Smiley, Sir Hugh Houston, Bart., D.L.
12 August 2018Sharman-Crawford, A. F., J.P.
12 August 2018
Alruna, Yawl, 126 tons. The Right Hon. John Sinclair.
Secretary for Scotland. Was born in 1860, and educated at Edinburgh Academy and Wellington, and afterwards at Sandhurst, whence he entered the army in 1879. He served in the Soudan Expedition in 1885, and was A.D.C. to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1886. He sat as M.P. for Dumbartonshire 1892-1895, and has represented Forfarshire since 1897. He was appointed Secretary for Scotland 1905. In 1904 he married Lady Marjorie Gordon, daughter of the Earl of Aberdeen.
He commenced yachting in 1902 with the Mazurka, after which he bought the Alruna, 126-ton yawl, and the Rothion, 11-ton yawl. He still owns the Mazurka and the Alruna. Mr. Sinclair was one of the owners in the Solent one-design class in the years 1903-1904. In 1904 he cruised in the Baltic and Gulf of Finland, in 1905 on the South Coast of England, and in 1906 up the East Coast to the Hebrides and West Coast of Scotland.
Clubs: Royal Yacht Squadron, Royal Highland, Royal Cruising, and Royal Tay.
Residence: 2, Cambridge Square, W.
Vessels: Mazurka; Alruna; Rothion