22 June 2018Account of Expenses
22 June 2018
James’ illustration “Fayal is a small island, and no way peculiar. Day fair – Distance ___ miles.”
Wednesday 22nd October 1828 – weighed anchor from Rio at 3 oClock A.M. and were towed out of the harbour by boats, day fine and calm nearly the whole time.
Thursday 23d Wind variable – day fine but night rainy and attended with lightning.
Friday 24th – sailed 101 miles – day fair – fine breeze sprung up at 8 oClock and continued all day and night.
Saturday 25th – morning fair but cloudy – sailed __ miles [8] – partial rains during the day.
Sunday 26th – at 12 oClock at night the wind changed directly against us and we were obliged to tack about – day fine – an American schooner passed us – Sailed __.
Monday 27th – wind rather more favourable – day dry – Sailed __ miles. Towards evening a calm came on.
Tuesday 28th – this morning the wind was fresh and in our favour – Saw five ships, one of which we supposed to be the Princess Elizabeth packet, which had left Rio 8 days before us, but we were soon undeceived by seeing her tack about in an opposite direction. Soon after we saw two other vessels. Sailed __ miles.
Wednesday 29th – day fine – Sailed __ miles. The breeze which was so favourable to us yesterday, sadly disappointed our expectations by falling away altogether.
Thursday 30th – fine day – light winds calm still continuing we tacked about to the East to endeavour to get the South East Trade Winds. Sailed __ miles.
Friday 31st – pretty strong breeze which enabled us to make more Easting – Sailed __ miles – day fine.
Saturday 1st November – same breeze continues blowing from the quarter where our most direct course lies – day fine. Sailed __ miles. In the Evening tacked about in order if possible to change our course for the better.
Sunday 2nd Nov.r – during the morning, the same wind but it fell off at 12 oClock. Sailed __ miles. Evening rainy. The wind when it came again changed a little in our favour.
Monday 3rd Nov.r – little wind and inclinable to calm – but the wind soon freshened – day fine. Sailed __ miles.
Tuesday 4th – day fair – same wind – sailed __ miles.
Wednesday 5th Nov.r – fine day – breeze in same direction, but considerably fresher. Sailed _____ miles.
Thursday 6th Nov.r – fine day and breeze – sailed __miles.
[no entry for Friday 7th.]
Saturday 8th day fine – breeze continues – sailed __ miles.
Sunday 9th – same favourable breeze – fine day – sailed ___ miles. At 3 P.M. a heavy squall of wind and rain came on, which soon cleared off. The wind became afterwards changeable in strength, but always in same direction.
Monday 10th – crossed the Equator at 7 oClock this morning. At ½ past 8 A.M. heavy squalls of wind and rain, which soon ceased and then we had fine weather. During the day, the wind was rather changeable but soon freshened. Sailed ___ miles.
Tuesday 11th – day fine but cloudy – inclinable to calm in the forenoon. At 3 oClock squally weather with rain. The latter soon ceased, but the wind continued pretty fresh. Sailed ___ miles.
Wednesday 12th – the wind was more moderate and in the afternoon subsided into a calm. At ½ past four, a heavy shower of rain came on which continued at intervals in the evening accompanied with thunder and lightening. Towards night the wind came on, but not at all fresh. Sailed ___ miles.
Thursday 13th – during this morning repeated showers of rain – with some squalls of wind succeeded by a calm, 1 fair weather
At ½ past one P.M. a sail was seen in the extreme horizon. At 3 she fired a gun as a signal to us to come to, and also hoisted English Colours. Our Captain, ignorant of what they wanted, and altho’ not obliged to go out of his direct way, yet changed our course and made for them. When we came close to her, which was not till after some hours, owing to the light winds we found that she was a corvette of 18 Guns called the Rose.[9] She had come from England in 28 days, touching at Teneriffe and was bound for Rio, and then for the Cape of Good Hope. She had been present at the Battle of Navarina. When we met her we were in 6º 58 miles of north latitude. Sailed ___ miles.
Friday 14th – morning cloudy – a calm – at ½ past one a very heavy shower of rain came on which continued with abated and then with increased violence amidst vivid flashes of lightening, all day. At a considerable distance astern we saw a water spout, which seemed like a pillar of water dark & gloomy extending between the clouds & the sea. The calm also lasted the whole day with only a few minutes of intermission. A considerable [sensation was excited among our sailors, by the report of Dyer Williams, that Barker had had unnatural connection with Martin.]
Saturday 15th – morn.g cloudy and rainy – during the day much rain but a calm. In the afternoon a fine breeze sprung up, which we expected to be the Trade winds. Sailed ___ miles.
Sunday 16th Nov.r – day fine – same wind – Sailed ___ miles.
Monday 17th – fine day – breeze continuous: Sailed ___ miles.
