The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Maritime Standarduttrykk Maritime Standarduttrykk Sjofartsdirektoratet Universitetsforlaget 82-00-45047-3 navigation dictionary
Maritime Strategy Gretton, Sir Peter Cassell navy WW1 WW2 nuclear
Maritime Suffolk Malster, Robert Poppyland 978-1-909796-36-2 fishing trade Orwell merchant adventurer dutch Dunkirk harbour collier billyboy barge coaster smack Sudbury shipwreck salvage fishing herring shipbuilding shipyard Felixtowe beach company Bayley Cooke Cann Harwich Ipswich Lowestoft
Maritime Sussex Harries, David S B Publications 1-85770-122-4 shipbuilding trade port fishing smuggling WW1 WW2 France Shoreham Newhaven Littlehampton Chichester coast hogboat lifeboat
Maritime Thanet Maritime Thanet Thanet District Council Ramsgate shipwreck
Maritime Transport 1983 Maritime Transport OECD 92-64-12609-0 United Nations dry bulk oil
Maritime Transport 1984 Maritime Transport
Maritime Transport 1988 Maritime Transport 1988
Maritime Transport 1990 Maritime Transport
Maritime Wales Richards, John Tempus 978-0-7524-4224-2 ketch Canada Newport dock shipbuilder Cardiff coal ferry Swansea grain flyingboat
Maritime Wales in the Middle Ages 1039-1542 Gruffydd, Ken Lloyd Bridge Books 978-1-84494-106-3 shipwrights wrecks pirates wool cloth wine
Maritime West Cumbria Jackson, Herbert Hirst-Jackson lifeboat Whitehaven Cumbria shipbuilding Maryport
Maritimers Ashore and Afloat Vol 1 Spicer, Stanley T Lancelot Press 0-88999-517-6 Nova Scotia
Maritimers Ashore and Afloat Vol 2 Spicer, Stanley T Lancelot Press 0-88999-541-9 Nova Scotia
Mark Well the Whale! Schmitt, Frederick P Kennikat Press 0-8046-8097-3 whaling east coast NewBedford rescue Pacific Atlantic US
Marketable Marine Fishes Cunningham, J T Macmillan and Co history fish characteristics value generations eggs larvae development growth migration food habits supply increase
Marks to Starboard Steavenson, Robin Herbert Jenkins ice New Zealand racing dinghy Weymouth Torquay sail Royal Cornwall
Marline Spikes Fids and Other Related Tools Pawson, Des Footrope Knots rigging tools rope knot navy sailmaker splicing dockyard
Marline-Spike Seamanship Popple, Leonard Brown Son & Ferguson wire knots rigger
Marlinspike Sailor [The] Smith, Hervey Garrett David and Charles 0-7153-5529-5 knot rope splicing
Marooned Derriman, James Kenneth Mason 0-85937-356-8 marooned Massachusetts RecruitHMS Sombrero Lord Nelson Whitbread log muster Jeffery Lake
Marr Story [The] Marr Story J Marr Ltd 1-872167-69-1 fishing Hull sociology whaling company
Marseille et Marine en Bois Picard, Henri Michel Schefer 2-903-856-06-0 France sail Suez Antilles Guyane France-Marie Cannebiere crew pilot Bretagne Joseph Conrad Torrens Mace Marius Ricoux lines deckplan barque schooner brig company
Martin Johnsons Amazing Maritime Models Johnson, Martin David & Charles 0-7153-0186-1 model
Marvelous Maverick [The] Corbett, Vince Menonite Press 0-615-12524-7 USN WW2 landing list
Marvels of the Worlds Fisheries [The] Wright, Sidney Seeley Service & Co Ltd tools trawler shrimp mussel oyster salmon whaling cod Brittany US pilchard Cornwall Ireland crab
Mary Celeste Hastings, Macdonald Michael Joseph 7181-1024-2 mystery Atlantic
Mary Celeste [The] Lockhart, J G Rupert Hart-Davis barque mystery brig
Mary Celeste [The] Maxwell, John Jonathan Cape 0-600-20050-7 rescue salvage
Mary Fletcher [The] Eglinton, Edmund University of Exeter Press 0-85989-326-X trade schooner ketch dredging sail cargo
Mary Powell [The] Ringwald, Donald C Howell-North Books 0-8310-7090-0 Anderson Mary Powell Steamboat Company Hudson River Day Line paddle steamer lines
Mary Rose Mary Rose Mary Rose Trust Mary Rose Solent Tudor cannon diving bell Portsmouth barge
Mary Rose [The] Mary Rose Mary Rose Trust 0-9511747-2-X Portsmouth Tudor hull restoration Babcock salvage recovery
Mary Rose [The] Rule, Margaret The Mary Rose Trust 0-9511747-2-X Tudor wreck salvage history recovery conservation exhibition hull artillery cannon Mary Rose
Mary Rose [The] Rule, Margaret Windward 0-7112-0316-4 archaeology Mary Rose diving cannon ordnance shipwreck
Mas e le Motosiluranti Italiane 1906-1968 [I] Mas e le Motosiluranti Ufficio Storico della Marina Militare
Massachusetts Shipping 1697-1714 Bailyn, Bernard Belknap Press Massachusetts
Mast and sail in Europe and Asia Smyth, H Warington John Murray spar rigging lines design development
Mast and Sail in Europe and Asia Smyth, H Warington William Blackwood spar rigging lines design development
Master and his ship [The] Cotter, Charles H Maritime Press seamanship anchoring rules salvage textbook
Master in Sail Learmont, James S Percival Marshall sail barque cargo Cape Horn Australia memoir
Master in Sail and Steam Morgan, Charles S biography fore and aft schooner USAeast coast timber log
Master Mariner Cumberlege, Claude Peter Davies fiction
Master Mariner Rentell, Philip Seafarer Books 978-1-9066266-13-4 merchant navy biography Cunard Saga Sun Cruises
Master Mariner [A] Master Mariner T Fisher Unwin biography India
Master Mariner Captain Walter Williams 1806 – 1882 Denton, Pennie Peveril Press 978-0-9542790-1 1 Mevagissey Cornwall history families Williams and Pearces 1800’s merchants shipbuilding the Brilliant the Elizabeth Mary Anne Portmellon the cholera epidemic
Master of Cape Horn Falkus, Hugh Victor Gollancz 0-575-03089-5 biography captain WA Nelson square rig Cape Horn
Master of the Sea Powell, Margaret Alison Hodge 10-0-906720-37-0 art Cornwall Hemy Falmouth
Master Under God Harris, Anthony W Arthur H Stockwell Ltd 0-7223-1210-5 safety training sailing cruising casualty Gibraltar
Masters of Sail Spicer, Stanley T Ryerson Press shipbuilding Nova Scotia

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