Green, W. Miall-.
11 August 2018Glen-Coats, Sir Thomas, Bart.
11 August 2018
Mimosa, Medway Kittiwake. Messrs. H. J. Cobb and E. J. Goldsmith.
Was born in 1874 at Grays, Essex, and educated at Eastbourne College. He commenced small-boat sailing immediately after leaving school.
The first boat he owned was the Eileen, ½-rater. He has since owned the Thetis, 5-ton cutter, and the Wan Hi, of the Thames Estuary one-
design class. In 1898 he formed one of the crew of the Maid of Kent in the races against the Irex for the Clyde Australian Shield. He is now a part owner in the Medway kittiwake Mimosa, belonging to the one-design class.
Club: Medway Yacht Club.
Address: 8, Watt’s Avenue, Rochester.
Vessels: Eileen; Thetis; Wan Hi; Mimosa