The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Inland Waterways Guide 1991 Inland Waterways Archway Nicholas canal barge
Inland Waterways of England [The] Rolt, L T C George Allen & Unwin canal sociology
Inland Waterways of Great Britain and Ireland Inland Waterways Imray Lorrie Norie & Wilson Canal river nationalisation locks towpath aqueducts
Inland Waterways of Ireland [The] Cumberlidge, Jane Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson 0-085288-424-9 canals waterways rivers societies authorities management conservation wildlife restoration hire companies navigation
Inland Waterways of the Netherlands Vol 1 Benest, E E Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson yacht directions Netherlands pilot canal navigation
Inland Waterways of the Netherlands Vol 2 Benest, E E Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson yacht directions Netherlands pilot canal navigation
Inman Steam Ship Official Tourist Guide [The] Inman Steam Ship Europe routes maps plans rail museums gallery docks Thames parks history hotels tours
Inmans Nautical Tables Inman, James J D Potter tables navigation chartwork astro textbook tables almanac
Innlandsbatene pa 10 Telemarksvann Lorentzen, Harald Genius Forlag Skien 82-991292-3-0 Gausta ferry steamer passenger Rjukan post Skarsfos deckplan railway Tinn Hydro Ammonia Storegut Marfjord
Innocent Abroad Blyth, Chay
Innovation Enterprise and Change on the Greenwich Peninsula Mills, Mary M. Wright Publications 978-0-9535245-5-6 sea wall Greenwich marsh Enderby wharf Rope Walk Atlantic cable Granite wharf Lovells Bugsbys Reach Pilot pub engineering Richard Trevithick cement shipbuilding Cutty Sark sprit sail barge Phoenix wharf gas works Blackwall tunnel millennium dome
Innovation in Shipping and Trade Innovation in Shipping University of Exeter 0-85989-327-8 trade screw P&O GreatNorthern Barnstaple
Innovators [The] Mudd, David Dredge & Marine dredger Falmouth Cornwall
Innsjo Dampen Engvig, Olaf T Adresseavisens Forlag 82-7164-008-9 Telegraf Kong Sverre Sverresholm Diana Bondon St Olaf Kolbjorn Vinje Snasningen Aursund Comfort Brakar
Inshore Britain Fisher, Stuart Imray Laurie Norie and Wilson Ltd 978-085288-906-0 kayaking Great Britain shoreline coastline estuaries circumnavigation coastal guide
Inshore Craft Inshore Craft Chatham Publishing 978-1-84832-167-0 seine herring smack yole yawl wherry coble lighter shrimper crabber lugger trawler quay punt barge pilot gig dingy
Inshore Craft of Britain in the Days of Sail and Oar Vol 1 March, Edgar J David & Charles 0-7153-4898-1 Shetland Thames sixern fourern bawley fifie yole coble smack
Inshore Craft of Britain in the Days of Sail and Oar Vol 2 March, Edgar J David & Charles 0-7153-4981-3 oyster dredging Thames bawley lugger Deal prawner quay punt
Inshore Craft of Norway Faeroyvik, Bernhard Conway
Inshore Dinghy Sailing Searl, F H L Newnes Dinghy clothes weather sail racing maintenance cruising
Inshore Fishermen of Wales [The] Jenkins, J Geraint University of Wales Press 0-7083-1123-7 fishing Wales herring mussel lobster crab oyster net salmon
Inshore Fishing Judd, S Fishing News Books Ltd 0-85238-096-8 Mevagissey Cornwall pilchards trawler sharking marketing nets
Inshore Heroes Granville, Wilfred W H Allen Dover Channel convoy ASR Air Sea Rescue Greece Adriatic Fairmiles Neptune Zeebrugge WW1 WW2 list warloss
Inshore Navigation Cunliffe, Tom
Inshore Sport Fishing Wrangles, Alan Adlard Coles 0-229-98675-7 fishing sport construction anchor buoy engine Channel dinghy
Inshore-Offshore Pocock, Michael Nautical 0-85177-389-3 Admiral’s Cup IOR design racing hazards
Inside Information Inside Information Touareg sailing training tactics guide
Inside Olau Ogilvie, Alan Ferry Publications 1-871947-23-5 Kent migration ferry Sheerness pilotage insurance passenger Zeebrugge customs
Instant Weather Forecasting Watts, Alan Adlard Coles Nautical 0-7136-5430-9 maritime tropical polar continental anticyclone depression fog cloud
Instant Wind Forecasting Watts, Alan Adlard Coles Nautical 0-7136-6869-5 weather wind Great Lakes Mediterranean Beaufort
Instinct and Intelligence Cousteau, Jacques Angus & Robertson 0-207-95516-6 shark starfish gull parasites pipefish predator iguana Galapagos
Institution of Naval Architects 1860-1960 [The] Barnaby, K C RINA/George Allen & Unwin Doxford iron turret casemate Froude steel boiler turbine steam shipbuilding technical
Instructions as to the Tonnage Measurement of Ships Suppl 1 Instructions as to HMSO navigation Panama Canal dimensions
Instructions for British Servicemen in France Instructions for British Bodleian Library 1-85124-335-6 WW2
Instructions for the care and running of Bolinders Marine Oil Engines Instructions Bolinder-Munktell component parts maintenance installation
Instructions to HM Coastguard Part 2 1939 Instructions to HM Board of Trade examinations discipline uniform medals insurance inspector accommodation leave
Instructions to Superintendents of Mercantile Marine Offices 1879 Instructions To Superintendent HMSO regulations administration
Instructions to Surveyors Board of Trade HMSO Notices circulars plans hatches acetylene lighting fire extinction passengers wireless telegraphy lifeboats markings exemptions salinometers coal oil fuel load lines deck sheathings
Instructors Handbook RYA RYA man overboard safety teaching techniques pilotage day skipper competent crew weather
Instrumentation and Control Roy, G J Stanford Maritime 0540-07344-X engineering instrument
Instruments of Navigation Instruments of Navigation HMSO
Insulana e a Sua Frota Moraes A A de Instituto Acoriano de Cultura Empresa Insulana de Navegacao EIN Azores company fleet
Inte Bara en Skepparhistoria Henricson, Ingvar
Integrated Fisheries Management A Challenge for the Common Fisheries Policy Symes, David Buckland Foundation ISSN 1363-5786 fishing fisheries IFM EU Common Fisheries Policy
International 8-Metre Register International 8 International Eight Metre Association yacht register list racing directory
International Boat Painting Guide International International Coatings corrosion safety aluminium steel wood glassfibre epoxy resin environment
International Boat Show 1961 International Boat Show National Boat Shows catalogue exhibition
International Boat Show 1964 International Boat Show catalogue exhibition
International Boat Show 1968 International Boat Show catalogue exhibition
International Boat Show 1969 International Boat Show

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