In search of Cockshot designs
19 October 2021
Clay me old china?
19 October 2021
We are often asked what role the Falmouth Packet Service played in slavery.
At one level, the Packet Service was simply a government-run postal service collecting and delivering mail, dispatches and occasionally bullion to and from the Mediterranean, the Iberian Peninsular and the New World. Of course, anything to do with the New World had the potential to involve slavery of some sort since much of the business of the Americas – and especially around the Caribbean – involved some level of slavery.
One of the most interesting insights is to read the first-hand account of young James Williamson, the Packet surgeon who kept a detailed journal of his voyages in the 1830s. His views change markedly from an apology for it in 1829 to outright condemnation by 1833. In the latter stages, he is more concerned with how slavery will be abolished and the possible impact on the former slaves (whose commitment to hard work he appears to doubt).
You can follow the development of his views with his specific comments on slaves and slavery at:
- 1829 Society and Manners in Jamaica
- 1829 Slavery in Jamaica
- 1831 Port Royal where he starts to address the issue of emancipation
- 1833 Leeward Islands voyage contains his realisation that his view about slavery has changed during his travels and says that he is “sincerely glad that the name of slave will be forever abolished by us.”
- 1833 Plantation visit contains a description of some typical living accommodation
- 1833 Virgin Islands again concentrates on the process of emancipation
His language, and attitude to non-Europeans, throughout is or course unacceptable by today’s standards.