A message in a bottle
18 May 2023Nelson’s reference
5 April 2024Eliza Jane ~ 190.PZ : 1877-1887
Eliza Jane ~ PZ.190 : 1887-1903
Eliza Jane ~ SS.190 : 1903-1909
Eliza Jane ~ N.23 : 1909-1913 [?]
Silas Bath, 1877-92.
The lugger Eliza Jane, was registered in Penzance on March 5th, 1877, at the commencement of the spring mackerel season. She was presumably a brand-new boat, but there is no specific statement to that effect. Registered in the ownership of Silas Bath, who was also her skipper, she had a 44-foot keel, and measured just 15 tons. As such she was initially registered as a 2nd Class fishing boat, being allocated the fishing number 190.PZ. Initial physical details of the lugger are pretty scanty, as the registers of sea-fishing boats at this time were fairly basic documents, but she was entered as a lug rigged boat, working drift nets, with a crew of six men and a boy. It was thought that she was named Eliza Jane after Silas’s intended wife, Eliza Jane Kelynack – though they were not married until 1879. However, his prospective father-in-law, Richard Kelynack, had owned and skippered a lugger of the same name back in 1851, named after his daughter Eliza Jane. That boat had disappeared before 1869, and there was no Mount’s Bay fishing boat of that name registered at Penzance between 1869 and 1877. However, Richard Kelynack, was a shipwright and boat-builder, so it now seems very likely that he built the new lugger, possible as a speculative venture, which was acquired on completion by his future son-in-law, and the name of the boat came down from the earlier.
Silas Bath had previously owned and skippered the 2nd class mackerel driver Elsie Ker 47.PZ, between, 1872-78, acquiring her from Thomas Kelynack and thus establishing a strong link with that family.
In March, 1880, the Eliza Jane, was one of the first tranche of 19 fishing boats entered in the books of the embryo Mount’s Bay Fishing Boats Insurance Club, which included. –
Tartar, Jenny Lind, Mayflower, Pride of the West, Letter B., B.G.B., Eveline, Mary, Endeavour, Agamemnon, Orlando, Contest, Eliza Jane, Dewdrop, Kate Mary, Ringleader, Naomi, J.J.M., and Monarch.
Cornishman, Thursday, March 18th, 1880
One year after the tragic loss of the Jane 26.PZ, with all hands, while attempting to enter Penzance Harbour on her return from the North Sea herring fishery, the Eliza Jane, nearly suffered a similar fate round at St. Ives.
The mystery connected with the appearance of lights in the Bay during the fearful gale on the night of the 19th, was cleared up on Friday. They were the lights of the Eliza Jane, of Penzance, first-class fishing-boat, returning from the northern fisheries. She left Dover for Penzance on the Monday. She made the Lizard lights late on Wednesday night and ran in almost abreast of St. Michael’s Mount, but fearing to attempt entering Penzance, decided to run for Scilly, but afterwards determined to make for St. Ives. Off the Land’s End both storm sails were carried away. Much anxiety was felt at St. Ives when she was sighted making for the harbour, but she got in safely, having had a very rough time of it indeed.
Cornish Telegraph, October 27th, 1881
While referred to as a first-class boat in the account – which she was by local standards – she was at this time still classed as a second-class fishing boat by national regulations, because she was calculated to be less than 15 tons by measurement – as noted previously.
On census night 1881, Silas Bath, (32) Fisherman, who had been born of Tredavoe 1 farming stock, was living in No. 32 the Fradgan, with his Devonport-born wife Eliza Jane, a son and aunt.
While in Silas Bath’s ownership, the Eliza Jane had the distinction of featuring in a series of photographs taken by one of the Gibson’s, entering and beaching within the limited shelter of the old quay Newlyn. This series of photos were taken about 1883-4, shortly prior to the construction of the new South Pier and harbour.

Eliza Jane~190.PZ., taking the ground under the lee of the Old Quay, Newlyn to land her catch of mackerel.
Fish salesmen, buyers, and fish-wives wait in the shallows and along the shore-line on the beach, for the catch to be landed in one of the many punts sculling around. Other luggers moored out in Lodgia are also landing their catch in punts from the anchorage. In this era the beach inside the Old Harbour, with another landing place by the mouth of the little river, were the only fish markets as such, at Newlyn. Even so, crude as they were, with only the most basic facilities, hundreds of tons of mackerel were landed, sold, packed and dispatched to metropolitan markets every week at the height of each spring mackerel season.

