20 November 2018
New: Edward Lawrance’s journal
20 November 2018July 31st – about one o’Clock having given the Men a little rest hove up and came to Sea, a Cloudy & Showery Night with the Wind at East & S:E; as right in our Teeth as can blow, all Night and Day same sort of Weather, tacking and tacking endeavoring to get to Windward the Current sometimes with us and then again the contrary, this Day at Noon the Isle of Carriacau one of the Grenadines bore ENE distant from us 5 Leag:s what a Chain of Islands and Rocks are these same said Grenadines which reach quite across from Grenada to S.t Vincent and they look as if they had been seperated from them by a Convulsion of Nature, several of these Islands are inhabited and settling – Bequia which I believe is the largest of them and the nearest to S.t Vincent has no water upon it what a Pity as ‘tis a pretty little Island. This afternoon saw several large Fish Grampus’s I believe jumping clear out of the water what an immense Size, several small Craft in sight some standing one way some another, the Evening louring– heavy showers attended with Lightning.
August 1st – The Wind this Day East at ENE – showery Weather, this morning at 6 o’Clock saw a large Ship standing across us, I took her for a Man of War but thought her too lofty, she seemed bound for Grenada, I forget to mention that whilst at Grenada gave to Mr Rustet the Postmaster two letters one directed to Anthony Todd Esq:r inclosing one for Step:n Bell Esq:r of Falmouth, and another for Edw:d Lewis Esq:r, these letters were to be forwarded by a London Ship, the Hero Cap:n Strivens, and the Day before I sent on board the ship Juno bound for Liverpoole a Letter directed to myself at Falmouth. Working to windward all Day at noon the Island of Bequia ENE 4 Leag:s dis:t in the Evening stood quite into Bequia Bay which is I think one of the best I have seen in the West Indies, Fine Night frequent Lightning.
August 2 1776 – wind as yesterday a strong Lee Current all night working to windward, at Day Light found ourselves well up the Channel between St Vincent and Bequia bore away for Kingston Bay. Had an hour or two to work up before came to an Anchor at 6 am came to an anchor in Kingston Bay with the small Bower in 15 fathom water and veered away to 2/3Ds of a Cable, the Little Fort over the Town bearing NW: the Easter:n point SbyE: the Westmost one West. The Bay very naked of Ships not one square rigged Vessel in the Place which I never saw without one before, at 8 Capt:n Brown the General’s Aid de Camp came on board for the …. [text lost – bottom of page clipped.] which I delivered to him, and at same Time sent the Bag on shore, went on Shore at 12 o’Clock, rode up to the Governors a most infernal Road to it, dined there with him a M:rs Cray, M:r Hartley, Dury Ottley, Warner the Governors Secretary and his Chaplain, a M:r Watkins after Tea rode back again to Town and eat a Bit of Supper with a M:r Paull in Company wth Bray a M:r Campbell and Connor and returned on board at 9 o’Clock . What a day of Rain enough to water the whole of the Charibbee Islands.
I found a very sensible Difference between the Governor of this Island and that of Grenada. George MaCartney was quite the Gentleman polite, affable with a Dignity suitable to the Rank he held whereas Mr Morris seemed to be a different Person and by the little I saw not overburthened with Brains, if they indicate a share of Understanding there appeared too great a Freedom with his Domesticks for a Governor but at same time you might observe in his manner an awkard haughtiness and Pride such as is too often an attendant on the Creole Gentry, however the Man seemed civil and good natured, but there is something which at first Sight & which I cannot describe which either fixes a Like or Dislike to a person, though I do not hold that way of reasoning good, as many people whom you are slightly acquainted with at first appear very agreeable pleasing but in reality are quite the Contrary, and on the other Hand others again who have the Appearance at first Sight of being disagreeable, upon a more intimate Connection turn out very valuable good Men.
This Day I had the disagreeable News that several American armed Vessels were among the Islands and directly in our way to Dominico and Antigua, I hope the Fears of the People of St.Vincent have magnified them greatly or ‘tis a great Chance but some of them may fall in with us. The Shark Sloop last Saturday fell in with one of 18 Guns called the Reprisal belonging to Philiadelphia commanded by one Weeks, they engaged for an hour and half and the whole Time of the Action stood in for a Port of Martinico, upon which the Fort fired upon the Man of War and she was obliged to desist firing having received two Shots from the Battery. A schooner sailed immediately for Antigua to give an account of this Vessel being at St. Pieres’s, the Man of War and the American anchored alongside each other and the Cap:t of the Man of War sent an Officer to demand the American as a Pirate, but the Governor seemed very inclinable to protect him. The Shark proceeded for Grenada after first touching at St. Vincent.
August 3:d This Day rainy but not equal to yesterday, several Officers of the 6th Regim:t from Kingston Barracks came on board me this morning Gaylard, Bray and self went and dined with them did not return until late in the Evening all of us had rather drank too much, got very wet on our return.
August 4th having rec:d the St. Vincent Bag on board prepared for getting under sail. I forgot to mention the Officers with whom we dined yesterday there were Captains Balfour and Lamb, Mr. Patten, Leigh, Dussaux Pole, Mr. Grant Surgeon and Wood Surg:s Mate and a Mrs Glassford and another Gentleman. This Morning Mr. Martin without my knowledge sent off [blank space] Negroes men [blank space] women and two Children rec:d also a Negro man from Mr. Ottley to deliver to Mr. [blank space] at Antigu, had I known of these People coming onboard would not have rec:d them. Mr. Martin Lady and Son came onboard soon after when we proceeded for Sea. At noon Barrio lieu Barracks bore East 3 Leag:s and at 6 in the Evening the North part of St. Vincent bore of us East 4 or 5 Leagues.