The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
German Concrete Shipbuilding During the War German Concrete HMSO German shipbuilding concrete WW2 barge lines
German Destroyers and Escorts Beaver, Paul Patrick Stephens Limited 0-85059-458-8 WW2 World War Two
German Destroyers of World War 2 Koop, Gerhard Bernard & Graefe Verlag 1-85367-540-7 dazzle destroyer WW2 conversion armaments Norway camouflage
German E Boats 1939-45 Williamson, Gordon Osprey Publishing 1-84176-445-0 WW1 WW2 UZ16 Lurssen development design Mediterranean Black sea Baltic channel e boat armament
German Invasion of Norway [The] Haarr, Geirr H Seaforth Publishing 978-1-84832-032-1 WW2 Europe Narvik British Weserubung Germany paratroops Falkenhorst
German Luxury Ocean Liners Schwerdtner, Nils Amberley 978-1-4456-0474-9 Hamburg America East Africa Arnold Bernstein Atlantic line Albert Ballin cruising WW1 WW2 transocean HAPAG-Lloyd
German Mailboat Services Hamburg to East Africa 1890-1914 Pennycuick, K post mail DOAL shipbuilder shipowner route port
German M-class Minesweepers of the Channel Islands 1940-1945 Wallbridge, John H history WW2 Channel Islands German minesweeper minelayer M-class dimensions armament machinery ammunition
German Navy in World War 2 [The] Jackson, Robert Spellmount 1-86227-066-X German WW2 U-boat navy battleship cruiser torpedo destroyer
German Navy in World War 2 [The] Showell, Jak P Mallmann Arms and Armour Press 0-85368-093-0 history WW1 3rd Reich U-boat fleet uniform rank insignia WW2 Atlantic flotilla torpedo cruiser minesweeper biography Norway Denmark
German Ocean Liners of the Twentieth Century Miller, William H Patrick Stephens 0-85059-890-7 liner German warloss WW1 WW2 cruise
German raider Atlantis [The] Frank, Wolfgang Ballantine raider German
German Raiders Schmalenbach, Paul
German Sailor in World in World War Two [The] Chantrain, J P Arms and Armour Press 1-85409-038-0 German navy uniform badge insignia WW2 U-boat Hitler
German S-Boats Frank, Hans E S Mittler & Sohn 978-1-84415-716-7 MTB Rotterdam list France Hitler flotilla Bismarck Boulogne Cherbourg Donitz
German Submarines 1 Lenton, H T Macdonald Germany World War 2 WW2
German Submarines 2 Lenton, H T Macdonald Germany World War 2 WW2
German Surface Vessels 1 Lenton, H T Macdonald warship World War 2 WW2
German Surface Vessels Vol 2 Lenton, H T Macdonald auxiliary World War 2 WW2
German Warships 1815-1945 Vol 2 Groner, Erich Conway 0-85177-593-4 WW1 WW2 German navy
German Warships 1815-1945 Vol 1 Groner, Erich Conway 0-85177-533-0 WW1 WW2 German navy
German Warships of World War 1 German Warships Greenhill 1-85367-123-1 navy German warship battleship cruiser submarine guide WW1
German Warships of World War 1 Taylor, John C Ian Allen 7110 0099 9 Germany WW1 navy warship submarine dimensions
German Warships of World War 2 Taylor, J C Ian Allen Germany WW2 Kriegsmarine battleship battlecruiser U boat
Germanischer Lloyd Register 1956 Germanischer Lloyd Germanischer Lloyd Register Germany
Geschichte der Alster-schiffahrt Blunck, Jurgen Husum 3-88042-256-7 steamboat Hamburg passenger pleasureboats Germany
Geschichte der Deutschen Passagier-schiffahrt [Die] Band 1 Kludas, Arnold Ernst Kabel 3-8225-0037-2
Geschichte der Deutschen Passagier-schiffahrt [Die] Band 2 Kludas, Arnold Ernst Kabel 3-8225-0038-0
Geschichte der Deutschen Passagier-schiffahrt [Die] Band 3 Kludas, Arnold Ernst Kabel 3-8225-0039-9
Geschichte der Deutschen Passagier-schiffahrt [Die] Band 4 Kludas, Arnold Ernst Kabel 3-8225-0047-X
Geschichte der Deutschen Passagier-schiffahrt [Die] Band 5 Kludas, Arnold Ernst Kabel 3-8225-0041-0
Geschichte der Hapag-Schiffe Band 5 [Die] Kludas, Arnold Hauschild 978-3-89757-468-7 Germany Auxilliary tugs
Geschichte der Lotsenbruderschaften an der Aussenweser und an der Jade Spelde, Gunther H M Hauschild 3-920699-66-1 pilots pilotage schooner cutter Weser Jade flags sail steam
Geschichte der Schiffahrt auf Bodensee Untersee und Rhein Liechti, Erich Meier 3-85801-020-0
Geschichte der Schiffahrt auf den Juragewassern Liechti, Erich Meier 3-85801-035-9
Geschichte der Schleppschiffahrt Band 1 URAG Schnake, Reinhard H Koehler 3-7822-0500-6 company Germany tugs URAG plans sections Bremerhaven Bremen
Geschichte der Schleppschiffahrt Band 2 Bugsier Schnake, Reinhard H Koehler 3-7822-0558-8 company Germany tugs funnel livery Schuchmann
Geschichte der Schleppschiffahrt Band 3 Lloyd Schnake, Reinhard H Koehler 3-7822-0628-2 company Germany tugs plans sections Hapag-Lloyd Bremen
Geschichte des Bremer Vulkan 1805-1997 Band 1 1805-1918 [Die] Thiel, Reinhold Hauschild Bremen 978-3-89757-380-2 shipyard Germany steamer cargo passenger shipbuilders
Geschichte des Bremer Vulkan 1805-1997 Band 2 1919-1945 [Die] Thiel, Reinhold Hauschild Bremen 978-3-89757-408-3 shipyard Germany steamer cargo passenger
Geschichte einer Reederfamilie und ihrer Unternehmungen 1868-1968 Schuldt, Harald H Schuldt company history Hamburg
Geschichte und die Schicksale deutscher Serienfrachter (Band I) [Die] Detlefsen, Gert U
Geschichte und die Schicksale deutscher Serienfrachter (Band II) [Die] Detlefsen, Gert U
Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Koopvaardij in WW2 Vol 1 Bezemer, K W L Elsevier 90-10-06040-3
Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Koopvaardij in WW2 Vol 2 Bezemer, K W L Elsevier
Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Koopvaardij in WW2 Vol 3 Supplement Bezemer, K W L Agon 90-5157-076-7
Geschiedenis van de Sleepdiensten van Ijmuiden Plug, Jan Boekhandel Erasmus 90-804-0091-2 Netherlands Ijmuiden towing tugs Iskes fishing
Get Aloft! Sandford, Sidney South West Maritime History Society 0-9526455-2-1 Australia grain Hull New York New Zealand steam Buenos Aires Orient pilot
Getting the Message Browne, Christopher Alan Sutton 0-7509-0351-1 couriers messengers post pillar box letter box Trollope
Ghost Cruiser HK 33 Brennecke, H J William Kimber Germany WW2 Kruder Storstad Nordmark Pinguin

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