On the occasion of laying the foundation stone of Newlyn’s new pier on St. Peter’s Day, Monday, June 29th, 1885, Silas Bath was named as one of the first Newlyn Harbour Commissioners.
Later in the September of that year, he and his lugger were engaged in the North Sea herring fishery when his wife Eliza Jane was prosecuting her uncle, William Kelynack, for an assault relating to a property dispute. As a result of a County Court order [enforcing the sale and distribution of the whole property, equally in proportion amongst all of the late Richard Kelynack’s children, and grandchildren], Silas had purchased it at auction. Enough said!
In July 1887, the Eliza Jane competed in the Penzance and Mount’s Bay Regatta, –
THE LUG SAIL FISHING BOATS, 40 to 47 feet, for prizes of £20 and £10, brought together half- a dozen crack luggers, five of them being from Newlyn. These were – Eliza Jane, Silas Bath; Arthur, T. Harvey; Kate & Mary, W. Tonkin; Orlando, Samuel Payne; Kingfisher, Alexander Batten; and Humility, W. Worth, the last named being the only Mousehole representative. Course as in class one [a 36 mile course; half a dozen miles straight out to sea – three rounds]. These made a rattling good start, getting away all in one lump; and crowded with every imaginable species of sail, specially made or borrowed for the occasion. They completed the first round in the following order;
h. min. sec.
Arthur ~ 1 26 7
Kate & Mary ~ 1 28 0
Eliza Jane ~ 1 31 17
Kingfisher ~ 1 31 22
Orlando ~ 1 33 3
The Humility gave in at this point. In the second round the boats kept in very much the same position, most of them showing signs of having had ‘plenty of sea’ outside. The committee boat was passed as follows.
h. min. sec.
Arthur ~ 3 3 0
Kate & Mary ~ 3 8 9
Eliza Jane ~ 3 11 55
Orlando ~ 3 12 2
The Kingfisher declined further running at this point. At 4 h. 41 min. 32 sec. Arthur rounded the winning mark; Kate & Mary taking second at 4 h. 48 min. 20 sec.; Eliza Jane was third and Orlando fourth.
Cornishman, Thursday, July 21st, 1887
In case any reader finds these timings rather confusing, it should be understood that the times given were the ‘time of day’ the luggers passed the mark, not the time taken to complete a round of the course. Equally, while the reporter thought six mile out, and six mile back, times three, made a 36 mile race, he made no allowance for tacking, and I believe if his original distances mark to mark were correct, it would have been closer to 15 miles sailed per lap, or about 45 miles in all. This giving a crude mean speed of over 11 miles an hour for the luggers. Unfortunately, no start time was reported, so some “g’estimation” is involved, but I suspect the start would have been about 12, noon.
About the same time as the above regatta took place, the Eliza Jane was remeasured under new national tonnage rules for sea-fishing boats. The tonnage rules were formulated under statutory regulations, in order to assess the notional carrying capacity of merchant craft of all types and sizes. The Net Registered Tonnage thus determined served as the basic factor for calculating maritime tolls and dues wherever a vessel went. In the case of the Eliza Jane her Gross and Net Registered Tonnages, were reckoned to be the same – 19.37 tons, which brought her up amongst the First-Class range of sea-fishing boats. Thus, while her fishing number did not change as such, the way in which it was displayed on her bows and sails, did, and was now re-presented as – PZ.190.
Silas Bath relinquished command of the Eliza Jane on December, 30th, 1889, when one James Angwin was appointed as skipper in his place; and he in turn was replaced as skipper by Adolphus Beckerleg, on February 14th, 1891. But Silas’s main business attentions were now focused elsewhere, in the grocery trade, and market gardening, and in the summer of 1892, he sold the lugger.
Thomas and John Hosken, 1892-1903.
On July 4th, 1892, Thomas and John Hosken became the joint registered owners of the Eliza Jane, with John Hosken, being endorsed as her skipper. Although principally a mackerel driver, in this era she would have partaken in the Irish and/or North Sea, and Plymouth herring fisheries, as season and occasion demanded. She would also have engaged in the home pilchard fishery at times – though she was a little big for this latter work. Every now and again her name featured in the local fishing reports.
