Leach, Colonel Sir George, K.C.B.
12 August 2018Lambert, Rev. Canon E.
12 August 2018
The Earl of Lathom
Is a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron, and Rear-Commodore of the Royal Mersey Yacht Club. He was born in 1864, and educated at Eton. Though entering the army, he still cherished an affection for the sea, and on succeeding to the title he became an enthusiastic votary of the sport. He now owns the 80-ton yawl Onyx, built by Ratsey at Cowes in 1876. This vessel was altered by Hansen of Cowes in 1883.
Clubs: Royal Yacht Squadron, Royal Thames, Royal Mersey, Royal Welsh.
Residence: Lathom House, Ormskirk, Lancashire.
Vessel: Onyx