Tuesday 18th – morning cloudy – strong breeze – sailed ___ miles.
Wednesday 19th – day fine – very strong breeze – much rolling – sailed ___ miles.
Thursday 20th – fine day – strong breeze. Distance run ___ miles.
Friday 21st – fine day – breeze still very fresh – excessive rolling motion – Distance ___ miles.
Saturday 22nd – day fine – passed the Tropic this morning at ½ past 7. – fine breeze. Distance run ___ miles. Evening squally.
Sunday 23rd – day fine – breeze good – Distance run ___ miles.
Monday 24th – this morning nearly a calm, which we had reason to expect as we are now in what are called the variables being in 28 degrees of North Latitude – fine day. Dist.ce ___ miles.
Tuesday 25th – light winds alternating with calms. Distance ___ miles.
Wednesday 26th – fine day – light winds – At 5 P.M. spoke with a bark, the William Tell from Liverpool, and bound for Charleston, out 32 days. Saw also a large whale of a white colour. Distance ____ miles.
Thursday 27th – delightful day wind favourable and steady, but much roll.g motion. Dis.ce ___ miles.
Friday 28th – dismal day, cold, stormy & wet. In the afternoon the wind suddenly lulled, but afterwards freshened. Dist.e___ miles.
Saturday 29th – this is the coldest day we have yet experienced – strong North East wind which is foul to us. Distance ___ miles.
Sunday 30th Nov.r – strong wind. At 8 oClock A.M. when I came upon deck saw Fayal, and Pico, two of the Azores, or Western Islands, under the rule of Portugal. As we approached nearer we had a view of the Peake of Pico, which if not remarkable for height, is at least very pretty from the circumstance, that the island gradually slopes from the seaside to the summit. These are no other high lands near to contrast with it or to impair the effect. It is of this form [see illustration].
Monday 1st December – fine day – saw at a distance the Peak of Pico resting among the clouds . At 4 P.M. we were off S.tGeorge, and near Terceira, two others of the Western Islands. They are no ways peculiar, as far as we could judge from on board. All the islands are said to be very fertile – there principal produce is fruit – and every person has heard of S.t Michael’s oranges. The West India ships generally touch at these for provisions, foul wind – Dis.ce ___ miles.
Tuesday 2d – fine day- light winds but favourable – got clear of the islands. Dis.ce ___ miles.
Wednesday 3d – fine day – wind quite favourable and steady. Dis.ce ___ miles.
Thursday 4th – day cloudy – same favourable breeze – Dis.ce ___ miles.
Friday 5th – favourable wind – cloudy weather – Dis.ce ___ miles.
Saturday 6th Dec.r – in the morning strong wind, which in a short time increased to a heavy gale – All our sails were reefed except one small sail necessary to keep her head to the wind. The appearance of the sea was dreadful – turned up by the wind, it seemed like a boiling chaldron, foaming and rearing itself to the size of mountains, whilst the noise of the wind whistling among the ropes & shrouds aggravated the horrors of the storm. We shipped several heavy seas – but the only damage done was the breaking the gunnel of the 2d gig & having one of the jibs torn.
Sunday 7th – at 12 last night the gale abated – this morning strong wind with occasional heavy squalls – day variable. Dist.ce ____ miles.
Monday 8th – same as yesterday – spoke the Ann & Mary, schooner – of Bristol. Dist.ce ___ Miles.
Tuesday 9th – fine breeze – Scilly islands and Lands end in sight this morning – reached Falmouth as ½ past 3 in the afternoon when just as we were preparing everything for mooring John Caplin fell from the main top gallant yard into the water, and in his descent broke his right arm.
Wednesday 10th – today a small schooner was towed into Harbour which had suffered severely during the gale on Saturday last. Her masts were broken – her bulwarks driven in – & in fact she was nearly a wreck – but of 7 men 5 had been washed overboard, & only the Capt.n and a boy remained. The boy also had been washed overboard but luckily got hold of a rope. The Capt.n himself was at the helm when a tremendous sea came & washed him from his place – and he was only saved by his head being jammed in between the tiller and the skylight.
End of Voyage to Brasil
On our passage home had only one passenger, whose full address was Dionizio de Azevedo Pecanha, Consul do Impeico [?] do Brazil in Liverpool. Had we been detained for a few days we should probably have brought with us, our old passenger the Bishop and his secretary M.r Rangel. M.r Pacanha is a very pleasant gentleman, without stiffness, or hauteur – on the contrary he was remarkably unreserved – frank in his manners. He is a native of Portugal and still remembers his native country with deep sentiment of regret & affection. He left Portugal along with King John and devoted himself to the service of him & his son. He appears to be high in the confidence of the present Emperor of whom he speaks in terms of gratitude & love – and acknowledgement that he has received many favours at his hand.
Read on … Account of Expenses