British Yachts and Yachtsmen – the Yacht Clubs

A list of Yacht Clubs taken from the 1906 publication British Yachts and Yachtsmen

28 July 2018

Royal Northern Yacht Club

The Royal Northern Yacht Club is, in point of seniority, the fifth oldest club in the kingdom. It has a somewhat unique history, for, though a […]
28 July 2018

Royal Eastern Yacht Club

Yachting on the East Coast has never made the sound progress which has marked its history on the West Coast of this country. The Clyde is […]
28 July 2018

Hythe Yacht Club

The Hythe Yacht Club is one of the clubs which the remark­able development of small-class racing in the Solent called into being a few years ago. […]
28 July 2018

Island Sailing Club

The development of small-class racing in the Solent some few years ago was responsible for the formation of several clubs devoted specially to the interests of […]
28 July 2018

Minima Yacht Club

The Minima Yacht Club is somewhat unique amongst the organizations associated with the sport. As its name implies, it is more particularly devoted to the interests […]
21 June 2018

BYY Yacht Clubs

British Yachts and Yachtsmen contains an appendix on yacht clubs, presented here as a separate section. The order is not alphabetical and may, or may not, […]