Book catalogue

The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

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Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Bateaux de Peche a la Belle Epoque Vallat, Roger Alan Sutton 978-2-8138-0157-9 sail France Channel Boulogne Normandy Btittany Mediterranean Corsica
Bateaux de Peche de Bretagne [Les] Gloux, Herve Fayard 2-213-00385-8 France tuna sardines langustines cod Concarneau Cancale Newfoundland Mauritius sail longboat trawler dory museum of fishing
Bateaux de Peche de Chez Nous [Les] Brouard, Jean-Yves Editions MDM 2-909313-36-0 France fishing sardines tuna herring cod Brittany Mediterranean schooner trawler seiner sail steam motor diesel shipwreck morutiers boatbuilding construction
Bateaux des Cotes de la Bretagne Nord [Les] Bot, Jean Le Editions des 4 Seigneurs 2-85231-023-6 France Brittany shipbuilding history plan schooner lugger dory barge cutter
Bateaux des Fleuves de France Beaudouin, Francois Editions de l’Estran 2-903-707-146 river canal lines barge bark skiff Rhone Adour Gironde Loire Seine Meuse Escaut Brittany
Bateaux et Batellerie de Venise Cervin, G B Rubin de Edita Lausanne 2-88001-059-4 gondola lugger barge Canal Marc art crossbow Botticelli plans lines Vatican cannon Moro Balbi Guidecca Arsenal Rialto Bucentaure
Bateaux-Feux [Les] Bateaux-Feux Somogy Editions D’Art 2-85056-656-X France lightship Channel weather deckplan warloss shipwreck rescue safety Dyck Sandettie
Batellerie Bretonne [La] Guillet, Jacques Le Chasse-Maree Editions de l’Estran France canal river boatbuilding lines Brittany Brest Nantes St Malo Lorient Rance sail horse-drawn steam motor barge freight tourism
Batene Vare Hvor Ble de Av? Batene Vare Bergens Tidende 82-7131–26-7 Norway ferry fjord passenger Bergen
Bath Iron Works The First Hundred Years Snow, Ralph Linwood Maine Maritime Museum 0-9619449-0-0 steam shipyard Maine
Battle Class Destroyers Hodges, Peter Almark 0-85524-012-1 navy destroyer badge
Battle Coast Hunter, R H Spurbooks Ltd 0-902875-24-8 defences Normandy Neptune US airdrops Red Devils Utah Omaha British Canada beaches
Battle Cruisers at the Falklands [The] Verner, Rudolf John Bale Sons and Danielsson Falkland Islands battle 1914 Invincible Inflexible squadron Carnarvon Cornwall Kent Bristol Glasgow
Battle for Norway [The] Haarr, Geirr H Seaforth Publishing 978-1-84832-057-4 WW2 Europe Weseruburg Juno Narvik Luftwaffe Stavanger Oslo Madsen
Battle For the Falklands [The] Hastings, Max Michael Joseph Falklands warloss
Battle Honours of the Royal Navy Warner, Oliver George Philip & Sons Ltd Quiberon Warspite convoy Channel badge Bellerophon Daring Illustrious Agincourt Manxman
Battle in the Irish Sea Gibson, David Maritime Books 0-9521432-0-8 U-boat WW2 Ireland warloss escort frigate list casualty
Battle of Britain August-October 194O [The] Battle of Britain HMSO aircraft battle RAF WW2
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Battle of Britain MOD RAF WW2 Lancaster Spitfire pilot Dambusters Tallboy Hurricane Biggin Tangmere Cranwell
Battle of Jutland [The] Hough, Richard Hamish Hamilton WW1 Beatty Jellicoe torpedo ordnance tactics warloss Germany Dreadnought Hipper Scheer Rosyth
Battle of Jutland [The] Sutherland, Jon Pen & Sword Maritime 978-1-84415-529-3 WW2 Jellicoe Scheer U-boats Derfflinger Hipper Beatty Churchill Warspite Warrior
Battle of Matapan [The] Pack, S W C Pan Books 330-02180-X WW2 Italy Crete Mediterranean Navy RN Greece
Battle of Navarino [The] Woodhouse, C M Hodder & Stoughton navy Greece Mediterranean Nelson Navarino Ionia
