemenn Gothesen, Gothe Grondahl 82-504-0415-7 Norway lines sailplan fishing
Norsk-Engelsk Norsk-Engelsk Gyldendal Norway dictionary Norwegian
North Africa Gibraltar to Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Malta North Africa Gibraltar Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson 0-85288-155-X pilot pilotage chart harbour North Africa Gibraltar Tunisia Malta Marocco
North Along the Shore Mosher, Edith Lancelot Press shipbuilding
North and North-East Coast of Scotland Sailing Directions and Anchorages North & North-East Clyde Cruising Club
North Atlantic Coles, K Adlard Robert Ross yacht racing Atlantic Bermuda
North Atlantic Directory Rosser, W H James Imray & Son Atlantic Pacific Indian Ocean winds seasons trade winds currents tides whaling grounds maps charts
North Atlantic Front [The] Miller, James Birlinn 1-84158-011-7 NAAFI RNVR Reykjavik Scapa Flotta WW1 Lerwick WRNS U-boat mine convoy
North Atlantic Lighthouses Trethewey, Ken Flammarion 2-0801-0563-9 USA Canada Iceland Scotland England Wales Ireland France Eddystone Stevenson
North Atlantic Liners Dunn, Laurence Hugh Evelyn Atlantic liner
North Atlantic Panorama 1900-1976 Ransome-Wallis, P Ian Allan 0-7110-0626-1 liner passenger White Star Cunard Harland & Wolff Clyde Norway
North Atlantic Passengers Liners since 1900 Cairis, Nicholas T Ian Allan 7110-0275-4 Atlantic liner passenger Cunard company
North Atlantic Run [The] Maxtone-Graham, John Macmillan Publishing 0-304-29156-0 transatlantic liners history Mauretania WW1 Cunard Lusitania Aquitania stowaway salvage WW2 troopship contraband
North Atlantic Seaway Bonsor, N R P T Stephenson & Sons liner passenger company Cunard New York Anchor Hamburg America HAPAG
North Atlantic Seaway Vol 1 Bonsor, N R P T Stephenson & Sons 0-7153-6401-4 liner passenger transatlantic Cunard
North Atlantic Seaway Vol 2 Bonsor, N R P T Stevenson 0-905824-01-6 liner passenger company

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