NEWLYN BOATS continued, on Tuesday night, the Autumn mackerel fishery. On Wednesday morning Bone Fide had 1½ thousand; Little Clara 7½ hundred; Eliza Jane 5½ hundred. No pilchards. On Tuesday Onward sold her mackerel for 22s., Telephone her’s for 21s a hundred.[5]
Cornishman, Thursday, August 15th, 1895
SOME OF MOUSEHOLE’S BOATS arrived home from Plymouth during Saturday night, owing to news of the splendid haul of mackerel by the Newlyn boat Eliza Jane. Comfort and Emeline arrived during the night and went to Newlyn, the weather being somewhat rough for taking Mousehole harbour. During Sunday the weather increased in severity and towards night the baulks were again put down as the boats in the harbour were ranging very much. On Monday several Newlyn boats, with a few Mousehole craft, left Newlyn for the mackerel grounds, with the weather somewhat rough; and toward night some of them were seen returning to harbour.
Cornishman, Thursday, January 12th, 1899
There was no direct report about the Eliza Jane’s above haul of mackerel, just a line stating ‘A Newlyn boat caught mackerel to the value of £80 on Friday night – 6300 at 25s,’ which is presumed to relate to her.2
By the turn of the century the Hosken brothers appear to have been doing reasonably well in the fishing, but they now had a need for a larger, finer-lined lugger to enable them to compete with the expanding fleet of visiting craft from the East Coast ports
BOAT-BUILDING has received quite an impetus at Newlyn lately, and Mr. Henry Peak’s yard at Tolcarne has at present two pilchard drivers very nearly completed, and another in course of building. They are each of the square stern type. Mr. Peak will also shortly be laying down a fine mackerel driver, of 48 feet keel, for Messrs. T. and J. Hosking, owners of the lugger Eliza Jane, and Mr. Joseph Peak is about to build another of the same class for Mr. Richard Harvey, of the Eliza. [8]
Cornishman, Thursday, July 16th, 1903
The Hoskens’ new lugger proved to be the Breadwinner~PZ.283, which was completed in November 1903, and shortly before her completion the Hosken brothers disposed of the old Eliza Jane.
However, during the mackerel season of 1903, the Eliza Jane had a few running repairs carried out by shipwrights H. N. Peake, including a new Fore Mast, costing £2~18~6, ledgered by Peake’s on May 16th, totalling £3~3~0, which included a few domestic items.

Which account was settled on November 20th, and was followed by a schedule of payments on account of Hoskings’ new lugger Breadwinner.
St. Ives, SS.190, S1903-1909
The Eliza Jane was sold to St. Ives during the summer of 1903, her Penzance registration being cancelled on August 28th, 1903, she having been registered at St Ives on the previous day, when she was allocated the new fishing number ~ SS.190.
Little is known of her time at St. Ives, but here she was worked by J. & A. Lander.
Newry, N.23, 1909-1913.
Clues to her subsequent career came from my St. Ives friend John McWilliams, who noted that like many aging St. Ives luggers, she was sold to Kilkeel, Ireland, on 27 January 1909, and that she was wrecked in 1913. His photocopies of Irish transcriptions of the relative Sea Fishing Boat Register, confirm that she belonged to the fishing village of Kilkeel, and was registered in the fishing port of Newry, on February 2nd, 1909, when she was allocated the port fishing number ~ N.23. However, no eventual fate was recorded by the transcriber. She was, however, listed annually in Olsen’s ‘Fisherman’s Nautical Almanack’ from 1910 to 1914, in the joint ownership of T. Chambers & W Cousins. But, the fact that she was still listed in the 1914 edition does not mean that she had not been wrecked during the previous year. Works such as Olsens’ took many months to compile, and went to press in the December of the preceding year, so they were inevitably a little dated.
During this period there were quite frequent mentions of the Eliza Jane fishing with the herring fleet out of Kilkeel – more than when she was working out of Newlyn or St. Ives. However, the first of these reports did not appear until the 1911 herring season, when perhaps a new local ‘newspaper correspondent’ took office, reporting on the herringfishery in some detail. Although these reports appeared in a number of different papers, they all had commonality of style and content.
