The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Naval War of 1812 [The] Naval War Chatham Publishing 1-86176-063-9 USN navy Napoleonic deckplan sailplan frigate schooner
Naval War of 1812 [The] Roosevelt, Theodore G P Putnam’s Sons 0-87021-445-4 Yeo Wasp Warrington Shannon Rodgers Porter Sackett Peacock Oneida
Naval Warfare in the Age of Sail Ireland, Bernard Harper Collins 0-00-414522-4 exploration revolution Napoleonic navy sail Nelson Plymouth France Spain frigate
Naval Warfare in the Age of Sail Tunstall, Brian Conway Maritime 0-85177-544-6 navy tactics Dutch France signal flag convoy USN Napoleonic
Naval Wars in the Baltic 1522-1850 Anderson, R C Francis Edwards Tchitchagov Tromp Koslanianov Apraksin Barford Sodermanland Christian IV Gustaff III
Naval Whos Who 1917 [The] Naval Whos Who J B Hayward & Son
Navegacion en la Cuenca del Plata [La] Dodero, Luis Argentina steam company Dorero shippng Uraguay Paraguay Panama
Navi a Vapore ed Armamenti Italiani Dal 1818 ai Giorni Nostri Gropallo, Tomaso Instituto Grafico Bertello Rubattino Linia d’Italia Compagnia Transatlantica Italy South America
Navi di Linea Italiane 1861-1969 [Le] Navi di Linea Italiane Ufficio Storico della Marina Militare
Navi e Marinai Italiani nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale Ando, Elio Albertelli
Navi e Servizi del LLoyd Triestino Gerolami, Giovanni Stabilimento Tipografico Nazionale company history Italy Lloyd Triestino
Navi in Citta Vol 1 Ogliari, Francesco
Navi in Citta Vol 2 Ogliari, Francesco
Navi Mercantili Perdute Navi Mercantili Ufficio Storico Della Marina Militare ship warloss Italy Adriatic passenger dazzle Dubrovnik
Navi Mercantili Perdute Vol 3 Navi Mercantili
Navi Sotto Vetro Cervin, G B Rubin de Lloyd Italico & L’Ancora Italy Genova Venice Bologna La Spezia Le Vainqueur frigate San Michele La Stella Polare
Navico TP 1600/2500 Navico instrument gear tiller steering
Navies [The] Navies Federal Confederate blockade ironclads Mississippi forts cruisers Alabama marine gunboat
Navies and the American Revolution 1775-1783 Navies and the American Chatham Publishing 1-86176-017-5 USN frigate France navy Dutch Carribean
Navies of the American Revolution Preston, Antony Leo Cooper 0-85052-191-2 navy USN ordnance weapon lines deckplan warloss flag uniform
Navies of the Napoleonic Era Pivka, Otto von David & Charles 0-7153-7767-1 tactics coalition Mediterranean Ireland Tenerife Camperdown Nile Malta Helder Algeciras
Navigable Rivers of Yorkshire Duckham, B F Dalesman Inland waterways lighters locks Ouse Aire Calder Derwent Ure tolls railways
Navigateurs et Marins Illustres Fallet, C J. Lebegue engravings Howard Cartier Ruyter Algiers Duquesne Lipari Tourville Plymouth Jean Bart Forbin Rio Cassard Canada Suffren Aboukir Algeciras Trafalgar
Navigating Britains Coastline Oldale, Adrienne David & Charles 0-7153-7579-2 pilot Cornwall yacht
Navigation Gardner, A C English Universities Press 0-340-05668-1 navigation astro textbook chartwork
Navigation Navigation Time-Life Books navigation chart pilot current tide lighthouse coast
Navigation an RYA Manual RYA David & Charles 0-7153-9999-3 yacht cruising seamanship navigation textbook buoy chartwork
Navigation and Nautical Astronomy Navigation and Nautical Longmans Green
Navigation by Pocket Calculator Dixon, Conrad Adlard Coles 0-229-11618-3 yacht navigation textbook
Navigation by Simulous Piver, Arthur
Navigation by Steam Ross, John K S Longman, Rees, Orme Brown and Green history naval tactis commerce warfare defence
Navigation dans L’Antiquite [La] Gianfrotta, Piero A Edisud 2-85744-799-X Bronze Age Minoan Mycenaean Greek Roman Punic Mediterranean adventurers commerce cargo trade construction archaeology wreck loss
Navigation Exercises For Yachtsmen Anderson, Bill Stanford Maritime 0-540-0-7275-3 RYA chark lights buoyage magnetic compass tide calculations
Navigation for Yachtsmen Blewitt, Mary navigation yacht compass
Navigation Notes and Tips for Tickets Navigation Notes Thacker and Co
Navigation of Small Yachts [The] Irving, John Edward Arnold yacht navigation sextant textbook tide astro pilotage log
Navigation on the North Sea Canal Navigation Municipality of Amsterdam canal waterway Netherlands Amsterdam Ijmuiden
Navigation Primer For Fishermen Howell, F S Fishing News Books Ltd 0-85238-139-5 textbook compasstables navigation chart sextant magnet
Navigation sans Logarithmes [La] Neufville, S de Editions Maritime et D’Outre-Mer navigation astro textbook
Navigation: notes and examples Card, S F Edward Arnold navigation astro compass chartwork sextant textbook
Navigator in the South Seas Hilder, Brett
Navigators and the Merchant Navy [The] Villiers, Alan Brown Son & Ferguson
Navigators Art [The] Hutson, A B A Mills & Boon 0-263-05592-2 navigation Mediterranean Scandinavia canoe Pacific compass
Navigators Guide to Hyperbolic Navigation Davies, H Neville Brown Son & Ferguson radio navigation
Navigazione Generale Italiana [La] Le Sue Eredi Le Minori Ogliari, Francesco Cavallotti Editori Italy N.G.I. emmigration military
Navigazione sui Laghi Italiani [La] 1 Lago di Como Ogliari, Francesco
Navigazione sui Laghi Italiani [La] 2 Lago Maggiore Ogliari, Francesco
Navigazione sui Laghi Italiani [La] 3 Lago di Garda Ogliari, Francesco
Navigazione sui Laghi Italiani [La] 4 Lago d’Iseo Ogliari, Francesco
Navigazione sui Laghi Italiani [La] 5 I Laghi Minori Ogliari, Francesco

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