Croxall, E.R.T.

A keen yachtsman, with many years’ experience in small-boat sailing and racing. He commenced at Oxford in 1888 with the Iris, racing in the Oxford University Sailing Club races. He also gained a good deal of experience on the Norfolk Broads and the Thames with the Eaglet. He has also owned the Whizz, the Fizz, the 3-ton yawl Opossum, the I 2-ton cutter Rover, the 32-ton cutter Daisie, the 9-ton cutter Shulah, the 54-ton ketch Javelin, and the 6-tonner Gollywog. With the Javelin he won second prize in the ocean match from Cowes to Weymouth.

Clubs: Royal Corinthian, Royal Dorset, Royal Norfolk and Suffolk, Royal Portsmouth, Royal Southern, Royal Temple, Royal Western of England.
Resi­dence: Manor House, Aldridge, near Walsall.
Vessels: Iris; Eaglet; Whizz; Fizz; Opossum; Rover; Daisie; Shulah; Javelin; Gollywog

Currie, Sir Donald, G.C.M.G.
11 August 2018
Crichton, Viscount
11 August 2018
Currie, Sir Donald, G.C.M.G.
11 August 2018
Crichton, Viscount
11 August 2018