Splendid catches of herrings were landed at Kilkeel on Thursday last. A number of the boats arrived in the forenoon and a number in the afternoon. In the forenoon the prices ranged from 8s 6d to 13s 6d per mease, and in the afternoon, from 8s 6d to 9s 6d per mease. The arrivals during the day included the following: Eliza Jane, 50; Jane Gordon, 50; Guiding Star, 50; Express, 50; Ellen Constance, 50; Wyard, 50; Victory, 50; Sarah, 40; Peace and Plenty, 40; Shane’s Castle, 40; Moss Rose, 40; Emu, 30; Cissie, 30; St. Patrick, 20 Margaret, 20 Snowdrop, 20; Uncle Tom, 20; and a few others with smaller shots. The harbour presented an animated scene, gutting and curing operations being in full swing. Owing to the light winds, only six boats got to the fishing ground on Thursday night, arriving early yesterday morning with takes as follows: – Jane Gordon, Snowdrop, and Mary Joseph, 30 mease each; Guiding Star, Rival, and Never Can Tell, 5 mease each. Good quality, realising per mease 10s to 12s.
Newry Reporter, Saturday, August 12th, 1911
In trying to catch many of the boats’ names, the correspondents got rather loose in their spelling from time to time – which I have left uncorrected. A good many of those named were also ex-St. Ives, and Mount’s Bay craft, which ended their days in Irish waters.
Owing to the observance of the holiday at Kilkeel yesterday only twenty boats put to sea on Monday, returning yesterday morning with nice average takes of ten mease each, or 200 mease in all, of excellent quality, which fetched 10s to 15s per mease. The highest shots were Uncle Tom, Eliza Jane, and Mary Saunders, 15 mease each. A strong east wind prevails, and the sea is choppy. The light north-easterly breeze prevented the bulk of the Ardglass fleet getting into port early yesterday. Up to midday about 40 boats had arrived, with an average catch of 12 crans. The quality if very good. Prices ranged from 29s to 23s 6d. Neary all of Monday night’s catch is being cured. The boats fished on Monday night about fifteen miles south of Ardglass. The weather is very favourable, and it is expected that good fishings will now come in. [10]
Northern Whig, Wednesday, August 16th, 1911

This week the herring fishing at Kilkeel was remarkably successful, and splendid catches have been secured by the majority of the boats. Curing operations are in full swing. On the 14th inst., twenty boats arrived with good fishings, the highest shots being – Mary Joseph, 60 mease; Guiding Star, Ellen Constance, Eliza Jane, Jane Russell, Uncle Tom, and St. Patrick, 30 to 40 mease each. Prices. 8s 6d to 13s 6d per mease. Early arrivals had had 8 to 25 mease each. About half a dozen of the “skiffs” made another trail, but only got two or three mease each. The herrings have not come close enough for the small boats yet.
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, September 15th, 1911
The protracted spell of bad weather is hitting the fishing industry at Kilkeel very badly, the heavy seas and high winds preventing the boats going out. The Eliza Jane and the Express were, however, successful in a plucky venture at the week end, and landed 30and 16 mease respectively. Owing to the scarcity of the supply and the sustained demand good prices are being obtained. [12]
Belfast News-Letter, Tuesday, November 21st, 1911
The Eliza Jane was again prominent in the listings, in 1912. –
A southerly storm, accompanied by heavy rain, prevented several boats putting to sea on Monday, and a good many sought shelter in Carlingford Lough without shooting. Eighteen arrived in Kilkeel on Tuesday morning, with fair catches of improved quality; the demand was keen, and the price 10s to 12 per mease. The highest shots were by Express, Snowdrop, St. Patrick, Guiding Star, Peace and Plenty, and Eliza Jane, 20 to 35 mease each. There is a light south-west wind, and the weather is warm and showery.
Belfast Evening Telegraph, Tuesday, June 18th, 1912
Large takes of excellent herrings were landed at Kilkeel yesterday. The herrings were splendid for curing, and a large number of mease were cured in consequence. Prices were firm, averaging 10s per mease. Considering their late arrival and the big catches this was very remunerative. The majority of the boats had a very good week under the circumstances, as they were only able to fish on three nights owing to the storm. The highest shots on the 29th ult. Landed at Kilkeel were – Emu, 40 mease; Eliza Jane, 40 mease; Ellen Constance, 30 mease; Express, 30 mease; Susan, 20 mease; Ebenezer, 20 mease, and Mary Saunders, 20 mease. About twenty of the local fleet were engaged.