Battle of North Cape [The] Ogden, Michael William Kimber WW2 Scharnhorst warloss battleship cruiser
Battle of Sirte [The] Pack, S W C Ian Allan 0-7110-0596-6 WW2 Mediterranean Malta convoy Vian memoir Italy torpedo chronology
Battle of the Atlantic [The] Bailey, Chris Howard Alan Sutton Publishing 1-55750-734-1 WW2 Atlantic corvette navy training convoy weather
Battle of the Atlantic [The] Costello, John Collins 0-00-216048-X WW2 ULTRA U-boat convoy torpedo Athenia Germany Chamberlain Kriegesmarine
Battle of the Atlantic [The] Macintyre, Donald Severn House 0-7278-0037-X convoy WW2 U-boat wolf-pack weapons
Battle of the Atlantic [The] Ministry of Information HMSO U-boat Atlantic battle WW2
Battle of the Atlantic [The] Ministry of Information HMSO
Battle of the Atlantic [The] Williams, Andrew BBC 0-563-53429-X World War Two WW2 U-boats convoys submarines
Battle of the Atlantic 1939-1943 [The] Vol 1 Morison, Samuel Eliot Little, Brown and Co losses submarines U-boats mine fields merchant fleets Atlantic Fleet WW2 convoys warfare Q-ships auxiliaries mystery
Battle of the Atlantic 50th Anniversary Battle of the Atlantic Brodie Publishing 1-874447-01-2 Liverpool Merseyside Royal Navy Royal Air Force convoy Merchan Navy World War Two WW2
Battle of the Atlantic and Signals Intelligence [The] Battle of the Atlantic Ashgate 0-7546-3123-0 RN navy WW2 intelligence submarine U-boat Enigma list US warship Norway Mediterranean Knowles
Battle of the Atlantic and Signals Intelligence U-boat Situations and Trends 1941-1945 [The] Battle of the Atlantic Ashgate 1-84014-295-2 WW2 submarinesArctic Atlantic Azores Baltic Bergen Cape Verde convoy Channel escort Freetown
Battle of the Baltic Jackson, Robert Pen & Sword 978-1-84415-4227 WW2 Baltic War Poland Russia Germany Barbarossa Leningrad Riga Operation Hannibal
Battle of the Coral Sea [The] Millot, Bernard Ian Allan 0-7110-0540-0 WW2 World War Two Mitsubishi Zero Grumman Wild Cat Aichi Val Nakajima Kate Douglas Dauntless Douglas Devastator Kawanishi Mavis
Battle of the East Coast 1939-45 [The] Foynes, J P J P Foynes 0-9521555-2-4 Nore Command World War Two WW2 Beehive Mantis Midge North Sea Convoy
Battle of the Narrow Seas [The] Scott, Peter Country Life WW2 Channel North Sea CMB MGB ML Gneisenau E-boat St Nazaire Cherbourg Dieppe Portsmouth D-Day
Battle of the Nile [The] Warner, Oliver B T Batsford navy Nelson woodenwall uniform France Alexandria
Battle of the Oceans Armstrong, Warren Jarrolds WW2 Malta convoy Norway lifeboats U-boat arctic navy lines
Battle of the River Plate [The] Pope, Dudley William Kimber WW2 battleship GrafSpee cruiser warloss tactics
Battle of the River Plate 70th Anniversary Allan, John Robert Falklands Port Stanley WW2 WW1 Invincible Inflexible Sharnhorst Gneisenau Graf Spee Achillies
Battle of the Seas [The] Hurd, Archibald Hodder and Stoughton Mechant navy u-boat Athenia Empress of Britain Jervis Bay Queen Mary
Battle of the Seaways Johnston, George H Victor Gollancz partisans Yugoslavia S-boat MTB convoy Tunis
Battle of the Torpedo Boats [The] Cooper, Bryan Macdonald & Co 0-330-23243-6 Mediterranean Channel Aegean Pacific Hong Kong D-day Philippines
Battle of the Wine Dark Sea Lind, Lew Kangaroo Press 0-86417-562-0 Mediterranean RN WW2 World War Two Agean Greece Crete
Battlebags Mowthorpe, Ces Alan Sutton Publishing 0-7509-0989-7 WW1 airship RNAS navy Bude
Battlecruiser Hood [The] Roberts, John Conway Maritime Press 0-85177-250-1 battlecruiser model lines handicraft HoodHMS
Battlecruiser Invincible Tarrant, V E Arms and Armour Press 0-85368-791-9 navy battlecruiser Falklands Jutland tactics warloss

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