Book catalogue

The Bartlett Library holds some 18,000 volumes on our open shelves, having grown by gift and purchase, from the core collection of 6,000 volumes, generously donated by our benefactor J. V. Bartlett Esq., in 2003.

Significant loans from the Cornwall Library Service (including a number of Lloyd’s Registers), together with gifts from many individuals have greatly increased the size and value of the collection since our establishment in 2003, supplemented by the Peter and Julie Newall Library in 2018.

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Book catalogue search

Title Author Publisher ISBN Themes
Flags of the World Flags of the World Frederick Warne
Flagships of the Line Watson, Milton H Patrick Stephens 0-85059-931-8 liner passenger Anchor British India Steam Navigation Canadian Pacific Hamburg America HAPAG Holland-America
Flagships Three Bean, C E W Hodder & Stoughton WW1 China Australia New Zealand navy Pacific admiralty
Flamborough a Major Fishing Station Traves, George H George H Traves 0-9544427-4-1 Yorkshire east coast fishing lifeboat boatbhilder knitting
Flashing Blades over the Sea Milne, J M Maritime Books 0-9506323-2-5 navy helicopter carrier
Flat Top Ommanney, F.D Longmans, Green and Co WW2 escort flat aircraft carrier convoy memoir
Fleet [The] Fleet P&O Ferries P&O list ferry
Fleet 1840-2004 [The] Fleet 1840-2004 The Open Agency 0-9542451-4-8 Cunard passenger liner list Atlantic steam WW2 migration
Fleet Air Arm Kemp, P K Herbert Jenkins Ltd Fleet Air Arm FAA RNAS aiscraft carrier
Fleet Air Arm Mercer, Neil Airlife Publishing 1-85310-408-6 Fleet Air Arm FAA Sea King Lynx Hawk Sea Harrier Handley Page Jetstream Merlin
Fleet Air Arm Ministry of Information HMSO navy airarm carrier WW2 convoy Tirpitz Malta Narvik seaplane
Fleet Air Arm Ministry of Information HMSO navy airarm carrier WW2 convoy Tirpitz Malta Narvik seaplane
Fleet Air Arm Ministry of Information HMSO navy airarm carrier WW2 convoy Tirpitz Malta Narvik seaplane
Fleet Air Arm [The] Moore, John Chapman & Hall aircraft carrier navy Norway France Britain Taranto MatapanLuftwaffe Malta WW2 Bismarck Ark Royal
Fleet Air Arm [The]: A Pictorial History Longstaff, Reginald Robert Hale 0-7091-9141-3 navy Fleet Air Arm FAA aircraft carrier helicopter seaplane
Fleet Air Arm 1920-1939 Sturtivant, Ray Arms and Armour 0-85409-054-2 Fleet Air Arm navy seaplane aircraft carrier
Fleet Air Arm Aircraft 1939 to 1945 Sturtivant, Ray Air-Britain 0-85130-232-7 WW2 FAA Fleet Air Arm list casualty crew aircraft
Fleet Air Arm Aircraft, Units and Ships 1920 to 1939 Sturtivant, Ray Air-Britain (Historians) 0-85130-271-8 Fleet Air Arm FAA flight squadron aircraft carrier
Fleet Air Arm at War Sturtivant, Ray Ian Allan 0-7110-1084-6 Fleet Air Arm aircraft carrier WW2
Fleet Air Arm Fixed-Wing Aircraft Since 1946 Sturtivant, Ray Air-Britain (Historians) 0-85130-283-1 Fleet Air Arm aircraft
Fleet Air Arm in Camera [The] 1912-1996 Hayward, Roger Sutton Publishing in association with the Public Records Office 0-7509-1254-5 FAA WW1 WW2 aircraft carrier
Fleet Air Arm in Focus [The] Part 1 Hobbs, D A Maritime Books 0-907771-45-9 FAA aircraft carrier
Fleet Air Arm in Focus [The] Part 2 Hobbs, David Maritime Books 0-907771-51-3 FAA aircraft carrier
Fleet Air Arm Song Book [The] Fleet Air Arm Fleet Air Arm Officers Association airarm poetry folklore
Fleet Battle and Blockade Fleet Battle and Blockade Chatham 1-86176-018-3 mutiny Cape Town Treland Spain Corsica wales Nelson France
Fleet from Within [The] Moseley, Sydney A
Fleet Guide to Historic Vessels at the Scottish Fisheries Museum [The] Walker, Alastair St Ayles Press 0-9543869-0-6 fishing museum guide Orkney salmon yawl coble drifter fifie
Fleet History of MOL 1884-2009 [A] Noma, Hisashi Japan feighter passenger ferry container bulk ore oil tanker gas carrier fleet list
Fleet of Leif Hoegh and Co A/S 1928-1988 [The] Fleet of Leif Hoegh company fleet cargo Ro-Ro container oil bulk carrier vehicle tanker
Fleet of Leif Hoegh and Co A/S Oslo 1928-1968 [The] Crowdy, Michael World Ship Spciety company list Norway tanker trade
Fleet of the Order of St John 1330-1798 [The] Wismayer, Joseph M Midsea Books Ltd 99909-75-30-2 Malta navy crew galley regulations frigate
Fleet of USSR Berezhnoy, S S 5-85817-006-4 Russia warships navy merchant WW2
Fleet of W and B Coasters [A] Fleet of W&B Wijnne & Barends launch fertilisers Dartmouth W&B Wijnne & Barends Delfzijl Groningen
Fleet Submarine in the U S Navy [The] Alden, John D Arms & Armour Press 0-85368-203-8 radar missile oiler cargo conversion construction hull shipyard
Fleet Sweepers at War Williams, Jack J F Williams 0-9523141-2-6 minesweeper D-Day paddlesteamer convoy Russia warloss India
Fleet That Had to Die [The] Hough, Richard New English Library Russia Japan Tsushima
Fleet to be Forgotten [A] Hough, Louis A San Francisco Maritime History Press 978-0-9818221-0-5 WW1 US shipbuilding plans Columbia U-boat Oregon design hull Portland Vancouver
Fleet Without a Friend [The] Vader, John New English Library 450-01003-1 navy France warloss St Nazaire battleship
Fleets at War [The] Hurd, Archibald Hodder and Stoughton navy WW1 Jellicoe warship German
Fleetwoods Fishing Industry Hirst, Alan Hutton Press 1-872167-27-6 fishing Fleetwood trawler
Flemish Glass Painting/Vlaamse Maritieme Achterglasschilderijen Flemish Glass Painting Nationaal Scheepvaartmuseum Antwerpen art Dutch museum catalogue
Flensburger Schiffahrt Detlefsen, Gert U Christians & Reim 3-87950-073-8 German company directory merchant navy
Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft 1872-1982 Detlefsen, Gert U Larl-Heinz Butziger shipbuilding Flensburg
Flensburger Schiffsbau-Gesellschaft Flensburger Schiffsbau shipbuilding Flensburg
Flight from Dakar Hauge, Eiliv Odde George Allen & Unwin Lidvard WW2 Captain Lindtner Smordal Breivik HMS Highlander Admiral Raikes
Floating about Maritime History Bender, Mike Bees Wing Publications 978-0-9576087-3-3 essays wars WW1 WW2 novels authors Society Nautical Research education universities historians
Floating Brothel [The] Rees, Sian Review 0-7472-6632-8 convict Australia transportation women shipwreck
Floating Equipment Milne Gilmore and German
Floating Home [A] Ionides, Cyril Chatto & Windus
Floating Population in China [The] Worcester, G R G Vetch & Lee junk China

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