Northern Whig, Tuesday, July 2nd, 1912
The past week has been another record period in the present season at Kilkeel. Twenty-five of the local fleet arrived at Kilkeel on Thursday with fishings of excellent quality. Owing to light head winds the boats were late in arriving. However, prices remained steady at an average price of 11s per mease. Most of the takes were cured. The highest shots were – Express, 40 mease; Uncle Tom, 25 mease; Mary Joseph, Maid of Mourne, and Eliza Jane, 20 mease each; Slains Castle, Cyprus, St. Patrick, and Never-can-Tell, 15 mease each. The remainder of the boats had from 8 to 12 mease each. Yesterday morning the fleet returned with catches averaging about 25 mease. Prices maintained their steadiness, and all the leads were cleared early.
Northern Whig, Saturday, August 10th, 1912
The following is the result of the fishing at Kilkeel last week. Tuesday, 20th August – Fishing rather light, with the following exceptions; Maid of Mourne, Ellen Constance, 25 mease each; Peace and Plenty, Sarah, St. Patrick, 15 to 20 mease each; firm price, 16s per mease; thirty-two of the local fleet fished; mackerel, 11s per mease. Wednesday, 21st August – Fishing again rather light. Highest shots, Never-Can-Tell, Ellen Constance, 21 mease each; average fishings, 8 mease a boat; 26 bots fished; price 15s per mease; mackerel, 10s per mease. Thursday, 22nd August – Good fishing; firm average price, 13s per mease; highest shots, Ellen Constance, Wizard, 40 to 50 mease each; Victory, 25 mease; Maid of Mourne, Jane Russell, Mermaid, Express, Ben-Ma-Chree, 15 to 20 mease each; Emu, Uncle Tom, Peace and Plenty, 10 to 12 mease each; remainder lighter fished; mackerel was selling at 8s per mease; 24 boats fished. Friday, 23rd August _ Splendid fishings, which found a ready market at average 12s 6d per mease; highest shots, Maid of Mourne, Mary Joseph, Jane Russell, Never-Can-Tell, Express, 20 to 40 mease each; St. Anthony, St. Patrick, Wizard, Guiding Star, Snowdrop, Eliza Jane, Emu, Peace and Plenty, Moss Rose, 20 to 30 each; about 10 others were mightier fished. Saturday, 24th August – Only half-a-dozen boats arrived with fair fishings, and the price averaged 14s per mease. On the whole the majority of the fleet had a most successful week, in fact up to the present this season has been the best for many years. At no time during the season, however, did the supply exceed the demand, and prices have remained firm, the quality being excellent.
Newry Reporter, Tuesday, August 27th, 1912
During last week-end the fishermen did very well at Kilkeel. On the 4th inst., the highest shots landed were – Guiding Star, 30 mease; Eliza Jane, 20 mease; and St. Mary, 15 mease. The price averaged from 10s to 13s per mease. A severe gale in the early hours of the 5th inst., compelled a number of the local fleet to seek the shelter of Carlingford Lough. Making Warren-point the landing place for their fish, they wired the local salesmen in Kilkeel. The quality of the herrings was fair. The best shots landed were – Sarah, 50 mease; Eliza Jane, and St. Anthony, about 30 mease each; and St. Margaret, 20 mease. In Kilkeel the highest shots landed were Guiding Star, 30 mease and St. Mary, 20 mease. Prices ranged from 7s 6d to 11s 6d per mease. About a dozen luggers were engaged, and many more will be working this week, as the skiffs did practically nothing all week.
Belfast News-Letter, Tuesday, October 8th, 1912
During the past fortnight the severe weather has had disastrous effects on the Kilkeel fishing industry. Up till Thursday in last week there were no fishings. On the 7th inst., one boat, Eliza Jane, landed 40 mease; on the 8th inst., one boat, Express, landed 10 mease; on the 9th inst., Eliza Jane, Sarah, Express, Maid of Honour, 10 to 20 mease each, quality good for the winter herrings, demand keen, prices 8s to 12s per mease. This week there were no boats out on the 11th of 12th inst., owing to the severe storm.
Belfast News-Letter, Thursday, November, 14th, 1912
The Eliza Jane was still fishing out of Kilkeel in the summer of 1913.
