PZ.190 Eliza Jane
16 June 2023PZ.105 Penrose
22 April 2024Admiral Nelson was known for his ability to inspire those around him. It is therefore good to trip over solid evidence of him being supportive to a fellow officer. This letter in the National Archives shows his famous generosity:

To: Capt G Andrews
S George April 14th 1801
My Dear Andrews,
I can assure you that I shall be happy at all time to speak of you and your services as I know they deserve, the Admiralty know by turning back that you was made a Commander for your good conduct and Lord Spencer2 certainly would have employed you by this time had he remained in office. You are perfectly at liberty to make use of my name to Lord St Vincent3 and ever believe me my Dear Andrews your attatch’d and affectionate friend
Nelson Bronte
The recipient was probably Captain George Andrews who had joined HMS Agamemnon 64, as a 3rd Lieutenant in Feb 1793, a month after Nelson had become Captain. Andrews was promoted Captain three years later in 1796.