Amherst of Hackney, Lord

Was born in 1835, and educated at Eton and Christchurch, Oxford. He is a well-known yachtsman, and a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron. He owns the celebrated yawl Dream, which was built by Camper and Nicholson at Gosport in 1854. The Dream was originally built as a cutter, and in her day showed some fine performances. She is of wooden construction, and has a l.w.l. of 82.7 feet.

ClubsRoyal Yacht Squadron, Royal Norfolk and Suffolk.
ResidencesDidlington Hall, Brandon, Nor­folk ; and 8, Grosvenor Square.
Vessel: Dream

Andrews, Hugh
11 August 2018
Allan, R. S.
11 August 2018
Andrews, Hugh
11 August 2018
Allan, R. S.
11 August 2018