This important industry is now in full swing, and the past week has been a record one for so early in the season. There were good takes of splendid quality and firm prices. The only drawback is the bad state of the harbour. Owing to the break not being completed, all the boats have to come high up the harbour to discharge. This means if they have big takes they cannot get out the same night. Moreover all the locals could not find room to discharge at once. This is a serious inconvenience, and in consequence a number of boats have to go to Ardglass, Howth, and Clogherhead. There are upwards of 40 boats of the local fleet, and if the accommodation at Kilkeel was satisfactory many more boats would make it their headquarters. Curing operations are now in full swing, and the greater part of last week’s catches was cured. The fishings were as follows: – Tuesday, 25 boats landed fair fishings which realised 16/- to 20/- per mease. Ellen Constance, Express, Wizard, with 15 mease each were the highest shots. Several boats had 8 to 12 mease each. Wednesday – Nice average fishings. The highest shot landed was from Nevercantell, 65 mease; prices 12/6 to 17/6 per mease. 20 boats fished. Thursday – Record takes. Peace and Plenty, Guiding Star, 60 each. Cyprus, Maid of Mourne, Ellen Constance, Ida Shannon, Eliza Jane, Express, Snowdrop, 30 to 50 mease each. Several boats 15 to 20. 21 boats arrived. Prices, 10/- to 15/- per mease. Friday – 15 boats landed 10 to 20 mease each; prices averaged 13/- per mease. Saturday – 16 boats landed heavy fishings which brought an average price of 10/- per mease. Ellen Constance, Unity, 60 each. Mermaid, Express, Cissie, Guiding Star, 35 to 45 mease each. Nevercantell, Victory, Maid of Honour, Ida Shannon, 20 to 30 each. Average price 10/- per mease. The weather was very favourable. At no time did the supply exceed the demand, which by the way is very keen, and at present every-thing save the state of the harbour points to a successful season. The breach in the harbour might have been repaired long ago as it is now nearly two years since it occurred.
Newry Reporter, Saturday, June 24th, 1913
The fishing at Kilkeel this week was much better than last week. The quality of the fish has improved, and there is a very keen demand, prices being firm. About 30 boats were engaged. On the 1st inst., catches proved rather light, with few exceptions, the highest shots being those of the St. Patrick and Eliza Jane – about 15 mease each: average price, 20s per mease. On the 2nd inst., the results were again light. Wizard and Slain’s Castle, having highest shots with 15 mease each; several had from 8 to 10 mease, and the remainder lighter; price about 20s per mease. There was nice fishing on the 3rd inst., a good number of the fleet being engaged Wizard, Rival, Maid of Mourne, and Slain’s Castle, secured 25 to 35 mease each; Emu, Ellen Constance, Eliza Jane, 15 to 20 mease each, Jane Gordon, Cissie, and Victory, about a dozen mease each; several from 6 to 8 mease. The demand was keen at from 15s to 18s per mease. A big percentage of the fish caught was bought up for curing purposes on the 3rd inst.
Belfast News-Letter, Saturday, July 5th, 1913
This important industry has had a fairly successful week, as follows: –
Tuesday – 34 boats arrived with average light fishings, none of them having over 10 mease, the majority under 6. Very keen demand at 20s. to 22s. 6d. per mease.
Wednesday – 36 boats had nice fishings, arriving early; price, 12s. 6d. to 16s. 6d. per mese. Highest shots – Mary Joseph, 25, Maid of Mourne, Nevercantell, Uncle |Tom, 20 each; Mermaid, Jane Russell, St. Patrick, Snowdrop, Cyprus, Express, Slain’s Castle, 15 mease each; Moss Rose, Jane Gordon, Susan, 12 mease each; several 8 to 10 mease; others lighter. Quality very much improved.
Thursday – 27 boats. Good average fishings of good quality, which found a ready sale at the auction at 12s. to 17s. per mease. Best shots – Express, 32 mease; Susan, Nevercantell, Jane Gordon, 15 mease each; St. Mary, Snowdrop, 12 mease each; Mary Joseph, Village Girl, Mermaid, Cyprus, Ida Shannon, Wizard, Guiding Star, Sarah, Peace and Plenty, Emu, Slain’s Castle, about 10 mease each; others 4 to 8 mease each.
Friday – 30 boats arrived; good fishings; average price, 15s. mease. Highest shots – Maid of Mourns, Mary Joseph, Village Girl, Mermaid, Snowdrop, Jane Russell, Frances Russell, about 20 mease each; Sarah, Eliza Jane, Cissie, Wizard, Guiding Star, St. Mary, Emu, about 15 mease each; several 8 to 10 mease; quality good; keen demand. On the whole it has been a successful week’s fishing, the majority of the fleet doing well.
