Hayward, Scott W.

Hewett, Robert M.
11 August 2018
Hayward, John Davey, M.D.
11 August 2018
Hewett, Robert M.
11 August 2018
Hayward, John Davey, M.D.
11 August 2018

Was born in 1856 in London. Since 1873 he has taken a very keen interest in yachting from a practical point of view. He has owned and designed a considerable number of yachts, and has done very much to further the interest of the sport in organizing new yacht and sailing clubs, and the formation of one-design classes.

His first boat was Blanche, which he bought in 1873. Since that date he has owned Nautilus, Venture, Venessa, Atom, Queer Girl, Fulmar, Buckle, Shrimp, Sandpiper, Daphinia, Slut, Mariposa, Pogue, and Hornet. His present boats are Curlew (3 tons), Slut, larracht, Asthore, and the Snick, the last three being motor launches. Mr. Scott Hayward gained the Board of Trade certificate for navigation in 1879, when he immediately took the 50-ton schooner Resolute for an extended cruise along the coast of Africa.

He has a very decided genius for organization, and this he has brought to bear upon yacht­ing, having assisted in founding the following yacht clubs: West Lancashire, of which he was Commodore for six years ; the Southport Corinthian, of which he was Vice-Commodore for three years, and subsequently three years its Captain ; and the Rhyl Yacht Club, of which he has been Commodore since its foundation. In 1900 he reconstructed the Donaghadee Sailing Club, and has been Com­modore of it since that date.

In 1905 he formed the Seabird, Seashell, Cariad, and Gael One-design Class Association, and is now its President. In all of these cases the result of Mr. Hayward’s activity has been a pronounced increase of sport. He is a member of the Yacht Racing Association. Mr. Hayward designed Nemo(25-ton m.y.), Queer Girl, Imp, Gaiety Girl, Wenonah, Circus Girl, Yellow Aster, Victoria, Nautilus, Geisha, Pogue, Little Gill, lap, Erica, Carina, Pixie, Trial, Fulmar, Doockie, Goshawk, Sandpiper, Sea Snipe, Buckle, Mytilus, Courie, Cyprina, Triton, Myra, Curlew, Albatross, Liver, Goeland, Gannet, Menna, Shiela, Dilys, Mair, Gwen, Modryb, Gael, Aston, Bluebell, Mist, Maid Marion, Shanga, ValmaiJennie, Shea, Kittiwake, Seagul, Sea-mew, Leda, Fansy, Dodo, Shrimp, Daphinia, Iarracht, Snick, Hearty, and Pop. The four last are motor launches.

Clubs: Hoylake Sailing, Liverpool Bay, West Kirby Sailing, Carnarvon Sailing, Royal Mersey, Royal North of Ireland, Rhyl, Royal Ulster, West Lancashire.
Residences: Silverstream, Green-island, Co. Antrim ; and Chelmsford, Larne Harbour, Co. Antrim.
Vessels: Blanche;  Nautilus; Venture;Venessa; Atom; Queer Girl; Fulmar; Buckle; Shrimp; Sandpiper; Daphinia; Slut; Mariposa; Pogue; Hornet; Curlew; larracht; Asthore; Snick