H.M. King Alfonso XIII
28 July 2018Account of Expenses 15
2 August 2018
James’ illustration of an Indian woman “with her head enveloped in a cloth cap”
Notices of A Voyage from Falmouth to Halifax and back
Sailed 5th July 1834 – Returned 1st September 1834
Absent 8 weeks & 3 days
This voyage began with excellent weather conditions resulting in a very speedy journey so much so that, because of the fair winds, they achieved half the distance to Halifax in just 2 weeks. James seems to rather enjoy this voyage with “everything and every body on board … in the most comfortable order.”
He notes that The Duke has been “titivated up”, having been repaired and painted, and looks “as if she had just come off the stocks and was preparing for her maiden voyage.”
Because they had such a speedy journey to Halifax they were able to stay there for 18 days, during which they visited an Indian community and went to see a canal under construction.
Click here to start reading the journal or download this voyage as a pdf.