Newry Reporter, Saturday, July 19th, 1913
Thirty boats arrived yesterday with good takes of good quality; average price, 14s per mease. Principal shots were St. Mary, 40 mease; Guiding Star (Carlingford), 30 mease; Cyprus, Guiding Star (Kilkeel), Ida Shannon, Ellen Constance, St. Patrick, Margaret, Snowdrop, Frances Russel, Lady Russell, Mermaid, Cissie, Express, Sarah, Peace and Plenty, Eliza Jane, and Uncle Tom, 12 to 18 mease each; several others 5 to 10 mease each. The majority of the catches were bought up for curing purposes.
Northern Whig, Saturday, August 2nd, 1913
Tuesday – 27 boats arrived late owing to light head wind. With few exceptions the fishing was light. Highest shot – Nevercantell, 20 mease; price, 18s. per mease.
Wednesday – 30 boats arrived early; majority well fished. Splendid quality of herrings, which realised the average price of 16s. 6d. per mease. Principal shots landed – St. Patrick, 40 mease; St. Mary, Uncle Tom, Cyprus, Peace and Plenty, 20 to 30 mease each; Rival, Snowdrop, Sarah, Cissie, Guiding Star, Mermaid, Eliza Jane, Maid of Mourne, Moss Rose, Emu, 10 to 15 each. Several 6 to 8 mease. Mackerel also was plentiful.
Thursday – 21 boats arrived, several of them with good takes of good quality, which were eagerly bought up for curing purposes at about 17s. per mease. Principal lots landed – Mary Joseph, Ida Shannon, Eliza Jane, Mary Saunders, Ellen Constance, 25 to 45 mease each. Jane Russell, Express, Maid of Mourne, Margaret, 12 to 18 mease each. Owing to late tide on Wednesday evening several of the boats were unable to reach the fishing ground, and on Thursday only half the fleet proceeded to sea owing to the 15th August holiday. On the whole the majority of the fleet had another successful week’s fishing.
Newry Reporter, Saturday, August 2nd, 1913
Weather has been against fishing this week, bring dead calm. In fact it was dark night before all the boats arrived on Tuesday, and only about half the fleet were able to get in. The following are the results: –
Tuesday – Uncle Tom, 60 mease; Express, 50; Snowdrop, St. Patrick, 25 each; Mermaid, St. Mary, Jane Gordon, Slain’s Castle, Eliza Jane, Jane Russell, Ida Shannon, Mary Joseph, about 10 mease each. Frances Russell, 15 mease. This was all the boats that reached the harbour, and none of them were able to get off again. Notwithstanding the lateness of arriving the price remained firm at 21s. 6d. per mease. The quality was excellent.
Wednesday – Fifteen boats landed. Nice fishings ay the fine price of 18s. per mease. Highest takes – Victory, Maid of Mourne, Nevercantell, 20 to 25 mease each; Cissie, Moss Rose, Peace and Plenty, at about one dozen each. The quality was good.
Thursday – 35 boars arrived, Fair takes. Highest shot – Margaret, 20 mease; a number of boats 10 to 15 mease each; and several 6 to 8 mease. The quality was splendid, the price running to 17s. per mease.
Newry Reporter, Saturday, August 16th, 1913
I have found no further reports of the Eliza Jane, after August 30th, 1913, and while she was supposed to have been wrecked later in that year, no mention of this has so far been found in the Irish papers. She would then have been in her 37th year, and may well have been broken up.
Eliza Jane’s – registered dimensions:
190. PZ | PZ. 190 | PZ. 190 | N. 23 | |
05/03/1877 | 25/07/1887 | 04/07/1892 | 02/02/1909 | |
Length of Keel (ft.) | 44.0 | 44.0 | 44.0 | 45.0 |
Length (ft) | – | – | 48.7 | 48.7 |
Breadth (ft) | – | – | 13.6 | 13.6 |
Depth (ft) | – | – | 6.5 | 6.5 |
Tonnage – tons gross | 15.0 | 19.37 | 19.37 | 26.94 |
Tonnage – tons net reg | 15.0 | 16.37 | 19.37 | 26.94 |
Number of crew – men | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Number of crew – boys | 1 | 1 | 1 | – |
Tony Pawlyn
13 May 2021